Have you seen your future self?

What kind of method is this?

Prediction? Divination? Deduction?

“I don’t understand!” I don’t understand what kind of means it is, nor do I understand why the other party said that.

“A person’s life is like a line. It is not difficult to watch the whole life as a movie through some means.”

Fuck, that’s not easy at all!

Rock tapped the armrest lightly:”Destiny, cause and effect, time, etc., the ability to peek into the future is not uncommon. Naturally, there are masters in the black market who are proficient in this.”

Natasha felt nothing in her heart, and even wanted to laugh.

It’s not that she doubted Rock’s statement, but… she found S.H.I.E.L.D. and the black-blooded director funny.

People can predict fate and spy on time. In this situation, what’s the point of any action taken by S.H.I.E.L.D., trying every means to spy on Hell’s Kitchen and study ways to deal with Hell’s Kitchen?

Now Natasha understood. No wonder she felt that it was not difficult to get into Hell’s Kitchen. People didn’t care at all. Under absolute force, all the fancy things were just clowns. Maybe the black market executives would just treat it as fun.

Looking at Natasha’s constantly changing expression, it goes without saying that Natasha’s mood must be very complicated at this moment.

Rock didn’t give the other party more time to think or stabilize his emotions, and spoke again.

“You are not a complete person, nor a perfect person. As a bloody agent, you are not even a good person. But it is precisely because of this that the shining points in you are very dazzling.”

“Facing death, some people go crazy, some people become decadent and drink themselves into a big belly, only you keep hope, encourage everyone, and face death resolutely.”

“Thank you for your compliment. It seems that I will be good in the future.”

“Not bad? Maybe.”

Noticing something strange in Rock’s eyes, Natasha wondered,”Is there something wrong?”

Otherwise, why would this person have such a strange expression.

Rock did not answer the question directly, but suddenly said,”Do you want to know why something happened to you?”

Natasha’s expression kept changing. In the future, if there is a chance to understand their own future, most people would want to know about it, not to mention Natasha’s own future. It seems that many things will happen, which will not attract the attention of this person.

In this case, Natasha naturally wants to know more about the future.

However, peeking into the future, this kind of thing… people are always afraid of the unknown.

Natasha is Natasha after all, the best Black Widow in the Red Room and the best agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

“”I want to, I want to!”

Rock’s mouth curled up with a playful arc, and the void pulled, and a materialized golden light emerged. Countless images began to emerge from it, and finally, they were confined into pictures.

Natasha went deep into it, staring at the picture in front of her without blinking.

Rock did not show Natasha all the future, but only captured some pictures in his memory after Avengers 3.

Infinity gems, cosmic overlords, one epic battle after another, and finally the Avengers were defeated, and the cosmic overlord snapped his fingers, instantly annihilating half of the creatures in the universe.

The terrifying expressiveness made Natasha lose her mind for a long time, and it was so powerful that it made people desperate.

Then, it was the final battle. Five years later, time went back, returned to the past, and found the infinite gems in the past time period, snapped his fingers again, resurrected everyone, and killed Thanos…

After a long time, Natasha’s excited mood gradually calmed down.

“It looks good. Although Tony Stark and I, the playboy, died, the others are still alive. We won. It’s a very good result.”

“Won? Maybe.”

Rock didn’t say that there is a Thanos in every universe, nor did he say that Thanos is favored by death, theoretically he will not die, and there is a high probability that he will be resurrected in the future.

Natasha frowned. After watching the future scene, she felt that everyone in it had done their best. They even killed an extremely powerful universe overlord. Why did this one… always give her a feeling of watching a joke.

It’s like what they did is ridiculous.

“Do you know economics? Rock suddenly spoke.

Natasha was slightly startled, and then nodded. You may not be very proficient in capitalist countries, but you must have some understanding of economics.

“The fundamental problem of economics is the allocation of resources.”

Natasha fell into deep thought. She seemed to understand what the other party wanted to say.

“Five years have passed. The resources have been redistributed. At this time, you have unconditionally resurrected everyone. Have you ever thought about what the result will be?”

Natasha’s eyes widened instantly.

There are six billion people in the world. Generally, only three billion people are left after death. Three billion people have used five years to redistribute resources. At this time, three billion people suddenly appeared!

On the personal level, the dead enemies are resurrected, hatred is reactivated, new families are formed, ex-wives and ex-husbands are resurrected, new ethical issues are formed, and so on.

On the power level, the original boss died, the new boss took over, and now he is resurrected again. Will he be willing to let his position be taken away?

On the national level, the country suddenly has twice the population, resources, wealth, stability, etc.

Natasha’s face became more and more ugly. Contradictions, all kinds of contradictions, contradictions in all aspects! Moreover, these are contradictions that cannot be easily resolved!

Under the contradictions at all levels, confrontation, fighting, and confrontation are inevitable.��、Rebellion…even developing into war, is not impossible.

Natasha suddenly covered her head helplessly:”What have we done!”

In the end, the six billion people who have recovered will most likely not die less than three billion, but who will be held responsible for the people who died in the various conflicts and riots? They didn’t have to die, but they died because of a group of people who were originally dead and suddenly resurrected.

Guilt, an extremely strong sense of guilt.

At this time, Rock spoke again.

“Everyone will only feel happy about the resurrection of their loved ones, but you have to know that among the people a person faces in his life, relatives only occupy a small part.”

This sentence further deepened Natasha’s sense of guilt. She was almost drowned by this strong and suffocating sense of guilt.

“Do you know the normal way to do it?”

Natasha raised her head instantly and stared at Rock, like a dying person who saw the last straw to save his life.

“Three ways to do it”

“The first is to not care about the death of others, just be responsible for the people around you.

The new world cannot accommodate three billion people, but thirty, three hundred, or even three thousand people will not be a big problem.

“After just thinking about this approach, Natasha shook her head.

She couldn’t do it.

Let three billion people die.

She obviously has the ability to resurrect only the people around her.

This approach is not wrong, but it is too selfish and does not match the three views of superheroes.

(To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!


Rock didn’t care and continued

“The second option is that five years is too long. Just revive them before the redistribution of resources is completed, and do it as quickly as possible.”

Natasha’s eyes lit up. This method is not bad.

Rock looked at Natasha with a playful look:”But, do you have that level of leadership?”

Natasha was silent for a moment. She had watched the future scenes and was very clear about her existence. For the so-called Avengers, she was just a vase-like role and did not have much say.

Leading the entire Avengers and letting those powerful guys with different personalities, such as Tony Stark, the arrogant playboy, act according to his own command.

The possibility of success is very low. Even if Natasha knows that she is right, it will be difficult because she does not have that level of leadership and voice.

Natasha gritted her teeth:”I will try my best!”

“”Effort?” Rock smiled.

If hard work could really change everything, there would be no word”unfairness” in the world.

Natasha was silent for only a few seconds, then said,”You have one last method that you didn’t tell me.”

“The last method is relatively simple. It only requires you to kill one person.”

“Who? Is it the master of the universe? I don’t have that kind of power.”

“No, it’s not him, it’s someone else, someone you are very familiar with.”

Natasha suddenly felt uneasy.���I had a premonition, and watched the other party utter a name that was totally inappropriate.

“Nick Fury!”

“Why him?” Natasha asked in confusion, suppressing the turmoil in her heart.

Rock waved his hand again, and the images of gems appeared in the air.

“Infinity Gems, one of the most precious treasures in the universe, were created at the beginning of the universe. Each of them possesses infinite power. In the picture, the cosmic overlord uses the Infinity Gems to kill half of the creatures in the universe with a snap of his fingers. You should be familiar with them.”

Natasha nodded. She must be familiar with them. I think anyone who has watched Avengers 3 and 4 will be impressed by the Infinity Gems.

“There is an old saying in the East that treasures belong to those with virtue. Let’s not discuss what virtue means. For treasures of this level, the entire universe, countless powerful creatures, races, powerful alien empires across galaxies, gods, and even celestial beings as big as planets, are all interested in the Infinity Stones.”

“You should be aware of my classification of Hell’s Kitchen: level one ordinary creatures, level two apprentices, level three professionals, level four legends, and among them, there are level five, level six, and even level seven creatures. They all have ideas about the Infinity Stones, and they are greedy and eager to get the Infinity Stones.”

“At this time, a level one creature reached out to the Infinity Stones, and his purpose was to control the power of the Infinity Stones, so that he would have the power to fight against level three and level four.”

Natasha was speechless for a long time after hearing this.

“Because of ignorance and lack of reverence, your SHIELD director will sooner or later push everything to a predetermined fate. He is the source of all evil, a fool without reverence.”

The whole room fell into a brief silence, and the atmosphere was somewhat depressing.

One second, two seconds… Time began to slowly pass.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Natasha raised her head and looked directly at Rock with a firm gaze.

“I want to know why you are telling me this?”

Rock said calmly:”In this world, the one who truly maintains the balance is never the so-called SHIELD. Kamar-Taj maintains the balance of the dimension, and Hell’s Kitchen maintains the balance of the world. SHIELD has not played a positive role.”

“On the contrary, as an organization spanning various countries, SHIELD does not have the ability to maintain balance, but instead has the opportunity to touch taboos.”

“There are many taboos on Earth. There are some that even I and other high-ranking officials in Hell’s Kitchen are unwilling to touch casually. However, the Director of SHIELD can sense them, and then, out of vigilance, for justice and other ridiculous reasons, he touches those taboos wantonly.”

“Killing an egghead is not difficult for me. It is not much more difficult than crushing an ant. However, no one is sure whether the new director of SHIELD is the same fool without fear. I can’t keep killing or kill all the SHIELD.”

“So, I need SHIELD to change a director who is not so stupid. Most importantly, the new director needs to have awe.”

The next moment, Rock’s eyes fell on Natasha.

The meaning behind it was already very clear.

At this moment, Natasha’s mood was complicated, she was proud of being recognized, and she was entangled in killing Nick Fury.

If Rock had made his purpose clear at the beginning, Natasha would definitely refuse on the spot, but after seeing the future, Natasha’s thoughts were naturally different.

As for whether Rock would lie to her, was it necessary?

In the three days in Hell’s Kitchen, although she could not clearly know the full strength of Hell’s Kitchen, just the tip of the iceberg she could see was enough to shock her.

A mere SHIELD, the other party only needed one sentence to directly press her to death like pressing an ant. In this case, would the other party have to spend so much money to deliberately lie to her, an ordinary person? What’s the point?

“Nick Fury, is it possible not to die?” After pondering for a long time, Natasha said

“You know his personality better than I do.”

Natasha sighed in her heart. How could they, the elite agents, not know the personality of that late-stage paranoid idiot?

After a moment, Natasha took a deep breath.

“I will kill him!”

“As for whether I can become the director of SHIELD, I’m not sure, but I will try my best!”

“You can choose a few helpers.”

Natasha’s mind instantly popped up a few names.

“I see”

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