Seeing this scene, Ye Feng’s face showed a hint of satisfaction.

Just with a punch, when the force of the twisted molecules on the surface of his fist touched the rock surface, it had already penetrated deep into the rock, covering the rock in an instant, and the molecules that made up the rock, under this twisted force, the structure had been completely destroyed!

This was the scene where Ye Feng blasted the rock into powder with one punch.

“There is still room for improvement, if I master the ability to twist molecules to a profound degree, one punch down, not to mention the rock turning into powder, directly destroy all its molecular structures completely, annihilation invisible can be done.”

Although satisfied with the power of the twisting molecules, Ye Feng also clearly sensed that he lacked control over this new ability.

Then, Ye Feng’s gaze fell on a mass of magma that had not completely solidified on the ground, and he stretched out his hand and made a slight move.

Under the change of gravity, the blazing magma suddenly flew up, following Ye Feng’s mind into a blazing lava attack, shooting towards Ye Feng.

This is not because Ye Feng can’t think of opening and controlling the lava to attack him, but to test the ability he just unlocked.

Under Ye Feng’s control, this magma was getting faster and faster, accompanied by a powerful pushing force, and it was about to hit him.

And Ye Feng’s right hand had already clenched into a fist, and the lava magma that shot out suddenly burst out a punch, and the power of the twisted molecules was attached to the fist, making the space in front of Ye Feng’s fist become a little distorted.

The fists and lava magma clashed, and the imaginary explosion did not happen.

When a large mass of condensed magma hit Ye Feng’s fist, it suddenly dissipated and disintegrated, and the remaining bits of magma scattered in all directions, and soon decomposed into bits and bits of Mars, and then annihilated.

“Completely distorting and destroying the molecular structure inside the substance can really achieve the effect of annihilation, and in the future, this trick is called annihilation.”

Slowly retracting his fist, Ye Feng had a satisfied expression on his face.

“If I can grasp the molecular structure of a substance and adjust it by twisting it, can I create a different substance


Seeing the lava magma that was annihilated by most of his punch, Ye Feng’s eyes showed a thoughtful look, changing the molecular structure of matter, annihilation and creation should be relative, if it can be annihilated, it can be created.

It’s just that Ye Feng now wants to annihilate a certain substance, and he only completely destroys the intermolecular structure with a powerful twisting force.

The difficulty of creation is much greater, and only after a thorough understanding of the structure of a substance may be able to change it by adjusting the molecular structure.

Not to mention anything else, if he wanted to carry out such a meticulous and terrifying manipulation, Ye Feng’s current spiritual strength was not enough to support.

After temporarily pressing this matter to the bottom of his heart, Ye Feng began to condense a huge spatial power.

This trip, which lasted for five years, was time to come to an end.

He has also arrived, the time to return to Earth.

As the spatial power condensed by Ye Feng became more and more huge, the space in front of Ye Feng was like a stone thrown into the surface of a calm lake, and ripples rippled out in a flash.

This time, what Ye Feng wanted to establish was a complete spatial channel, not an incomplete channel where he and Paige and the others passed messages to each other before, and the energy that needed to be consumed was also huge.

As the energy on Ye Feng’s body continued to burst out, the space in front of him became more and more unstable, and a trace of spatial cracks was born, and strange and dangerous spatial turbulence raged behind this dark and deep spatial crack.

While opening the teleportation channel, Ye Feng was also sensing the space node where the earth was located.

The spatial talent in his body was activated by absorbing the energy of the space gem, and it was connected with the space gem in S.H.I.E.L.D., which could expand this connection and directly penetrate the space between endless distances.

After a brief stalemate, the spatial power controlled by Ye Feng finally penetrated the space, and after a crisp shattering sound, a deep spatial passage finally took shape.

At this time, Ye Feng’s body was tumbling with furious energy, and he had already mobilized the energy to the strongest, and finally penetrated the spatial channel.

After the spatial passage took shape, it absorbed Ye Feng’s spatial power and quickly stabilized, revealing a pitch-black channel.

At the same time, the research center of the headquarters base of S.H.I.E.L.D. was in the middle of the research center.

The Cosmic Cube burst out a chaotic cloud of space power, which attracted the attention of a large number of staff, and Dr. Zola and Howard also arrived one after another.

Before Paige and others got the news that Ye Feng was about to open the space channel and return to Earth, when the Cosmic Cube changed and the energy burst away, Howard and Dr. Zola felt it first, and then Paige and Natasha also came one after another.

“Evacuate all staff and block this place!”

Seeing a chaotic spatial turbulence rushing out of the Cosmic Cube, Howard shouted at his men.

The powerful energy of the Cosmic Cube can not only benefit mankind, but also easily destroy everything, for such a change, Howard does not dare to let others get too close, so as not to have any accidents.

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