Hearing the electronic sound in his brain, Ye Feng completely relaxed his heart, the light of the Cosmic Cube in his hand slowly converged, and the energy fluctuations disappeared without a trace.

In the large area where the apocalypse was located, the spatial cracks disappeared, and the entire space was quickly restored under the self-repair of the big world.

The body of the apocalypse, in the face of the immense power of space shattering, had been cut into pieces of flesh and blood of different sizes.

Among these flesh and blood, some of the energy before the Apocalypse and the azure blue energy of the earth’s center he devoured were also retained, with a trace of fluctuations.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Feng directly put away the remaining fragments of the Apocalypse.

Such a powerful mutant, but excellent research material, I believe that Trisk will be ecstatic when he gets it.

After putting away the remnants of the apocalypse, Ye Feng’s eyes swept and saw that the once prosperous Cairo had become this apocalyptic scene in front of him, and he felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Without the dominance of the apocalypse, the earth’s core stopped rioting, and various terrible disasters did not erupt.

However, the battlefield that has been shattered and the ground is deeply sunken, it may be impossible to restore the former appearance.

After looking around, Ye Feng paused and thought of Magneto, who had been imprisoned by him before.

It’s just that now in this area, there is no shadow of Magneto at all, and I don’t know whether it was broken by the previous battle, or it slipped away.

In this regard, Ye Feng did not have too much entanglement, Magneto in his opinion, is just a small man, can not turn over any wind and waves, there is no need to deliberately look for it.

The space fluctuated slightly, and Ye Feng’s figure had disappeared into the air.

Above the space carrier, everyone looked down at the ground from above.

Although the battle had ended, the shock and surprise of the crowd did not subside so quickly.

“Battle… Is the battle over? ”

“It’s really… Too strong! ”

“Unbelievable! Such a powerful apocalypse was actually killed by Director Ye Feng! “

“yes, I can’t believe it!”


Several mutants muttered, their tones full of amazement.

“What’s this, do you think Ye Feng is not an opponent of the apocalypse?”

Hearing the discussion of several people, Natasha and Paige as Ye Feng’s women were suddenly unhappy, how could Ye Feng solve the apocalypse unbelievable?

Seeing Paige and Natasha’s eyebrows raised, several X-Men suddenly looked embarrassed.

“No, we didn’t mean that…”

Without waiting for a few people to explain clearly, the space between everyone rippled slightly, and Ye Feng’s figure had already appeared out of thin air.

At this time, Ye Feng looked indifferent, after experiencing the great battle of the apocalypse, he did not have any malaise, and even, even the clothes on his body did not see any damage.


“Director Ye Feng!”

Seeing Ye Feng appear, everyone greeted one after another, except for Ye Feng’s woman who was full of joy and excitement, the rest of the eyes of everyone looking at Ye Feng were full of awe.

For everyone’s greeting, Ye Feng also smiled and nodded, and his gaze fell on Charles, who was still a little weak.

“Professor Charles, are you okay?”

For Ye Feng’s greetings, Charles was very moved, this time he was able to escape the fate of being occupied by the Apocalypse Devouring Ability, and he all relied on Ye Feng.

“Director Ye Feng, I’m fine, thank you this time!”

Charles said with a grateful face, he didn’t dare to have any disrespect in front of Ye Feng.

Charles’s words not only represent his meaning, but also represent all the mutants of the X Academy, Charles’s words fell, and everyone in the X-Men thanked Ye Feng.

If Ye Feng hadn’t stopped it, not only would Charles die, but the entire world would be ruled by the apocalypse.

“Don’t be so polite, Professor, even if it wasn’t to save you, if the apocalypse wanted to establish a new order, I would make a move, but after this incident, the situation of mutants in human society will probably be more embarrassing than before.”

Ye Feng shook his head slightly and said.

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, Charles’s smile converged, and he sighed slightly, why didn’t he understand what Ye Feng meant?

Ye Feng said that the status of mutants is embarrassing, that is all polite, a mutant thousands of years ago almost destroyed the world, and the attitude of countries around the world towards mutants is naturally self-evident.

Even if you don’t eliminate the hidden worries of all mutants, you will target mutants more strongly, and the status of mutants is more than embarrassing?

With Charles’s wisdom, where can he not think of this, but with his ability, he wants to change this situation, but he is powerless.

“Yes, genetic mutations and the acquisition of various abilities were originally a gift from heaven, but now, this gift has brought disaster to mutants…”

Charles let out a long sigh, full of worry and helplessness.

The rest of the mutants present were also worried.

Their abilities are so strong that survival is not a problem, but what about their fellow citizens?

The truth that Pifu is not guilty and carries his guilt is an unchanging truth.

National governments exist to maintain the order they have established, and the appearance of mutants threatens order.

“Professor, I do have a way to change the plight of mutants.”

Seeing everyone’s faces, Ye Feng smiled slightly and slowly spoke.

“Director Ye Feng, do you have a way?”

Ye Feng’s words made Charles stunned, and then asked in surprise, and the eyes of the rest of the people all fell on Ye Feng’s body.

If someone else said this, maybe no one would have birded him at all, but the person who said this has just saved the world.

“Quite simply, the original intention of X Academy is to achieve peace and balance between ordinary people and mutants, if X Academy is officially recognized, on the one hand, it can justifiably accommodate a large number of mutants with special abilities, guide them to do the right thing, benefit society, and change the image of mutants in the eyes of the world; On the one hand, it can also be regarded as the spiritual leader of mutants, becoming a bridge and link between mutants and ordinary people. ”

Seeing that everyone had been guided by himself, Ye Feng slowly spoke and said his thoughts.


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