Ye Feng sat down and saw that Reed still looked distressed, and ignored him at all, and couldn’t help but smile a little.

“Reid. Dr. Richards, looking at your appearance, it seems that you are troubled by something. ”

Ye Feng slowly spoke, his eyes looking at Reed brightly, and his eyes revealed a deep interest.

“You know me?”

was called out by Ye Feng, Reed was slightly stunned, only then raised his head to face Ye Feng, with some doubts in his eyes~.

“Dr. Reid, I have heard a lot about you, which is why I appeared to you today, perhaps, I can help with your research project.”

Ye Feng said calmly with a kind smile on his face.

“You want to invest in my project?”

Hearing Ye Feng’s words, a bright light suddenly flashed in Reed’s eyes, and he began to look at the stranger in front of him.

Although Ye Feng’s body did not have a powerful momentum, but the aura formed by being in a high position for many years, Reid could still feel a little.

Ye Feng’s identity will definitely not be simple.

However, the projects Reid wants to do now are not at all solved by having money in the conventional sense.

Not to mention the space agency, the budget of the project funds alone exceeds one billion US dollars, and the benefits are very uncertain.

Reid would not have thought that the stranger in front of him would be so kind to help him after learning about the success rate of his research project.

Thinking of this, the light in Reed’s eyes gradually dimmed and was replaced by bitterness.

“Thank you for your kindness, but my research on this project may be a little troublesome, perhaps, not ordinary companies can afford to invest!”

Reid said this out of kindness, but if this sentence were changed, it was likely that the other party would be angry.

Because this sentence is understood in another way, my research funds are too expensive, and you don’t have that strength.

Reid is a genius, but that’s in terms of research, in life and communication, it relies more on emotional intelligence, and obviously, his emotional intelligence is somewhat inadequate.

Moreover, Reid, who was addicted to his own research, did not even know the identity of the other party, so he had already refused.

“Hehe, Dr. Reed, you don’t have to be busy refusing first, introduce yourself, my name is Ye Feng.”

“Ye Feng?” Reed tried to search for the names of the chairmen or shareholders of major listed companies in his mind, but he did not remember a person named Ye Feng.

“Sorry, I haven’t heard…”

Well? Wait a minute!

Just when Reed was a little sorry and wanted not to hear your name, his heart suddenly stirred!

Ye Feng? I seem to have heard this name somewhere!

Ye Feng, Ye Feng, lying groove, there is coming, but it must have been heard somewhere.

Just as Reed frowned and pondered, Ye Feng smiled and spoke.

“I also have an identity, which is the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D.”

Ye Feng added, saying his other identity, still with a faint smile on his face.

For geniuses, his patience is quite adequate.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. … Wait a minute! S.H.I.E.L.D. director Ye Feng? ”

Being reminded by Ye Feng, Reed quickly reacted, his eyes full of shock.

He finally knew who the stranger in front of him was!

As a genius scientist, his memory is definitely quite strong, and although Reid focuses on research and rarely has contact with the outside world, he is still very clear about the meaning of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the scientific research community, the scientific research department of S.H.I.E.L.D. is the dream of all researchers!

Reed is a research madman who doesn’t care about anything other than focusing on his own research, and the scientific research department of S.H.I.E.L.D. is a place that can meet all his conditions!

“S.H.I.E.L.D. has always valued talents, and we will throw an olive branch to scientists who have excelled in various fields, as long as they are willing to join S.H.I.E.L.D., no matter what the project, S.H.I.E.L.D. has sufficient funds and resources, of course, this is based on your will, if Mr. Reed is not interested in my proposal…”

0··· Ask for flowers…

Looking at Reid’s shocked expression, Ye Feng still smiled lightly and spoke.

If Reed was able to ignore Ye Feng just now.

Now, in his eyes, Ye Feng is the savior!

“Wait! Mr. Ye Feng! I’m really sorry, I didn’t know your identity at first, I was a little presumptuous to speak, it was definitely my honor to be able to join S.H.I.E.L.D.! What happened just now, don’t forget your heart…”

Reid’s attitude has changed three hundred and sixty degrees, just now he ignored Ye Feng’ai, and now he can’t wait to rush up and kneel and lick ah.

His project had found countless ways to make Reed fall into despair, when Ye Feng, the savior, suddenly appeared, and he was afraid that he had offended Ye Feng just now.


How huge the power in Ye Feng’s hands is, Reid does not know.

But he knows very well that such a big guy, once offended, will definitely not give him a second chance.

To put it bluntly, people really don’t necessarily look at him.

“Dr. Reed, don’t be so nervous, don’t know my proposal, what do you think?”

Ye Feng had a light smile on his face, and he was not angry because of Reid’s previous ignorance, and now seeing Reid’s attitude, his heart was still a little dark.

In the future, as long as it can be taken over, this transaction will not be lost.

After hearing Ye Feng’s words, Reed completely turned into a nodding worm, and just when he was cornered, surprises followed, making him almost excited to find the north.

After Reid agreed to join S.H.I.E.L.D., Ye Feng was not polite and directly took him to the research center of the headquarters, so that Howard, Zola and others and Reid got to know each other.

“Reid, since you promised to join S.H.I.E.L.D., familiarize yourself with it first, and then come to me to talk about your project.”

Seeing Ye Feng’s attention to Reed, Howard, Zola and the others naturally would not snub.

But whether Reid is worth Ye Feng’s attention, Howard. Zola and the others still need to test the loss. _

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