Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 64 Sending Gwen Home

Chapter 64: Sending Gwen home

Wanda argued tit for tat with Pilot, and asked the green vegetables to be put into his bowl, with a proud look on her face. When Carl saw this scene, he just shook his head and smiled, not paying attention to the nonsense between the two of them. Because after being injected with the serum, Karl's appetite increased a lot, and almost all the food on the big table was made for Karl.

"You three will share it later. You can buy whatever you want." Carl took out a stack of U.S. dollars from the system space, put it on the table and said to Wanda, Pilot, and Peter. This stack of U.S. dollars was enough to There are nearly ten thousand dollars!

This is already a lot for three children of about ten years old. This is not the pocket money given to them by Karl. Their weekly pocket money is given to them by Aunt Mei, and she controls it tightly. There is nothing more. Because Aunt Mei felt that she could not spoil them even if she had money, and always controlled their pocket money.

In addition, the three of them are now studying at a high-level school in Manhattan, with tuition fees exceeding two hundred thousand dollars per semester. And the students there are almost all the sons of rich people and the daughters of high-ranking officials, and Wanda and the three of them go to school every day. We were picked up and dropped off by a Rolls-Royce, which Carl specially bought.

"Oh yeah! You're so kind, Karl!!" Pirot immediately took the stack of U.S. dollars and started counting. The three of them divided it. He had at least three thousand three dollars. Peter, holding a bowl, also looked in Pirot's direction. Although he didn't make a sound, his little eyes looked straight. Ever since Aunt May and Carl got together, his life had undergone earth-shaking changes, just like he had changed from a poor boy to a rich man.

"Karl! You can't give them so much money, otherwise they will spend it indiscriminately, and if you give too much, they will learn bad things. I saw in the news recently that many middle school students have started to smoke that kind of stuff. What if they get it too!" Aunt Mei said to Karl angrily that she had always been concerned about the growth of her three children, and was afraid that she would not take good care of them and make them learn bad things.

"Okay, it's okay, just this time, they won't do it. If anyone dares to get infected with that kind of thing, I will let him suck it to death. I will buy a room and throw you in. Don't come out until you finish sucking it. ." After Carl finished speaking to Aunt May, he looked at Pilot and Peter, because Wanda was relatively well-behaved and didn't spend much money given to her. Only Pilot and Peter were more troublesome, and Carl looked at them as a warning. them.

"We promise not to do that kind of thing! The most we can do is buy some action figures and game models!" Pilot immediately pulled Peter to his feet and promised Carl, because Aunt May might be soft-hearted, but Carl would do what he said. Arriving, taking things all over the house, and still's scary to think about it.

Seeing this, Aunt Mei could only sigh helplessly, and then rolled her eyes at Karl. Gwen on the other side looked at what just happened and didn't know what she was thinking. At the same time, she felt incredible, and casually took out 10,000 US dollars. Three young children, is this the world of the rich? Gwen was deeply shocked!

Even though his father was the chief of the New York City Police Department, his salary was considered high-income. Even if she was in high school, he would not be so generous as to give her a stack of U.S. dollars. Later, she looked at Carl Fengjuan Yun's table and everyone was stunned after eating everything. Silly, and Carl’s belly didn’t even bulge.

And when Carl was eating, Raven was holding it for him. She felt incredible, but after thinking about Spider Telepathy's warning before, she was relieved. It seemed reasonable for a person with such strength to eat so much. Carl finished eating After that, I ran to the sofa on a small balcony on the third floor and lay down.

And the moonlight shining on him was so pleasant. Gwen saw this and followed him. When she saw Karl lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, the moonlight shone on him, highlighting Karl's white, handsome and holy appearance. She couldn't help but Stunned.

"What's wrong, what's the matter with coming to see me?" Karl said to Gwen at the door. Karl knew it since she was standing there, but he just didn't say anything. Unexpectedly, she didn't speak after a while. , actually looking at himself in a daze.

"Well, I was wondering if you could send me back so that I can better explain my injuries to my father. Please, okay!" Gwen walked up to Carl and said to him, and in the end she acted coquettishly and opened her eyes. Looking at Karl with a pair of bright big eyes.

"Okay, when are you going to go back?" Karl glanced at those beautiful gem-like eyes and agreed. Anyway, it's fine after dinner, so why not go out for a walk, and Karl also plans to go out to see if he can meet There are a few people with outstanding abilities, but the security force of their own manor is not enough.

"Great, can you do it now?" Gwen cheered in surprise and asked Karl. Karl nodded and took Gwen downstairs. During this period, Gwen returned to the room and changed. A piece of daily clothing, Aunt Mei bought this for her, just in case.


Carl drove Gwen in the direction of her home in a black Lamborghini, but what they didn't know was that George Stacey had not come back so late because he didn't see his daughter. He even called the police to look for her in a hurry. And call the surveillance videos of major regions to eliminate them one by one!

. . . . . . . . . .

"Thank you, Mr. Carl, thank you for saving me. If you hadn't saved me, I don't know what would have happened." Gwen said to Carl who was driving, because all the small alleys in America are infested with Nikos. place, it's hard to say what would have happened if she had been passed out there.

"It's a small thing, just think about the consequences before doing anything in the future, or think about your family." Karl glanced at Gwen and said lightly. It was just a casual thing in the first place, and it was not a big favor. Not worth mentioning for Karl.

"Thank you, I understand. I will do it in the future, at least I won't rush out recklessly, but... Mr. Carl, I can feel that you are very powerful. Why don't you go fight against criminals? That way New York Wouldn't the city be better?" Gwen nodded and said that he would remember it, and asked the question that he had always had in his mind.

"All you see are gangs, robbers, and robbers. These all belong to the dark side under the light. Where there is light, there is darkness. Do you think these can be eliminated? What's more, is New York City a good city? What do the issues that the chief and the police should consider have to do with me? Just because I am powerful does not mean that I should help them."

"What's more, have you forgotten the example I gave you before? I don't want my family to be harmed, let alone even if I go to fight crime, what will I get? A sense of honor? Or inner fulfillment? As a person, Shareholder of Stark Industries, America’s youngest billionaire, do I still need these honors?”

. . . . . . . . . .

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