If others had said such blunt words, I am afraid that these representatives would have turned their faces long ago.

It’s just that the person who speaks now is Ye Feng.

Who dares to be dissatisfied?

“What His Excellency Ye Feng said is very reasonable, we are indeed a little extreme in our treatment of mutants, but the abilities of mutants are diverse, if they can’t be controlled, I’m afraid…”

Although everyone did not dare to offend Ye Feng, if the mutant problem was left unchecked, there would be a second and a third apocalypse, which was also everyone’s hidden worry.

“The mutant problem, S.H.I.E.L.D. will take over, if it is really a powerful mutant trying to destabilize the world, you will not be able to solve it, I only hope that countries will not target mutants, and do not experiment with mutants.”

Ye Feng directly spoke, and a word blocked everyone’s mouths.

After the matter of the mutant came to an end, Ye Feng did not stay for a long time, said hello to everyone, and then left, returning directly to S.H.I.E.L.D.

A large number of rights and resources were soon handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D. as promised by the representatives of various countries, and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s branches in various countries were also in full swing.

As for the establishment of hundreds of branches, a huge number of people and agents needed to be recruited, and these things Ye Feng did not interfere in, and all of them were handed over to his subordinates.

The establishment of the S.H.I.E.L.D. branch could not be completed overnight, and it was not until half a year later that all the bases were considered to be issued on a large scale.

“Director, all base construction has come to an end, we have recruited a large number of elites from various countries, and there are many mutants with qualified abilities to join, and after a period of training, they are already able to perform various routine tasks.”

In Ye Feng’s office, Paige reported various intelligence.

“On the academy side, there are more than thirty powerful mutants who chose to enter S.H.I.E.L.D. after graduation and become agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and now they have been assessed…”

“The outer area of the Flame World, according to your request Director, we have cleared a large area, and all the construction materials have been delivered through the portal, ready to start construction immediately…”

“In terms of scientific research division, a lot of achievements have also been made, after Trisk got a lot of experimental materials, the research on X genes has also made in-depth progress, which should soon bear fruit, Zola’s recent development of mechanical biological combinations, seems to have also made a breakthrough, Howard was still saying before, he found a new element, enough to change the whole world, but the current scientific and technological means are not enough to support the manufacture of this new element…”

Listening to Paige’s report, Ye Feng smiled, now S.H.I.E.L.D., all aspects are on track, he only needs to make decisions on big decisions, and other things can be left to his subordinates.

“Well, well done, you guys worked hard during this time.”

Hearing Paige’s return, Ye Feng praised.

“By the way, Paige, your physical fitness, after such a long period of improvement, should be enough to support the completion of the fusion of the super soldier serum.”

After observing, Ye Feng came to a conclusion.

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, Paige was immediately pleasantly surprised.

Fusion of super soldier serum can not only transform the body and strengthen it to a degree far beyond human limits, but also can be youthful and long-lived.

“You call Natasha, do a physical fitness test together, and if you can, you can start the fusion of super soldier serum.”

In response, Paige quickly found Natasha, and the two took a physical fitness test together, and the results of the test surprised everyone.

“Director, their physical fitness has reached the human limit, and there is absolutely no problem in wanting to fuse the super soldier serum, during this time, the serum has been optimized several times, not only the ability has been improved, but also the pain caused by the fusion has been reduced a lot.”

Zola spoke with a look of excitement.

For the fusion super soldier serum, the two women were already prepared, without too much delay, and soon started.

“The process of super soldier serum fusion will cause qualitative changes in all cells, and there will be a certain amount of pain, you need to endure…”

The two women’s bodies lay flat on two identical instruments, with many instruments and needles linked to their bodies, and after Howard and Zola’s explanation, they both understood.

As a blue serum was slowly injected from the needle, both women showed a painful look on their faces, but they clenched their teeth tightly and did not say a word.

“The first stage is perfect, the physical fitness of the two of them has reached the best, there is no rejection, and the second stage can be started.”

Seeing the various data on the screen, Zola said something to Howard.

The so-called first stage is the process after the serum is injected into the body, and the energy in the serum travels through the blood vessels throughout the body and is continuously absorbed by the body.

The second stage requires a huge amount of energy stimulation, so that the drastically changed cells continue to absorb serum energy, so as to achieve the purpose of transformation.

With the button in Howard’s hand pressed, the optimized energy separated from the Cosmic Cube hit directly on the two women, and the intensity of the energy also began to increase, while stimulating the transformation of the two women’s bodies by the serum, while allowing the two women’s bodies to absorb part of the energy.

This process is obviously more painful than the first stage, across the screen, Ye Feng can see the sweat on the faces of the two women, but both of them have been patient, from beginning to end without saying a word.

Ye Feng’s perception was much sharper than that of others, and in this process, the aura on the two women’s bodies began to surge.

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