With the speed under Ye Feng’s explosion, it was not at all something that only the powerful Hulk could see.

Before the roar was over, it was interrupted.

Ye Feng’s heavy punch had already landed on the Hulk’s stomach, causing his roar to stop abruptly.

The next battle can no longer be called a battle.

Ye Feng moved the real thing, whether it was speed or strength, it was not something that the Hulk could fight against.

Between Ye Feng’s fists and feet, there was a twisting force attached to it, which could easily break through the Hulk’s defenses and cause trauma to his body.

Under everyone’s horrified gaze, a one-sided tyranny began.

The Hulk completely turned into a sandbag in Ye Feng’s hand, and in the roar, his body continued to fly.

At the beginning, the Hulk faced Ye Feng’s constant attacks and had the power to fight back.

It’s just that his attack speed is much slower than Ye Feng’s, and it is difficult to reach Ye Feng’s body at all.

As the battle was crushed, the Hulk’s body was already full of scars, blood flowed, and his breath had become weak.

Under everyone’s horrified gaze, the huge body of the Hulk, which had no power to fight back, was grabbed by Ye Feng, who was much smaller than him, in his hand and directly raised above his head.

As Ye Feng’s legs exerted strength, he directly held the Hulk and jumped up instantly, and when he reached a high point, he grabbed the Hulk and slammed it towards the ground!

With a bang, the Hulk’s body fell heavily to the ground, and as a result, most of the street was crushed by his tumbling body all the way, completely in ruins.

In the ruins, the Hulk struggled to get up, but after trying a little, he couldn’t get up.

At this point, he has completely lost his combat effectiveness.

Ye Feng slowly landed on the ground, condescendingly looking down at the Hulk who had lost his combat effectiveness, his face was still calm.

As the Hulk’s body fell, everyone on the fighter took a breath, and the big stone that had been hanging in their hearts finally fell.

No one noticed that the two fists that Ross had been clenching tightly slowly loosened after Ye Feng defeated the Hulk.

The sound of the ground shattering sounded, and Abomination lifted large chunks of earth and rock that had submerged him and crawled out of the pit.

His recovery ability is strong, and after this moment of recovery, the severely injured body has regained its mobility, and the broken bone armor in his chest has actually begun to heal, and the broken bones have reconnected.

The abomination that climbed out of the pit let out a huge roar, releasing the anger that was holding back in his heart.

Just now there was a huge explosion on the ground, and he heard it very clearly.

In the view of hatred, the reason why he was hit hard by Ye Feng was because he was too careless, so he was taken advantage of by Ye Feng.

And after the battle between Hulk and Ye Feng, no matter who loses or wins, it is time for him to collect the fruits of victory.

At that time, he will let both die in despair and pain!

However, before the hatred roared, the expression on the hideous face was already frozen.

Not far from the deep pit that Abomination smashed, the Hulk was already wrapped in blood, lying weakly on the ground panting.

Ye Feng, on the other hand, calmly stepped on the Hulk, without the slightest damage on his body, and even his clothes were very neat.

Seeing this scene, there was a little more shock and caution in the eyes of abomination, but that was all.

This human who hurts him while he is not prepared must die!

“Bruce. Banner, you trash, you were actually knocked down by an ordinary person! ”

For the Hulk, who couldn’t get up after struggling for a moment, he hated the merciless opening of his mouth to mock, and his brutal and bloodthirsty gaze fell on Ye Feng’s body.

Staring at Ye Feng, he hated that this time he was not careless, and as the bloodthirsty intent in his eyes flashed, the ground emitted a bang, and the body of hatred had disappeared.

By the time everyone saw the abomination’s figure again, he had already jumped more than a hundred meters, smiled coldly at Ye Feng who was calm on the ground, and then swooped down.


Seeing that Abomination faced Ye Feng, not only did he not have any fear, but he even wanted to continue fighting, everyone felt a little strange.

Is this a broken brain? There is only such an idea in the minds of everyone.

But it’s not strange to hate, just now he was hit hard by Ye Feng and smashed to the ground, and he didn’t see how Ye Feng blasted the Hulk.

With his body size of several tons and the huge impact formed by falling at a height of 100 meters, the eyes of abomination flashed with a terrifying light, gathering all the power, wanting to leave Ye Feng with one blow and leaving Ye Feng with an unforgettable lesson.

I have to say that hating this attack from the sky is still urgent and visually impactful.

When the speed of the abomination fall in the back was extremely fast, the impact formed was very terrifying, and when the punch was thrown, even the air produced a slight sonic boom.

However, Ye Feng, who was standing on the ground, had been calmly watching the abomination attack, and there was not much fluctuation in his eyes.

If you have to say that there is, it is only a touch of disdain and ridicule.

For the abomination attack, Ye Feng only made one move, his right hand slowly raised, and he caught it in the face of the abomination’s attack.

A punch that shattered the air came towards Ye Feng’s face, and if it landed, I am afraid that the flesh and blood body would directly explode.

It’s just that the imaginary situation of flesh and blood did not appear, abomination of a move under the full burst of strength, facing Ye Feng’s indifferent palm, abomination condensed all the power of a punch, fluttering lightly blocked by Ye Feng, this violent power was dissolved by Ye Feng, even the ground under Ye Feng’s feet, there was no vibration.

The body of abomination froze in the air, his eyes were full of surprise and horror, and above his fist, there were layers of twisting and shaking power, completely dissolving all his attacks.

For the hatred of attacking himself twice, Ye Feng smiled slightly in his horrified eyes, and the furious power completely exploded.

The physical power, the force of distortion, and the gravity field were instantly released, making the eyes of the abomination widen, and he had to withdraw and retreat.

However, Ye Feng’s anger was not so easy to subside.

On the broken streets, the rhythmic sound of sandbags sounded.

This time, Ye Feng’s shot was much heavier than dealing with the Hulk.

On the fighter, everyone watching this scene silently mourned for hatred in their hearts.

A brief moment passed, and Abomination was covered in blood, covered in bones up and down, and I don’t know how much it had been broken.

Even if he has a strong ability to recover, Abomination feels that if he continues like this, he may really lose his life.


Ye Feng’s physical strength completely exploded, and the twisting power was also attached to the surface of the fist, and the twisting gravity ability was launched, and the gravity above the fist reached a terrifying ten times!

This heavy punch blasted out, causing the abomination’s body to fly towards the street not far away like a cannonball.

All the street walls, buildings and public facilities that touched the abomination’s body were all broken by the abomination’s massive body.

A face penetrated several streets, and the body of abomination stopped, most of the body was buried in a collapsed ruin, and the exposed head and other places were all soaked with blood, looking dying.

This time, he really felt the footsteps of the Grim Reaper.

Pressed by the ruins, the abomination did not even have the power to turn over, and blood was like tap water, constantly flowing out of the mouth.

Seeing this look of abomination, Ye Feng had a smile on his face after landing, and slowly walked towards the abomination that was severely injured in his body.

“Emil Bronnsky, this farce, it’s time to end, come with me.”

Ye Feng agreed to Ross’s request, that is, he came to Bronsky and the Hulk, and now that the battle is over, he naturally will not let the two go.

When Bulangsky heard Ye Feng’s words, his reaction was a little fierce, and his body full of injuries turned over, and he was about to struggle to get up from the ruins.

“Even if I die, I will not become the material for others to study!”

As a former confidant of Ross, he knows that with his current status, no matter who it falls into, there will be no good ending.

“You may not have figured it out, I am not consulting you, but ordering. Of course, you can choose to resist, but this time, I will not show any mercy. ”

For the stubborn hatred, Ye Feng seemed a little impatient, and the light smile on his face converged, which made Bulangsky startled, and the fear in his heart spread even more.

“Even if I go with you, I will be a death, kill me, I will not give in!”

With each step of Ye Feng, Bulangsky felt a little more pressure, and could only bite the bullet and speak.

“Oh? I didn’t say from beginning to end that I wanted to kill you, just let you stop, and I didn’t say that I would make you the material for others to study, if you are willing to cooperate, I can’t consider keeping you alive, maybe in the future in S.H.I.E.L.D. more comfortable than you follow Ross. ”

Hearing Bulangsky’s words, Ye Feng smiled.

The Bulunsky in Ye Feng’s eyes not only has strength, but also reason and can be put to good use.

Of course, an experiment is inevitable.

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