Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 12 Date With Aunt Mei

Chapter 12: Date with Aunt Mei

Carl thought back to Natasha Romanoff's figure, face, and sexy figure just now, but Carl was not interested in her. After all, she was a figure in the same period as Captain America. She is now eighty years old if not ninety years old, and Natasha Romanoff was indispensable when performing tasks. It wasn't that Karl was slandering her in his heart, but it was probably that even she herself didn't know how many men she had had.

Although Karl doesn't particularly mind if it's the first time, you are simply a gene pool. Karl has no interest in her at all, but she is a nice person. In the movies she watched in her previous life, she always cared about the Women's Federation's Golgotha. The status of the members, even sacrificing themselves for Soul Gem in the end.

Everyone has their own way of living. Although he is not interested in her, he does not hate her. While he was thinking about it, Karl's cell phone suddenly rang!


There are not many people who have Carl's mobile phone number and can contact him. Without thinking about it, Carl knew it should be Aunt Mei, and then connected:


"Hey, Carl, I'm Mei, I want to do something this afternoon, can you go with me... If you have time..."

"I have time!"

"Okay, thank you....Karl...."

"Are you at home now? I'll come over."

"Yes, I'm still at home, okay."

"Okay, I'll come over now and hang up..."

Mei sat on the sofa and listened to the beeping sound of the phone hanging up in her ear. She suddenly went crazy. She was so obsessed that she actually called Karl and even lied to her that she was going to do something and asked him if he could He couldn’t accompany him, and Karl agreed and even came later.

Mei reached out and patted her face. At this moment, she regretted the stupid thing she had done. She didn't know why she wanted to call Karl, and even actually called him. After calming down for thirty seconds, Mei got up and went to her room. Go and start picking out clothes, after all, Karl is already on the way here.

the other side

The corners of Carl's mouth curled up slightly after hanging up the phone. He didn't expect Aunt May to call him, because his mind was a little confused now. He didn't plan to pursue Aunt May immediately, but planned to enjoy life for a few days and wait for Tony Stark to go. After being kidnapped in the Middle East, go and rescue him.

By the way, he was asked to perfect the super gene and create one for him, but now Aunt May's call interrupted his plan, and then Carl came to the bar and paid for the coffee before leaving, while Natasha Romanoff used Her seductive eyes looked directly at Karl, who glanced at her coldly and then left.

Carl then stepped onto the motorcycle and left.

"The target didn't drink the coffee and has already left!" Natasha Romanoff put her right hand on her ear and spoke into the headset inside. She took off her apron and left the cafe directly, while other waiters put her hands in their hands. After taking over the apron, all the service staff in this cafe were actually S.H.I.E.L.D agents. There was even a black car outside that also drove in the direction of Karl after he left.


When Karl was approaching Queens, he naturally noticed someone following him. Then a black light flashed in his eyes, and several pairs of scarlet eyes appeared in the shadow of the vehicle, and they sneaked behind Karl until they came to follow Karl. Under the car, he inserted his Katana from the bottom of the car without hesitation, destroying the car's power system, and then disappeared.

It's not that Carl hasn't thought about killing them all directly, but this means becoming a enemy of S.H.I.E.L.D. Although S.H.I.E.L.D's agents can't pose any threat to him, there are too many of them and they will be annoying to death, and damn Frankman He also has Captain Marvel's quantum pager in his hand. It wouldn't be fun if he calls Captain Marvel back from the universe if the fuss gets too big.

He didn't want to hide in the world of shadow all the time. After the vehicle was destroyed by the shadow ninja, Carl accelerated into a black alley. Then several shadow ninjas took him and the motorcycle into the world of shadow, and from He appeared in an alley not far from Peter's house in Queens, but Carl was the only one. He placed the motorcycle in the world of shadows.

After all, he didn't believe that his motorcycle hadn't been installed and positioned while he was sitting in the coffee shop. He might as well have left it in the shadow world, and then Carl walked towards Peter's home.

"Sir! The target location has disappeared! Even our vehicle seems to have been vandalized. He should have discovered us!" An agent in the black vehicle reported to Natasha Romanoff.

"Got it, contact the headquarters and check the surrounding surveillance to see where he is. Let's do this for today. You don't have to follow him. Pressing too hard will be counterproductive." Natasha Romanoff's faint voice came from their headsets, and she didn't To think that he was discovered so quickly.

"Yes, sir!"


Karl arrived at Peter's house after walking for ten minutes, and then walked up and knocked on the door.


"Come on, wait a minute!"


"Karl, you're here, come in quickly!"

Mei said to Karl, and Karl looked at Aunt Mei who was wearing a purple dress in front of him and couldn't help being stunned. The purple dress showed all of Aunt Mei's temperament and charm, and gave people a gentle feeling. , coupled with Aunt Mei's plump figure, Carl's heart beat hard twice.

"Oh oh oh, okay, Mei, you are so beautiful today." Carl praised Aunt Mei after coming back to his senses.

"Thank you, please sit in the living room for a while. I'll be ready soon." Mei said while pouring a drink for Karl, and then walked upstairs.


Carl leaned on the sofa and waited for Aunt Mei. Twenty minutes later, Aunt Mei came down wearing a khaki coat and carrying a satchel. Carl's eyes couldn't help but shine. At this moment, Aunt Mei had put on light makeup and had a good figure. She looked particularly charming when paired with her clothes. When Mei saw Karl looking at her blankly, a trace of joy flashed through her heart.

She didn't know why she wanted to show her most charming side to Karl. After calming down in the room for a few minutes, she finally looked at herself. She seemed to have a crush on Karl. Coupled with the emptiness and loneliness she had experienced over the years, She wants to try...


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