A few days later, the effects of the Wakanda insurgency had been completely neutralized. Job completely stood on his feet.

The high-ranking Wakanda officials, after this rebellion, were subjected to a wave of purges, and all the high-ranking people close to the Tchaka faction were imprisoned, and although their lives were saved, the power in their hands was gone.

If you behave better, you may be able to get out of prison and breathe free air in your lifetime, but if you have a bad attitude, I am afraid that you will only be able to spend your whole life in prison.

Kindness. After Job’s succession, all the top management were replaced by his own henchmen.

Taking advantage of this rebellion, the leaders of the four major tribes were all changed, because of the treasonous actions of the four major tribes. Job just took back most of the rights of the four tribes and firmly held them in his own hands.

At this point, Wakanda has completely become a hall controlled by the new king.

However, the unrest at the top and the purge did not have much impact on the people of Wakanda, and after the initial unease passed, calm returned.


Among the king’s palaces, well. Job saluted Ye Feng respectfully and briefly recounted the situation in Wakanda.

“Well done, it seems that with your ability, you are more suitable to rule Wakanda than Tchaka.”

After listening to Eun. Job’s story, Ye Feng nodded, all this is developing according to his preconceived idea, and now it is on the right track.

“Master, I will take you to see the scientific and technological achievements of Wakanda.”

Kindness. Jobb was overjoyed when he heard Ye Feng’s praise, and said the topic that Ye Feng was most concerned about.

Follow Eun. Job, Ye Feng came to the science and technology center of Wakanda.

Here, when Tchaka was in power, it was handed over to the members of the Tchaka family. After Job’s succession, he was firmly in his hands, and the members in charge of the science and technology center were all Eun. Job’s most trusted confidant.

“Your Majesty!”

See Eun. Job, several executives immediately saluted respectfully.

“Well, this is S.H.I.E.L.D. director Ye Feng, he is the most honored guest of Wakanda, you guys introduce Wakanda’s technology for him.”

“Yes! The most outstanding achievement of Wakanda technology is the research and application of vibranium, after centuries of development, we have absorbed the world’s top scientific and technological means, with vibranium, in the field of mechanical dynamics and energy use, are far beyond the world level. ”

Although he doubted that the king was too respectful in the face of Ye Feng, he was not able to take it as a grace. Job’s henchmen naturally knew how to observe words and colors, and began to introduce them one by one.

The next visit opened Ye Feng’s eyes.

Maglev transportation technology, wireless range communication technology, remote wireless control technology, sound absorption technology, image simulation technology, kinetic energy conversion technology…

After some visits, Ye Feng saw dozens of special technologies one after another.

Not to mention Wakanda’s advanced technology in weapons, just the technology in production and life, it has far reached the point that is difficult to reach in today’s developed countries, which makes Ye Feng marvel.

And Wakanda’s use of vibranium goes far beyond that.

In terms of biomedicine, Wakanda’s scientific and technological level has also come to the forefront of world science and technology.

Minimally invasive repair, overcoming biological genetic defects, neural connectivity, gene enhancement…

After seeing these cutting-edge technologies, Ye Feng only felt extremely wise about his decision to subdue Wakanda!

Vibranium energy extraction, aerospace, stealth technology, energy conversion…

These are the military weapons technologies that have taken shape, and some of them are under research and development, and some have made some progress, which made Ye Feng sigh.

The only thing that made Ye Feng feel a little regretful was that even though the Wakanda people actually put a large amount of heart-shaped grass, they did not study it.

The power of this panther all comes from the heart-shaped grass, which is regarded as a sacred relic by the people of Wakanda, and only the kings of the past can take it, and no one dares to desecrate it.

In this regard, Ye Feng can only secretly scold pedantic, Jean En. Job collected a lot of heart-shaped grass plants and prepared to send them to S.H.I.E.L.D. for Howard and others to study slowly.

After leaving the science and technology center, Eh. Feeling Ye Feng’s satisfaction, Jobb smiled respectfully.

“Master, vibranium and these techniques …”

“Sharing with S.H.I.E.L.D., Wakanda’s technology, combined with S.H.I.E.L.D.’s huge achievements and scientific research strength, can definitely make breakthroughs quickly.”

Ye Feng decided directly without thinking.

“Well. Job, I am very satisfied with your performance this time, starting today, you enter the core of S.H.I.E.L.D. ”

Ye Feng was in a good mood and praised.

“In addition, your son Eric, let him stay in Wakanda, stay in S.H.I.E.L.D. to receive the best training, you arrange it yourself, and also, promised your reward, super soldier serum, and when Wakanda’s side is completely stabilized, you can contact Howard at any time for serum fusion.”

Ye Feng naturally did not forget Xu Nuoen. Job’s thing, smiled lightly and spoke.

“Thank you host! Thank you host! ”

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, en. Job was overjoyed, he had seen a lot of things in S.H.I.E.L.D., and the super soldier serum was naturally an extremely important fetish for him who was hungry for power!

“Well, the matter of Wakanda, leave it to you, I am very relieved, and S.H.I.E.L.D., all kinds of handovers and promotions, a few of you can just watch and do it, as for the Jabari tribe living on the snowy mountains…”

Before Ye Feng left, he mentioned another tribe in Wakanda.

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