“This… One Piece?! ”

The four pirates suddenly showed greed.

They were very excited about this proposal!

Obviously, even Banye can sweep the Four Emperors single-handedly, and the stronger Broly boss definitely has the confidence to fulfill this promise!

“Okay, let’s do it!”

The four people took the execution knife handed by Bai Jue and walked onto the execution table.

They were all excited, so much so that Bucky, who was slightly stronger, was snatched up in front by the other three.

“Hahaha, kill Draco, I am One Piece!”

A pirate wearing a felt hat rushed with a knife first, and he was about to swing his knife and cut down the head of Draco Antony!

“Stupid mortal, how dare you!” Draco Antony Sheng, who was kneeling on the ground in shackles, was shocked, and in an instant, his crotch was wet.

But at this moment, next to Antony Sheng, the general Yellow Ape Borusalino, who was also kneeling and wearing the shackles of the Sea Tower, snorted coldly: “Do you think that if you kill Draco, you really have the life to be One Piece?” Ridiculous, naïve! ”

The pirate wearing a felt hat, the knife in his hand, suddenly stopped in mid-air.

For a moment, the pirate felt afraid and sweated.

“Yes, how can the Draco have this easy to kill? It is said that behind Draco, there is a real god! The attitude of the navy has always been fearless, and it did not really put these people in Raleigh! ”

The pirate’s mind turned sharply, and he became a little hesitant to kill Draco.

Right at this moment.

Under the execution table, naval masters in disguise appeared one after another, showing their strong strength and rushing towards the execution table!

General Sakaski takes the lead!

“Little pirate! Dare to attack the world noble Draco, I will let you not live today!” ”

He has long seen that these so-called 4 strong are all weak scum.

“Draco is sacred and inviolable, you can quickly retreat, and you can spare the life of a dog!”

This is the commander of the whole army, and his speech is full of aura, and he looks like he is high.

“Pirates, dare to be disrespectful to Draco! Can’t live today! ”

This is the commander of CP0, a tall mysterious man wearing a mask, he stepped into the air, imposing and murderous, because CP0 is an organization directly under the jurisdiction of the Draco, the most loyal dog of the Draco.

More world government powerhouses have appeared, imposing and directly killing the audience in the square.

“These people are involved, want to see the excitement, support the execution, damn it!”

“Kill them all! No mercy! The world needs a big purge! Anyone who violates Draco will die! Anyone who voted for the execution must be put to death! ”

These lackeys of the world government are extremely powerful and murderous.

On the execution table.


The execution knife in the felt hat pirate’s hand slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

He fought in both strands, the greed in his heart was overwhelmed by fear, and he kept retreating, wanting to escape from here.

The other two pirates did the same, not daring to act rashly.

Captain Bucky was also scared, and he was also ready to flee from here… But!

“Captain Bucky, this is a great opportunity to become One Piece! One Piece, only our Captain Bucky! Draco, admiral or something, our Captain Bucky never put it in his eyes! Even the redhead is the little brother of our Captain Bucky, and nothing can stop our Captain Bucky from becoming One Piece!! ”

Captain Bucky was shocked when he heard the loud shouts of his crew under the execution table!


Is it such a pit captain?!

“What? Bucky? That red nose? He dared to hold it up to Draco

“Not good! How dare that red nose! Quick, go stop him! ”

Bucky: ???

He was confused, and I specially raised the knife to Draco

As a result, when he saw it, he did raise the knife and just forgot to put it down!


As soon as he saw that hundreds of masters of the World Government rushed towards him!!

“Captain Bucky! We support you!! ”

Bucky’s junior brother was still shouting.

In the live broadcast room, people all over the world are supporting Bucky the Clown in the barrage!!

Bucky saw the rain of barrages in the live broadcast room, and suddenly, a proud spirit rose from his heart!

“Yes, I’m the great Captain Bucky! One Piece, it’s me! The treasure of the world! It’s all mine! Quack…”

Bucky YY up.

And casually showed a big laugh.

It’s a posture of giving up who else!

“Oh my God! Captain Bucky, he laughed, he was defying the threat of the masters of the world government! ”

“Oh my God, it’s so imposing, everyone else is fleeing under threat, but he is not afraid, and he laughs loudly, what a generous and heroic man!”

“I thought he was just a nobody, but now it seems that I was wrong, it was me who sat in the well and watched the sky, I apologize to the captain, Captain Bucky, you are a real hero!”


In the live broadcast room, the barrage boiled, setting off a wave of Captain Bucky’s fever!

The scene of Captain Bucky raising his knife and laughing attracted countless fans!

“Chop down!!”

“Hack Draco!!”


In the square, shouts began to sound……….

Everyone, they all hope that Captain Bucky will cut down that knife!

At this moment, Captain Bucky forgot himself.

His arrogance was ignited!


Bucky shouted.

Cause heaven-shaking cheers!

“Huh, Red Nose, you’re just pretending, right? In fact, you are scared to pee your pants! ”

Suddenly, the general Yellow Ape Borusalino at his feet broke the clown Bucky’s external strong middle.

But the yellow ape, who thought that his words would shatter Bucky the clown’s disguise, was surprised to find out…

Bucky the Clown is furious!!


Bucky the Clown is furious! He hated people laughing at his nose the most!

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!!

“Dare to underestimate me Bucky! I’ll kill you!! ”

Bucky roared angrily, and slashed the knife in his hand towards the neck of Draco Antony Saint!

Borusalino’s eyes widened: “…??? “Am I… Self-defeating???

Right at this moment!

A crimson slashing light, with a thunderous momentum, stretched hundreds of meters, straight towards the clown Bucky!

“Bucky the Clown, die!!”

It was the commander of the three armed forces who cut out this knife!


Bucky the Clown… It was cut in half on the spot! 2.1!

“Ouch! I was slashed, I was slashed…”

Draco Anthony fell to the ground, blood dripping from his arm, and he cried out in fear.

“Huh?? Although Bucky the Clown was cut in half, in the end, he still hit Anthony Saint… of shoulders?? ”

Masters of the world government… They were all stunned.


Draco Anthony Saint… It hurt!!

Steel Bone Empty showed a hateful gaze: “Abominable! It’s all the damned revolutionary army and red-haired, white-bearded people who stand in our way! However, Anthony Saint is not dead yet, and the situation is not too bad…”

While the world is beating its chest and feeling sorry for Captain Bucky…

“Hey, hey, I’m sorry, I’m still alive!!”

Bucky’s body cut in half miraculously fused together!!

Live room…


“Captain Bucky… Awesome!! ”

。 _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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