Chapter 56: Hatred

The reason why Samuel was so easily subdued by Carl was that his name as a shareholder of Stark Industries also played a big role, because research is the most expensive. If he had no money, how could he study genes, let alone He is just a Ph.D., and his savings are not enough to support his research. Even if he can get money from unknown sources, it will only be a drop in the bucket, not to mention that there are some experimental facilities and other things that ordinary people cannot buy.

And what does Stark Industries represent? It represents the green Franklin, which is simply a symbol of wealth. Ever since Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, Stark Industries' stock has risen rapidly, and even Carl's worth has risen a lot. Even It has reached the level of tens of billions. You must know that Karl only used 200 million US dollars as capital at the beginning.

"Definitely, Tony and I have a biological laboratory, where we are studying the super genes of Stark Industry, similar to the ones injected by Captain America during World War II. If you are interested, you can join it. I also have all the major Mutants. genes."

"Definitely, I can study all of these for you, but I have only one condition, I need your loyalty, otherwise..." Karl said to Samuel lightly, and his tone became dangerous later, and then his eyes flashed A red light, a red laser shot out of Carl's eyes, shooting the stool next to Samuel in half.

"Definitely, as long as you study genes for me, I can create any gene serum for you!" Samuel said respectfully to Karl. After his brain mutation, his thinking was unusually fast, and he immediately understood Karl's purpose. and expressed his loyalty.

"Very well, these shadow ninjas will enter your shadow. If you betray me, they will pierce your heart with weapons. I will not bring them back until I trust you." Karl looked at Samuel nodded with satisfaction and said.

"Definitely, boss, can you take me to the laboratory now? It would be better if you could take away all Dr. Banner's serum." Samuel said to Karl without any objection, and then proposed to go to the laboratory and will All of Dr. Banner's serum was taken away.

"Okay, they will take you to that laboratory, and they will also bring all the blood samples for you. Okay, you go first." Karl naturally agreed. After all, if this thing is researched, the benefits are not small, and then Two shadow ninjas appeared behind Samuel, leading him into the shadow world and sneaking towards Yingsen's laboratory.

And the remaining shadow ninjas took all the bags and test tubes containing Dr. Banner's blood in the laboratory into the shadow world and brought them to Samuel. Carl took out his mobile phone and dialed Yingson's number. , I had to notify him somehow, and he was connected after a while.

"Yingsen, I have arranged for a Ph.D. in biology to come here, and his scientific research ability is very strong, but he has not gained my trust yet. You can let him join the research on super genes. I have the means to monitor him." Karl connected. After Yingsen called, he said directly without being polite to Yingsen. After all, he had to get Hulk's blood later.

"Okay Carl, I know, I have seen him, he was brought here by your ninja, oh Shet, his head is so big!" After hearing what Carl said, Yingsen did not think that Carl suddenly arranged a A man comes in feeling dissatisfied. It would be better if someone could help him. Although there are several doctors in the laboratory, their abilities are not outstanding.

After Karl hung up the phone, he disappeared. Instead, he came to the roof of the building on 121st Street and looked down at the crazy Bronski below. No, it should be: hate!

. . . . . . . . . .

"Hulk, come out! Hahahahaha, I won't lose this time!!"


Abomination smashed up the streets and raised the car next to him to hit the army that attacked him. Ross did not bring many people this time, only a few jeeps and an armed helicopter, and he himself brought Banner and Betty They had already left, leaving only a few jeeps and two groups of soldiers. When they saw Abomination, they thought it was Hulk and immediately attacked him. You must know that this is a downtown area and is surrounded by people and shops. There is not a lot of traffic. few!


"General, Hulk was spotted on 121st Street, headed north on Broadway, requesting support!!" A soldier contacted Ross on the plane through the intercom, and Ross glanced at Banner and Betty. Hulk was not Banner. Well, he's here now, so who is that Hulk over there?

"Soldier, transmit your video here!" Ross said into the room with a walkie-talkie!

"Yes! General!"

As soon as the soldier finished speaking, a screen on the plane showed a picture of a monster uglier than the Hulk destroying the streets and attacking the army. The soldier picked up a rocket launcher and pointed it at the abomination. emission!


Although it hit, it did not cause substantial damage, and even attracted the attention of Abomination. He took a few steps, jumped onto the jeep with a big jump, and made fists with both hands to smash down on the soldier holding the rocket launcher, and the picture also appeared because of The hatred was interrupted. The soldier and the jeep were undoubtedly smashed by the hatred!

Abomination even lifted up the entire jeep and threw it into a store on the street next to it, causing many casualties. Ross, Banner, and Betty on the plane also guessed what happened after seeing the video interruption, and looked at each other in silence, and then Banner He opened his mouth and said:

"Let me go back. Only I can deal with him now. Otherwise, if he keeps destroying it, it will only make things worse!"

"No! Bruce, you are not sure whether you can transform now. If you can't transform, you will die!!" Betty grabbed Banner's arm and said excitedly, because Banner had been injected with medicine before, and it was successful. Pushed Hulk back.

"No, Betty, I have no choice, because he was created with my blood, so only Hulk can kill him!" Banner let go of Betty's hand and said to him affectionately.

"How sure are you?" Ross said to Banner after a moment of silence.

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