Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 27 Press Conference

Chapter 27: Press Conference

After Carl returned to Queens from the Shadow World, he sat on the sofa and recalled the plot of the movie. After the news of Tony Stark's return to New York was spread, Carl suddenly thought of something and took out the extremely fast Bluetooth.

"Extreme speed, sell all of Stark Industries' stocks when they are at their highest value! It must be before he holds a press conference!" Carl pressed Bluetooth and said to Extreme Speed. He remembered that Tony would probably hold a press conference later, and then It is to announce that Stark Industries will close its weapons manufacturing and R&D department! At that point, Stark Industries stock will plummet again.

"Yes, boss!" A very fast electronic sound came from Bluetooth, and Karl breathed a sigh of relief. If he hadn't thought of it, he would have lost billions.

Karl is planning to sell it now at a high price, and then wait until Tony announces the closure of the weapons manufacturing department and the stock plummets to the freezing point, he will buy the stock again, and wait until Tony announces his identity after the battle with Obadiah. The stock will see a big rise, and he can even control the shares of Stark Industries. This wooly Karl is ready to get it all!

Carl didn't tell Aunt May and Wanda that Carl went to save Tony. He knew that every time Wanda and Pilot heard the name of Stark Industries, their eyes flashed with hatred, so as to prevent them from knowing that Carl went to save Tony. If you are unhappy, it is better not to say anything directly and wait for guidance later. It is always not good for two children to harbor hatred.

It seems that SOKOVIA's weapons are not documents signed by Tony, but documents signed by Obadiah, which is what Obadiah sold to SOKOVIA's terrorists. Although it is not Tony's fault, he has something to do with it, so Carl does not He doesn't plan to teach Wanda and Pilot to forget this, but plans to let them see their enemy die with their own eyes!


the other side

Tony took a burger and headed to the press conference in a Rolls-Royce, while Yingson chose to rest at home, and Tony also knew Carl's identity. Tony only needed to use J.A.R.V.I.S to check it out. At the same time, Carl's mobile phone number was also recorded by J.A.R.V.I.S.

Tony reluctantly regarded Carl as a friend. After all, he saved himself twice and saved Yingsen. Although he also understood that Carl should have a purpose for doing this, he didn't care, and Carl was so strong, there was such a thing Tony made his friends.

"Hey Tony, oh, God, I knew you were going to be okay!" Obadiah opened Tony's car door and hugged him, saying with a tone of joy and surprise.

"Hey Stan, you don't know what I went through there! Three whole months! I couldn't even eat a bite of hamburger!" Tony said a little excitedly after hugging Obadiah. After all, now he thinks about those three I shuddered for months of my life.

"Okay, okay, it's okay. You've gone home. By the way, do you have one of mine?" Obadiah patted Tony's shoulder kindly and asked.

"No, no...that's's gone, really!" Tony said to Obadiah after taking a bite of the burger.

"Okay, okay, let's go, reporters from all the major newspapers are already here!" Obadiah said helplessly to Tony, and then took him into the company.


"So...I have decided to shut down the weapons manufacturing department of Stark Industries! And never activate it!" Tony stood on the podium and said a bunch of useless words, then fell silent and announced his decision!

"Hey, he was drunk, yes, he was drunk. For the next news, please pay attention to the decision of the Stark Industries board of directors!" Obadiah saw that Tony actually told the media that he wanted to close the weapon manufacturing department of Stark Industries, and immediately He stepped forward and pulled Tony away, explained to the media reporters, and pulled Tony away.

"Hey, Tony, how can you say that to them? We are an arms company! If you close the weapons manufacturing department now, what are we going to do? Are we going to sell baby pacifiers?" Obadiah took Tony to the large reactor in the factory. The place said to him.

"No, no, no, Stan, I think we should change the direction of the company's development. For example, how about clean energy?" Tony said to Obadiah nonchalantly, but he did not let go of the weapons manufacturing department.

"Hey Tony, we haven't been doing research on clean energy for a long time. You have to come up with something to silence those board members! For example, this!" Obadiah looked at Tony helplessly and then suggested , and pointed to Tony's chest.

"Who told you, Pepper? Happy? It's still the group of bodyguards, it should be the group of bodyguards, okay, you see, but he only belongs to me!" Tony said to Obadiah a little confused, because he I don’t know how he knew there was a reactor on his chest, and he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal the reactor.

"Hey, Tony, don't worry about how I know it, but you have to give me something to gag the board of directors. Oh Shet, this thing is really good!" Obadiah looked at the reactor on Tony's chest in surprise, and Fasten Tony's buttons.

"No, no, no, this only belongs to me. I will take out the technology, but you have to give me some time, Stan." Tony said stubbornly to Obadiah, and said that it was impossible to take out the small reactor, but he You can study other things, but it will take time.

"Okay Tony, I will try my best to convince the board of directors. You should go home and rest first." Obadiah looked at Tony helplessly and said to him seriously, saying that he would help him.

"Thank you, Stan!" Tony said gratefully to Obadiah and walked out slowly.

"It's okay, it's all as it should be." Obadiah answered Tony with a chuckle. After Tony left, his eyes became fierce and vicious!


"So, I decided to shut down the weapons manufacturing department of Stark Industries! And never activate it again!"

Carl sat on the sofa and watched the scene of Tony's press conference on TV. After he said those words to close the weapons manufacturing department of Stark Industries, Carl knew that Iron Man was about to be born, and the battle with Iron Overlord was about to begin. Not far away.

"Zhisu, how much money do we have after we sell the stocks?" Carl thought for a while and pressed Bluetooth to ask Jisu remotely. Jisu sold all Stark Industries' stocks when Tony entered the press conference.

"Boss, we now have 6 billion US dollars!" A very fast electronic voice came from Bluetooth, and then told him how much money he now has.

"6 billion, so much. When Stark Industries' stock plummets to the bottom of the cliff again, buy them all. If someone sells the shares, buy them all at a low price!" Karl said to Jisu on the other side of Bluetooth. After all, Stark Industries will But the value will skyrocket. If you get more shares now, you won't have to worry about money in the future. . .

"Yes, boss!"


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