“Chief, what’s wrong? Any questions? ”

Seeing the different colors on Ye Feng’s face, the two women who were familiar with Ye Feng were stunned.

“It’s nothing, it seems that a distant friend has descended on Earth, I’ll take a look.”

Ye Feng smiled faintly, said something to the two women, and then disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

Somewhere in Texas, in a huge square, tens of thousands of people gathered at this moment, all of them cheering, and the atmosphere of the whole venue was extremely warm.

In the lively show, no one noticed that a certain space in the stands fluctuated slightly, and Ye Feng’s figure appeared silently.

“Boom Johnny!”

“Boom Johnny!”


The audience was enthusiastic and looked at a red figure in the field.

Ye Feng was slightly stunned, and his attention was temporarily attracted to him, looking at the red figure in the field that made tens of thousands of spectators boil.

This was a man wearing a flame motorcycle suit, and when Ye Feng saw him, he was already dressed neatly with the help of his assistant and stepped onto the majestic motorcycle, Ye Feng could see that on the track in front of the motorcyclist, there were six huge helicopters side by side.

If Ye Feng guessed correctly, the red figure in front of him was to use his own locomotive to pass all the helicopters.

It’s just that in Ye Feng’s opinion, the distance between these six helicopters side by side has exceeded ninety meters, and it is really unrealistic for ordinary people to want to accelerate at a very short distance, rush over the slope, and span the distance of six helicopters.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is a flying car stunt that has never been seen before, spanning six Black Hawk helicopters! Let’s cheer for Johnny Boom! ”

The host’s voice resounded throughout the audience through the sound of the scene, making the emotions of all the audience even higher, and the mountain roared Johnny.

“Boom… Rumble… Rumble! ”

The roar sounded, and the mood of the audience was even higher, and the voice was higher wave after wave.

As the locomotive let out an angry roar, Johnny with Explosive Fire rushed out instantly, the speed became faster and faster, and the flames around the site instantly rose, so that Explosive Johnny’s body was covered by flames, and only the sound of the roar of the locomotive could be heard getting stronger and stronger.


Suddenly, accompanied by the exclamations of tens of thousands of spectators, the fiery red figure rushed out of the slope of the fire together with the locomotive, the front of the car was raised, and almost instantly crossed the first helicopter, even if it was still rising in the air, and passed the second helicopter in a blink of an eye.

“Explosive Johnny, Evil Spirit Knight… Kind of interesting. ”

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ye Feng’s eyes moved slightly, and he already understood the source of the spatial fluctuation just now.

However, seeing that Johnny, who had not yet obtained the power of the Evil Spirit Knight, had the courage to challenge his own life, Ye Feng also had to admire the courage of this explosive Johnny, such a height and impact, once there was a small mistake, he would definitely pay the price of his life!

Such courage is commendable, perhaps after he becomes an evil spirit knight, playing for S.H.I.E.L.D. is also a good choice.

Ye Feng was not excited, but thought of another question.

It was too late, but in just a second or two, the locomotive had already flown over four helicopters, and by this time, the power that the locomotive had previously accumulated on the slope had almost been consumed, reaching the maximum height that could be lifted off and began to fall rapidly.



When the locomotive body almost stepped over the sixth helicopter, the falling locomotive parking space was less than ten centimeters away from the propeller of the helicopter, and even Ye Feng couldn’t help but get nervous.

However, according to the trajectory of the locomotive, it is quite difficult to land smoothly on the slope on the other side, and many people have exclaimed, can expect that once the locomotive cannot fall on the slope, it will directly hit, resulting in the explosion Johnny crushed bones!

And at this moment, Explosive Johnny forcibly lifted the front of the car, let the rear wheel of the locomotive look at the top of the slope, and after a violent bump, finally landed under the platform of the slope without danger!

“Holy! He did it! ”

The host’s voice also carried a trace of happiness after the disaster, it seemed that it was not Johnny who flew over the six helicopters just now, but himself.

“Boom Johnny!”

“Boom Johnny! Banzai! ”

The atmosphere in the field reached the top, everyone felt blood spurting, all stood up, released crazy cheers, many people were excited and their faces were red, almost unable to themselves.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, such a feat, I am afraid that many people dare not think about it at all, but at this moment, he keenly sensed that there was a strange fluctuation in the audience.

Ye Feng’s brows frowned slightly, and this trace of fluctuation was filled with a strange aura, exactly the same as the aura Ye Feng had sensed before.

What was watched by Ye Feng was an old man who was dressed very well, wearing a valuable suit and silver shiny crutches, his face was not as fanatical and adoring as that of other audiences, and there was a meaningful smile flashing in his eyes.

It seems, is it the excitement of seeing your favorite prey?

When he saw this old man, Ye Feng already knew his identity.

Powerful Abyss Plane Lord Mephisto!

Or rather, this is Mephisto’s doppelganger who came to Earth.

Under Ye Feng’s gaze, Mephisto was aware of it, his gaze withdrew from Explosive Johnny, and he followed the perceived gaze to Ye Feng at the other end of the audience.

The moment he saw Ye Feng, Mephisto’s eyes showed doubt and surprise, and he seemed to recognize Ye Feng’s identity.

Seeing that Mephisto noticed himself, Ye Feng smiled slightly at the latter, left the audience, and was about to leave the show.

Seeing Ye Feng leaving, Mephisto did not delay, followed behind Ye Feng, and followed back and forth.

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