“This is the wonderful aurora you said?”

Eric. Selvig looked confused, with his knowledge, no aurora would ever appear in such a state.

“Drive quickly! Let’s get closer! ”

Mary. Jane was also slightly stunned, and then reacted.

The truck roared and sped beneath the clouds with mysterious flashing patterns.

The light in the clouds became brighter and brighter, and powerful energy fluctuations stirred the heavy clouds, forming a strange tornado.

If it weren’t for the darkness of the night, the scene would be quite spectacular.

“Oh my God, I don’t think it’s an aurora!”

When Selvig saw this scene, his face showed a shocked expression, and he was already calculating in his heart that this matter was special, and he must return to S.H.I.E.L.D. as soon as possible.


Before everyone could approach the churning clouds, the truck crashed into a human figure that suddenly appeared, causing the three to cry out.

It was none other than Thor, the exiled god of thunder, who was bumped by them. Odinson.

Just as the three got out of the car, eagerly checking on the hit Thor. At the time of Odinson’s situation, in the clouds, Mjolnir’s hammer also penetrated and fell on a wasteland a few kilometers away.

This unusual event, Eric. Selvig soon reported to S.H.I.E.L.D.

“Huge energy fluctuations, magic arrays in the sky…”

In Ye Feng’s office, pictures are presented, and these photos are all recorded by the equipment on the Servig truck.

Seeing the magic array in the sky, Ye Feng had already recognized that this was exactly what was formed when the God Domain Rainbow Bridge penetrated the other realm.

“Director, we retrieved all the satellite images of that area at that time, but the display on the satellite image is very blurry, it seems to be blocked by some kind of energy interference, you look at this picture, this is a photo searched on the Internet, the location of the photo record, just a few kilometers near the area reported by Selvig.”

The picture in front of Ye Feng changed, and in the picture was a wasteland, and in the wasteland, there was a huge crater with a radiance of tens of meters.

It’s just that in this crater, it is not meteorites from outer space that descend, but… A hammer!

Around the crater, there were many civilians, apparently attracted by this strange vision.

“S.H.I.E.L.D. attaches great importance to this matter, and Coulson has already taken Hawkeye Patton and Bronsky to the blockade, and it should be there soon.”

Paige saw the smile on Ye Feng’s face and said.

“Artifact Myrnir, it seems that Thor started…”

Originally, Ye Feng had some guesses in his heart, but after seeing this hammer, he was even more certain.

“Guys, are you interested in us going first?”

Ye Feng smiled lightly, and Paige, Natasha, and Steve in the office all showed interested looks.

The space portal opened, and Ye Feng walked in front of the stone pit with several people one after another.

The number of civilians around this crater is much more than shown in the picture, and many people are winding the hammer in the crater with iron chains, and are driving to drag it, and a group of people are following along.

There are also many people who come to join in the fun, bring food and drink, hold up umbrellas around the crater, take pictures, and enjoy food.

The car with an iron chain wrapped around the hammer is powerful, and with a roar, the car starts, and the chain quickly jumps straight.

“Hey, buddy, come on!”

“I’m optimistic about you! Keep it up! ”


Seeing this scene, many civilians who watched the excitement shouted one after another, constantly cheering and cheering.

“Boom! Rumble! ”

The driver of the locomotive heard the crowd booing, stepped on the accelerator, and the power of the car was increased to the maximum, making the chains rattle.


With an overwhelmed crashing sound, the body and chassis directly separated, and the car rushed forward for a while, if not for the driver’s brake, I am afraid that it would have hit a protruding rock.


“~ Jabari, willing to gamble and lose! Give money, not only for gambling, but also for this chain. ”

“What the hell is that thing in the pit?” The car can’t be pulled…”

“It must be something good, if you can take it away, it will definitely sell for a good price!”

Seeing the iron chain broken, the crowd talked a lot, looking at the hammer in the crater, their faces were different.

“Chief, what the hell is this? Looks a bit like a hammer? ”

“The weight of this thing can’t even pull the car, at least ten tons up!”

Paige and several people also saw this scene and were surprised.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, not to mention that the truck can’t be dragged, I’m afraid that with the current technology on the earth, it can’t shake Myrnir.

“Steve, are you interested?”

Ye Feng’s eyes moved, and he had already seen that the American team beside him was a little rubbing his fists.

After completing the enhancement of the intermediate super soldier, Steve’s strength leaped, in terms of strength alone, it was already more than ten times that of before, and it was completely easy to punch a few tons of power.

Nodding, Team America walked towards the crater.

“Boy, what are you going to do? Do you think you can move this thing? ”

In the crowd, there were several big men who had already eaten deflated, and when they saw the American team walking to the hammer, they couldn’t help but say.

Steve nodded, these ordinary people did not know his power, but he was very confident in himself.

In his opinion, a hammer, after all, the size is placed there, even if it is heavy, it will definitely not reach twenty tons.

And the power under his full burst is definitely more than twenty tons. _

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