As a shooter, Hawkeye’s attacks are mainly long-range, and after being strengthened by special glasses, his strength has undoubtedly multiplied.

Defending tough opponents is often a nightmare for long-range shooters, just like the destroyers of God Domain, Hawkeye’s attacks are full of heavens, unable to deal any damage to enemies.

After being equipped with special goggles, Hawkeye can quickly adjust its combat methods through the data obtained by the goggles, attacking the enemy’s exposed weaknesses or flaws, even if it cannot be killed with one hit, it can cause enough threats and help teammates form a strong control and cooperation ability.

Of course, analyzing enemy weaknesses and flaws is just one of the powerful features of special goggles.

Combined with vibranium technology, goggles can form an energy barrier that not only resists attacks, but also achieves perfect concealment, which is well deserved as the best equipment for shooters!

Of course, not only Barton’s equipment has added black technology, but Steve and others’ equipment has also added a lot of powerful abilities.

The most comfortable thing Steve used was his vibranium shield, as Steve’s old friend, Howard spent a lot of thought on Steve’s equipment.

After Steve woke up, the shield he used had been replaced several times, and this time, Howard developed a special shield for Steve.

This shield includes vibranium technology, power technology, induction braking and many other top technologies of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Since it is a shield, it is natural to focus on defense, and energy shield is the first choice.

Moreover, in battle, the shield can not only absorb the opponent’s attack like the panther suit, stored in the shield as a charge, but also release the absorbed kinetic energy to rebound according to the intention used, catching the enemy by surprise.

After Howard’s modification, this shield has the ability to automatically sense and operate, even if the shield is out of hand, Steve can use a small chip in his hand to control it, so that the shield automatically flies back.

Hulk Banner, his destructive power is the most powerful among several, in order to suppress Banner’s out-of-control transformation (AECG), Howard and others made an energy extraction device, which extracted and stored all the energy released when Banner was out of control.

Now that this device has been optimized, in the face of enemies, after Banner completes his transformation, he can extract a large amount of energy stored before, greatly improving his combat effectiveness after transformation.

As for Iron Man Tony, he is Howard’s own son, although Howard’s father is a little unscrupulous, but this time in the field, he did not give Tony good things, and several black technologies he studied were all handed over to Tony.

On the teleportation square, under a flash of light, the figures of the four disappeared with a fluctuating space, and when they reappeared, they had arrived at the X Academy in West Chester.

This is a large castle with some medieval style, and the domain where Tony and others appeared, is located in a wooded area outside the castle.

“Captain Steve, Agent Barton, Dr. Banner, and Mr. Tony, I am the head of S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Academy, please come with me.”

A crisp voice interrupted everyone who was admiring the castle, and in front of them, there was a tall young woman, who had obviously received a message from the headquarters, waiting for Steve and his group to come over.

After arriving at the academy, Steve and the others soon saw the unconscious Professor Charles and a group of nervous X-Men.

At this time, Charles’s face was pale and his breath was quite weak.

Seeing this, Tony’s hand moved, and a signal bead with a scanning function emitted a misty shimmer and scanned Charles’s body.

“How’s it going?”

Seeing Tony use the device in his hand to quickly scan Charles’s body, Steve asked with a frown.

After the scan was completed, Tony reached out and waved, and a hologram quickly appeared next to the fainting professor.

In the image, it is the internal structure of Charles’s body, and you can see the beating of the heart and the flow of blood, all of which are intuitively reflected through shimmering light.

“After testing, Charles . Professor Xavier’s body is not much of a problem, and all his vital signs are normal, causing him to be unconscious all the time… It’s his brain. ”

Through the hologram, everyone can see that the head area of the human body in the hologram fluctuates abnormally, wrapped in red light.

“According to the analysis, he should be poisoned, and it is a psychotoxin.”

Using S.H.I.E.L.D.’s black technology coupled with intelligence, Tony quickly came to a conclusion.

“The professor is good at psychic abilities, how can he be poisoned? He just activated the brainwave enhancer before…”

Hearing Tony’s conclusion, several X-Men were all a little incredulous.

“If you want to solve the problem, you have to start from the root, you said before that Professor Charles became what he is now because of contact with the brainwave enhancer, and nine times out of ten, the problem is in the brainwave enhancer.”

Steve, as the head of the four, remained calm enough to quickly think of possible problems and said to several people.

In order to solve the problem of Charles’ poisoning, a group of people soon appeared in the huge brainwave enhancer.

“The brainwave enhancer was originally developed by Hank, and after several upgrades, it became what it is now, and this instrument is usually only available to professors, and no one else can enter here.”

Storm explained to everyone.

“Jarvis, scan the entire brainwave enhancer.”

Tony moved casually, and several transmission beads appeared in his hand, and a strange light spread out, and began to scan the entire brainwave enhancer. _

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