Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 68 Super Gene Serum

Chapter 68: Super Gene Serum

Karl turned off the TV and ignored it. George's matter was just a small episode to him. When Karl was thinking about doing something, Tony's call actually came. After he answered the call:

"Hey man, was it exciting last night, hahahahahaha."

"It's irritating Tony. After all, someone has a gun pointed at his head. Do you want to try it? I'll help you. I promise not to go off."

"Oh Shet, you damn guy, let's forget it. This result is quite satisfactory. By the way, Yingsen told me that the gene has been studied. Let's go and have a look. He can't get through your phone call. By the way, what are you doing all day long, you won’t..."

"Shut up, let's go, let's go take a look, and by the way, I'll introduce you to a big guy, even a big guy comparable to Hulk."

After speaking to Tony, he hung up. He couldn't say anything good from Tony's mouth. Then Carl came to Juggernaut's house and took Juggernaut from the shadow world to the laboratory. He arrived soon, A bit faster than Tony, even if he wears a steel battle suit it would take him a while to get here.

"Yingsen, what's going on? Have you tried any human experiments?" Carl walked to Yingson's side and asked. If human experiments were conducted, it would be safer. This super gene Carl was going to use for Aunt Mei and the others.

"Hey, Karl, you're here, you did it, I did it on myself, didn't you notice that I'm a lot younger, and all my attributes have increased, and even my recovery is faster than before, it's huge To a certain extent, I even increased my lifespan!" Yingsen turned around and said to Carl, and showed him what he looked like. Only then did Carl realize that Yingsen was much younger, and seemed to have returned to his twenties. look.

And he looked a little stronger, not as thin as before, and his whole person looked radiant. He frowned. After all, Yingsen was also his friend. He was doing experiments on himself. Karl A little angry.

"Hey, Yingsen, how can you do experiments on yourself? What if something goes wrong? You are a friend of Tony and I. I believe many prisons are willing to provide Tony with death row prisoners for human experiments. If you do this... "It's too unsafe, you know." He said to Yingsen angrily. If something happened to him, it would be difficult to recover. Genes are the hardest thing to do.

"Um... I was too impatient. Samuel and I made sure there was nothing wrong before injecting. Do you think I'm okay?" Yingsen didn't expect that Carl would be a little angry because of this. A flash of warmth flashed through, and then he explained to Karl.

"OK OK, you won't be allowed to do this next time. By the way, I also have a piece of experimental data on super genes here. I forgot to bring it over before. You two can see if you can combine it with what we studied." He took out He gave Yingsen and Samuel the super gene data injected into Black Widow that he had obtained in the red room.

"Boss, this data is similar to ours, and there are only some differences. If it is integrated into it, maybe the genes will be upgraded to a higher level. I have thoughts now, excuse me!" Samuel looked at the experimental data that Carl brought out. He said to Karl, and couldn't wait to start researching.

"That's how he is, extremely enthusiastic about genetic research, just get used to it." Yingsen shrugged and said helplessly to Karl. He was already used to Samuel's state, and Karl just smiled and said Didn't mind.

Juggernaut sat next to him with a bored look on his face. He thought the boss was taking him to fight, but he didn't expect to come to a laboratory. He was so bored that he might as well watch TV at home, and then sat on the sofa not far away in a daze.

"Hey guys, how was the experiment, Ouchette, this big guy is so strong!" Tony walked in from the door of the laboratory in a suit, and couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw the Juggernaut next to him.

"It was successful, and Yingsen succeeded in his own experiment. I brought a copy of the super gene experimental data of the Red House. Samuel is studying it. After his research is successful, our super gene will be upgraded to a higher level." Karl He said slowly to Tony, who had a stinking look on his face, and glanced at Yingsen. It wasn't because he felt sorry for the little gene, but he was simply afraid that something might happen to Yingsen. People were researching genes for him day and night. How could he? Might care about the little thing he injected.

"Ouchette, Yingsen! How could you do this? You can tell me if you want to do human experiments. You are taking too many risks. How do you feel now? Are you okay?" Tony looked angry and worried when he heard Carl's words. Looking at Yingsen, it is difficult to guarantee that something like genes will not cause accidents.

"I'm fine Tony, I'm sorry, I'm just too impatient. Look, I'm okay, and I'm stronger than before, and even a lot younger, hahahahaha!" Yingsen saw that Tony and Carl were so concerned. I couldn't help but feel a little moved, and then I showed my results to Tony.

"Boss, I succeeded! The two sets of gene sequences were successfully arranged together. As long as it is produced, it will be more powerful than the original gene! I even suspect that it can reach the level of Captain America, but without his genes, I can't Just an estimate." Samuel shouted to Carl on the experimental table, and Carl led Tony and Yingson over there.

"Then let's make it first and inject it into mice to see." Carl said calmly to Samuel, but the surprise flashing in his eyes meant that he was not calm inside, and was even looking forward to it. After that, Samuel Working together with Yingsen, two gene serums were produced in a short time.

Then they injected it into a white mouse inside the glass, and then several people observed from above. The white mouse did not show any abnormal reactions such as being violent, but instead slapped the glass to pieces, which shocked them. , Carl grabbed it with Psychokinesis and placed it inside the transparent cover of bulletproof glass.

It suddenly occurred to him that the system seemed to be able to detect something, and then he picked up another gene serum on the table.

[Super gene serum: A biological gene serum derived from the core formula of a mysterious substance. After injection, it can strengthen the body, slow down the aging of body functions, accelerate metabolism, and improve immunity and other six-dimensional attributes! 】

After Carl saw the annotations displayed by the system, he found that there was nothing abnormal, which meant that there was nothing wrong with this genetic medicine and could be injected into anyone!

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