Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 29 Researching Super Genes

Chapter 29: Researching Super Genes

"Pepper, listen to me, there is no danger, this is not this..." Tony explained to Pepper in a hurry, even a little incoherently.

"Is this Tony the big boy's new toy? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha." Carl said jokingly to Tony and Pepper, and even looked at each other and Yingson later, and both of them laughed.

"Walter?" Pepper looked at Carl and Yingsen in confusion, not understanding what he was talking about, and Tony looked at Carl and the others helplessly, then directly pulled Pepper away and took off the steel battle suit. Carl looked at The reactor on Tony's chest seemed to be the same one he had in the cave. He immediately understood what he asked Pepper to do, and instantly got goosebumps when he thought of this.

"Come on Yingson, let's go drink upstairs. Tony still has to flirt with his little assistant." Carl turned to Yingson and said, and even said the last sentence loudly in the direction of Tony and Pepper, and Yingson said Sen shook his head and smiled, watching Karl's mischief.

"Carl, after I upgrade my steel battle suit, I will definitely beat your ass!!" Tony's voice came from the direction they left. Carl smiled casually, and then led Yingsen to the living room above. Went over and the two started drinking at the bar.

And Tony pulled Pepper to replace the reactor. After some twists and turns, he successfully replaced the reactor and asked Pepper to get rid of the old reactor. He also said: I have many shortcomings, one of which is the most obvious. Just love the new and hate the old! Then he handed the old reactor to Pepper and walked to the living room.

Pepper looked at Tony's leaving figure and the reactor in his hand and fell into deep thought. After thinking for a while, he put the reactor away. What Tony didn't know was that it was precisely because of Pepper's move that the reactor was in the original timeline. Gui saved his life!

When Tony came to the card living room, he happened to see Carl Haoyingson drinking at the bar. After all, Tony's house had nothing but wine. The food was bought by Pepper, but it was usually burgers, pizza and the like. Carl and Yingson only had You can drink here.

"Hey Carl, Yingson, there is a charity ball tonight, how about we go and have fun together? There will be a lot of hot girls, you can let off some steam." Tony took a glass of wine and poured a glass and suggested to Carl and Yingson, Although the ball was held in his name, he now knew that it was not Obadiah's fault.

"I'd better forget it, I'm not interested in this." Yingsen said a little uninterested, and refused Tony's invitation.

"Me? I have a woman, let's forget it." Carl said to Tony calmly after taking a sip of wine.

"Hey! Hehe!! Don't be such a spoiler! Want to go and have fun together? Even if you don't do that, can you still have fun? By the way, I didn't expect your taste to be so unique, Carl." Tony said helplessly to Carl and Yingsen , then thought of something and said to Karl with an "I understand" expression on his face.

"By the way, use the favor you owe me to perfect the super gene that Stark Industry has been researching. I want that thing, and I want a super gene with no side effects!" Carl saw Tony's expression and naturally knew what he was talking about, and then Said to him seriously.

"Why do you want that thing? You don't want it for her, right?" After hearing Karl's words, he was a little suspicious, and then he immediately thought of something and exclaimed.

"Yes, I want to use it myself. You can just research it. Tell me if you need anything, or you can go to some university laboratories to recruit people." Carl said to Tony calmly, directly telling him his plan and telling him suggested.

"What are you talking about?" Yingsen looked at Carl and Tony in confusion, not knowing what riddle they were playing.

"I'm talking about letting Tony research and perfect the super gene of Stark Industry. I want to inject my lover and myself. The super gene can enhance the physique, increase life span, and even restore youth. My lover has been a little anxious recently, so I plan to help She is younger again." Carl explained to Yingsen calmly that this was not a secret that could not be told, although Carl and Aunt Mei did not hide it when they were together.

"This is a bit difficult. After all, I'm not an expert in biology. I can do some research and recruit people in university laboratories." Tony agreed after hearing what Carl said. After all, Carl said he was using favors.

"It's also good for you if you study it. Looking at how weak you are now, I doubt you can last three minutes." Carl said to Tony calmly, and then raised his brows, as if you were wondering whether you could do it or not. Said to Tony.

"Fake! I can definitely do it! How can it only be three minutes! I forget it, I still have a big hole in my chest, I can't inject the super gene, I have thought about it myself, and if I inject it, the reaction will be direct Let the missile fragments follow the blood vessels and enter the heart." Tony yelled at Carl loudly at first, and then explained the reason a little lonely.

"I can help you take out the fragments, and even help you repair the big hole in your chest, but not now. You should study the super gene first. There are some things I can't tell you." Carl said to Tony casually.

"What! Can you help me remove the fragments and repair the wounds? Okay... Then let me build a laboratory first." Tony was surprised at first, but after hearing Karl say it was not the time, he was helpless. , had to prepare to study super genes first.

"Okay, see you in the evening. Yingson, please come with us. And you can't stay at home all the time. I'm leaving first." Carl stood up and said to Tony and Yingson, and persuaded Yingson, and then used teleportation Disappeared in place.

Tony and Yingsen were left staring with big eyes. They knew that Carl had to leave into a dark place, enter the world of shadows, and now he just disappeared! Not even into the dark shadows.

"Shet, Carl's strength has increased again. I will spank Carl's ass hard when the genetic research is done! By the way, Yingsen, you should also get the injection when the time comes!" Tony swore directly at the place where Carl was sitting. , then thought of something and said to Yingsen.

"Research first, I might be able to help a little." Yingsen said disapprovingly.

"Okay, I'll build a laboratory first. By the way, I've been planning funds and supplies to support your hometown recently. You don't have to worry too much." Tony said to Yingsen, and he didn't do what he promised before. Forgot, but already making preparations.

"Thank you, Tony." Yingsen thanked Tony sincerely.


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