Chapter 71: Wakanda

After Carl took Juggernaut to buy a multi-million dollar large off-road vehicle, Juggernaut was very excited. Afterwards, he told Carl that a real man should drive this, and then he drove away, especially in the urban area. He was running rampant on the road, but luckily there was no accident. He just didn't obey the traffic rules and let the traffic police chase him all the way.

Watching this scene, I couldn't help but have a headache. It seemed that buying him a car might not be a good idea. In the end, Carl relied on his relationship with Stark Industries to solve these troubles. He took Juggernaut back to the manor and asked Speedy to modify his off-road vehicle. .

Carl looked at the speed that was being modified for the off-road vehicle and found some damage on its body. Carl then realized that it had fought with the people in the red house to cover Mei, Raven and the others. Perhaps these should be left behind from that time. , Karl immediately decided to update the speed!

He pulled up the photo of Wakanda on the map, and then disappeared. He was going to go to Wakanda to get some Vibranium. A big dog like them wouldn't be able to find it if they got a ton or two, right? They wouldn't give it to them? Karl didn’t intend to take it. He planned to let the Black Shadow Ninja move it. How could this be considered stealing? It’s just that you didn’t notice it when I moved it. This was not considered stealing. It was just for taking it in an honest way!

After entering the world of shadow, he quickly dived in the direction of Wakanda. At his current speed, he arrived in Wakanda, a so-called poor country, from New York in three hours. It is a high-tech country, and everything inside is made of Vibranium. Yes, he is the richest person in the world, even if he doesn’t have a piece of cloth on his head, he is not as rich as others.

After observing from the world of shadow, he immediately dived into the mine where they were digging Vibranium. After a while, he found truckloads of Vibranium ore. Karl didn’t want to refine it himself, so he immediately followed the minecarts to where they were refining Vibranium. place, I was shocked when I walked in. The entire factory was filled with refined Vibranium. Carl looked at the Vibranium in the Warehouse using the ability of the world of shadows, and his mouth watered a little.

This is all Vibranium. On the black market, a gram of Vibranium costs 100,000 US dollars. There is even a price but no market. Not only is every piece of Vibranium that appears, it will be snapped up by wealthy people, laboratories and companies, but the price is far more than 100,000 US dollars. One gram of U.S. dollars was placed so casually in the Warehouse. Three words flashed in Carl's mind: Big dog!

Four black shadow ninjas appeared behind the monitor, and then covered the monitor. Ten thousand black shadow ninjas poured out and began to move Vibranium crazily. Then they also started to move Vibranium crazily through Psychokinesis. It was not even one Warehouse, but several Warehouses. They were all looted by the Black Shadow Ninjas at the same time. They were definitely discovered in doing so, but after their people arrived, the Warehouse was evacuated by Karl.

Three warehouses were evacuated, containing nearly sixty tons of Vibranium! Carl looked at the Vibranium next to him in the world of shadows, couldn't help but smile, and immediately dived outside Wakanda. After appearing in an alley of the nearest city, he teleported and disappeared.

The King of Wakanda on the other side came to the Warehouse and saw that it was empty. All the Vibranium had disappeared. His face was gloomy. He left without saying a word because he could move sixty tons of Vibranium in a few minutes after the alarm sounded. , it is definitely not simple. He did not decide rashly to send people out to investigate, because Wakanda's Vibranium has special fluctuations that they can detect by themselves. He is not worried about the loss of Vibranium.

But I am worried about the strength of the other party. If I send someone to find it and a conflict occurs, the other party will be able to move 60 tons of Vibranium in a few minutes. This is no joke. Even using a machine, it is impossible to move it in a few minutes! Even if you eat the heart-shaped grass, you can't do it if the other party attacks the entire Wakanda.

And from the fact that the other party only takes Vibranium and does not intend to harm the people of Wakanda, it can be seen that the other party only needs Vibranium. If the other party spreads Wakanda's information, it will be extremely detrimental to Wakanda, so he has to think long term!

After Carl returned to New York from Wakanda, he gave Vibranium directly to Speedy and asked him to make himself a new body, using Vibranium! All with Vibranium! Carl is so arrogant. He didn't buy it with his own money anyway. Even if the other party knows about it, so what. If he comes here, he will take Juggernaut to demolish Wakanda.

Although Vibranium is good, it's useless if you can't keep it, and Vibranium is not really invincible. In the timeline, Captain America's shield was chopped to pieces by Thanos, but Vibranium is the best metal on earth and can be used as Energy. Absorbing, and it is extremely hard itself. This is why Vibranium is difficult to destroy. The main reason is that it has the characteristic of Energy Absorbing. Even kinetic energy and impact energy can be absorbed and then released. Unless there is a strong attack to break the absorption limit time, it's hard to break!

The King of Wakanda saw that Vibranium actually appeared in New York, and it was not ten minutes ago. He even felt incredible. After making sure that there was no problem with the instrument, he believed this fact. Even though he knew that the world had Mutant, he still couldn't believe it. I have never seen a machine that can carry sixty tons of Vibranium across the entire earth plate in a few minutes, and even appeared directly in New York, America!

Even the stronger Magneto among the Mutants he knew could not do it. Although he was unwilling to lose Vibranium, he still had to consider his own people. After careful consideration, he decided to look at the opponent's reality, otherwise he would not be able to give the people Tell me, sixty tons of Vibranium were lost at once!

Afterwards, he decided to send his cronies to fly a stealth plane to New York to investigate.

Now that Prince T'Challa has reached adulthood, he will inherit his position soon. He plans to lower his prestige from this incident, so that T'Challa can more easily gain the recognition of the people and become Wakanda. King, after all, every generation of kings is invincible in the eyes of the people, which also leads to his extremely high prestige!

In order to let T'Challa inherit his position, he has tried every means, and now he has this opportunity. Even if the opponent is really as strong as he guessed, he will find an opportunity to lower his prestige, for the sake of T'Challa Challa pave the way for inheriting the throne!

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