Chapter 19: Three months

After Carl brought Aunt May and Peter to the farm, he then walked into the house. Aunt May looked at Carl with a little surprise. Now in America, there are not many men who can do housework and do it well, and although Carl's family doesn't say much, Gorgeous, but spotless and very clean.

But what she didn't know was that these were all the work of the Black Shadow Ninja, how could Carl do it himself! Then Carl took Aunt May and Peter to the second floor and took them to the room. Carl naturally let Aunt May share a room with him, and Aunt May just gave Carl a shy and angry look, then acquiesced, and then Go to the kitchen to make dinner.

Carl was playing games with Peter on the second floor. After dinner, Aunt May entered Peter's room to chat with him. Besides, she was with Carl now, and she believed that Peter also had many questions now.


Carl walked out of the door and released five hundred shadow ninjas lurking in the darkness around the house and farm. Now that Aunt May and Peter are here, safety is naturally the top priority, and there are also shadows of Aunt May and Peter. There were no less than ten shadow ninjas protecting their safety at all times. After Karl finished all this, he went to his room.

Lying on the bed in the room, Aunt Mei is still chatting with Peter. Although he can eavesdrop with the Black Shadow Ninja, it is not necessary. He believes that Aunt Mei will handle it by herself. He lies on the bed and looks at the ceiling, recalling the experiences of these days. There are also a lot of emotions about the things he did. First, he traveled through Marvel, robbed the gang, destroyed Kingpin, stayed with Aunt May, beat up Nick Fury, and did things that were impossible to do in his previous life.

While Karl was thinking a lot, the door to the room opened.


Aunt May walked in wearing a dark purple nightgown and a long coat. She took off her shoes and lay next to Carl. Carl looked at Aunt May intently, because he was deeply attracted by the charm that Aunt May always exuded. He couldn't protect himself.

"Karl, thank you." Aunt May leaned her head on Karl's shoulder and said softly.

"Huh? Thank me for what?" Karl turned his head and looked at Aunt Mei, asking a little doubtfully.

"What happened to Peter this afternoon, I didn't even know he was at school..."

"It's okay. How about changing Peter to another school? After all, he doesn't get along well with his classmates."

"This semester is not long. How about next semester? How about asking Peter for his opinion?"

"Okay, let's ask Peter's opinion and let's go to bed."


Carl looked at the beautiful Aunt May and rushed towards him. Then Aunt May felt Carl's love, and Carl felt Aunt May's madness, but both of them were more controlled, although their room was separated from Peter's room. A guest room, but the soundproofing of this house was not good. Aunt Mei gritted her teeth and covered her mouth to prevent herself from making any sound.

But she felt extremely excited, not to mention that her nephew was in the room not far away, and she was here with her lover...


middle east desert region

In a cave in a valley, Tony Stark was dismantling missiles with a man wearing glasses, and the man wearing glasses, Yingsen, used his medical skills to revive Tony, and then he was between Tony and the Ten Rings terrorists. Acting as a translator and Tony's assistant, as in the plot, Tony was asked by terrorists to build Jericho missiles, but he did not agree at first until he gave in after being tortured for a period of time.

What he and Yingsen are doing now is to dismantle all the missiles and take out the target elements inside! He plans to make himself a miniature ARK reactor to maintain his life and absorb the missile fragments in his blood vessels so that they cannot flow into his heart.

After some smelting, pouring it into a mold made of sand, and some more fabrication, Tony finally made the reactor.

"What's this?"

"The micro ARK reactor can replace this damn magnet to keep me alive! And I don't have to hold this big battery anymore!"

"How's his power generation?"

"It's 3 billion joules per second. I have a big one at home, which is used to power factories."

"It will last you a lifetime."

"I think so!"


S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters

Nick Fury looked at Carl's information on the computer in front of him, as well as the information about Aunt May and Peter. It was very simple to know this information with S.H.I.E.L.D's ability, but he could only let people monitor him, and he could not monitor Carl or the others. So after Carl directly revealed his trump card, he became very jealous of Carl. He always felt that he knew a lot of things, and even suspected that Carl knew that there were HYDRA members in S.H.I.E.L.D.

He rubbed his brows with a headache. He was under a lot of pressure now. He had just cleared out the HYDRA members and didn't even get any information. However, Tony Stark, the president of Stark Industries, disappeared in the Middle East. This made the Security Council very dissatisfied. , and asked him to get Tony Stark back as soon as possible!

Because of the close relationship between Stark Industries and the military, Tony Stark has disappeared. The most urgent thing is naturally the military, and then the American government. Moreover, the taxes paid by Stark Industries every year are astronomical. Now that Tony Stark is missing, the stock Crazy decline, let alone the future research and development of military weapons, even taxes will be reduced by then!

America's tax bureau has a lot of power. Even the president of America cannot escape the fate of paying taxes. Even the tax bureau has the right to directly mobilize the military and even the Navy SEALs. In addition, Stark Industries has accumulated a lot of money since Howard Stark. The connections all put pressure on the government, even on members of parliament.

And they can only let Nick Fury get Tony Stark back as soon as possible. Stark Industries, America's leading arms company, is not that simple. Even the most powerful generals in the military have questioned the military base that originally escorted Tony Stark. responsibility! If the major congressmen hadn't stopped them, they would have mobilized troops to the Middle East.

After all, if Tony Stark dies, who will help them research advanced weapons? Nowadays, wars are fought based on who has the best weapons! Wherever people are still crowded like in World War II! If they don't have weapons, what do you want them to use to fight with?

Nick Fury could only send Phil Coulson to lead a team to the Middle East to find Tony Stark. Even if there was no pressure from the Security Council, he would have to find Tony Stark. After all, he was the son of Howard Stark, one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. You have to find someone privately.


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