Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 74 Blackmailing Wakanda

Chapter 74: Blackmailing Wakanda

Extreme's right hand also transformed into a cannon barrel, which kept bombarding Wakanda's soldiers and flight machines. Raven controlled their own weapons to attack the Wakanda soldiers. With advanced technology, they actually let the soldiers use spears. Carl They were all speechless, but these spears were all made of Vibranium.

T'Chaka rushed towards Karl. No matter how strong the opponent was, he, the king, had to rush at the front, not to mention that he had taken Heart-Shaped Grass, and his physical fitness was no longer ordinary, but he didn't know that Karl was even more powerful. of terror.


T'Chaka was wearing a Black Panther battle suit and scratched Carl's chest with his claws. It only tore up his clothes and left a few white marks on his skin. He recovered within a second. He simply didn't dare. believe! He took heart-shaped grass and wore Wakanda's Vibranium battle suit, but he could only leave a white mark on the opponent's body. He immediately understood the gap between himself and the opponent, and by the time he wanted to retreat, it was already too late.


Karl teleported in front of T'Chaka and kicked him in the chest. He was kicked away and hit the wall of the palace directly. Because of the characteristics of the Vibranium battle suit, he was not affected. What kind of injury? It was just a shock, and most of the power was absorbed by the Vibranium battle suit.

After slowly standing up, he looked at Carl solemnly. This young man's strength was far beyond his imagination, but Carl would not give him a chance. He appeared in front of T'Chaka again and slapped the Black Panther battle suit. On the head, T'Chaka was knocked away again, and this time it caught T'Challa's attention.

"Father!!!" He shouted loudly at T'Chaka, and raised the weapon in his hand to attack Carl. Carl looked at this next generation Black Panther with interest, and then a blue light flashed in his eyes, T 'Challa's weapon was directly frozen. He immediately dropped the weapon and attacked Karl with his bare hands.

Carl was very interested in fighting the next generation Black Panther, but he let go. After Carl got tired of playing, he directly froze T'Challa, and then faced T'Chaka's attack. Although This attack won't hurt him.


"What did you do to T'Challa!!" T'Chaka yelled angrily at Carl. After all, his son had high hopes. If he was killed by the other party like this, he would be in great pain, and he would desperately ask the other party for help. revenge.

"Oh, just let him sleep. It's no big deal. If you have anything else in Wakanda, use it quickly, otherwise the country will be destroyed waiting for you!" Carl responded to T'Chaka casually, and then casually He flew away.

T'Chaka watched as the Wakanda soldiers on the battlefield were almost slaughtered one-sidedly, and even Wakanda suffered numerous casualties! All this was caused by himself. He clearly guessed that the opponent's strength might be terrifying, but he was still unwilling to send people out to investigate. He was even caught by the opponent and killed directly in Wakanda, which started a war!

"Stop!! We Wakanda lost because of your conditions!" T'Chaka shouted to Carl and the people on the battlefield. He could not let the entire Wakanda fall into a war because of himself, or even a one-sided war. He watched Wakanda with his own eyes. soldiers were massacred.

"Okay, Tank, Speed, Raven, stop, our King has surrendered." Carl said to Juggernaut and the others, and Juggernaut was fighting vigorously. After hearing Carl's words, although he was a little reluctant, he still stopped. Come down and come to Karl's side.

"I want 100 tons of Vibranium." Carl stated his conditions simply and clearly. He was originally planning to blackmail Wakanda, so after they gave in, Carl said it directly.

"Yes! But please release T'Challa!" T'Chaka agreed immediately, and then asked Carl to release T'Challa. After hearing this, Carl secretly said, "Damn it, it's less. I knew it would be more." It was already one o'clock, after all, he agreed without even thinking about it. Karl felt extremely regretful, but he had no intention of going back on his words.

"Okay, give me the Vibranium." Karl waved his hand at T'Challa, and all the ice on his body disappeared. He immediately came back to life, but he was a little cold from the ice.

"follow me!"

After T'Chaka saw Carl releasing T'Challa, he led them towards the Warehouse. Then he opened the door of a Warehouse and signaled Carl to please, and then watched from the side. Carl naturally didn't care, and the shadow ninja continued Gush out, and then take Vibranium into the world of shadow.

Carl himself also used Psychokinesis to move tens of tons into the world of shadow. T'Chaka was stunned under the Black Panther mask. He did not expect that the other party actually transported the Vibranium away in this way. At the same time, he was very angry with the other party. fear, and then after Carl said goodbye to T'Chaka, he took Juggernaut, Speed, and Raven into the shadow world and disappeared directly in front of T'Chaka.

T'Chaka looked at where Carl and the others were standing just now, and his fear of them rose to a higher level again. The woman just now could actually control metal directly, and the muscular man's Vibranium weapon couldn't hurt him, and the same was true for the robot. The whole body is actually made of Vibranium!

As for the leading young man, he was not too scary at all. Playing against him was just like playing. He had used three abilities in a short period of time, including teleportation, summoning soldiers, and freezing. After returning to the palace, he gave orders to everyone. , you are not allowed to be enemies with them, otherwise you will be dealt with directly according to the national law!

Because the strength of the few of them is so terrifying, even the woman who can control metal can kill them directly, because 80% of Wakanda is a Vibranium building! And Vibranium weapons, it can be said that metal objects can be seen everywhere in Wakanda!

The other party is even more powerful in Wakanda! And immediately investigated the identity of the young man with black hair and blue eyes. To his surprise, he found out directly, and the other party did not hide it. He was a shareholder of Stark Industries, the youngest billionaire in America, Iron Man. Tony Stark's best friend.

After sighing, he threw Karl's information aside. So what if he knew it? Should he deal with him? Since the opponent can hit Wakanda once, he can hit Wakanda a second time. For the sake of the safety of the people, he can only hold back and prepare to abdicate.

This time, it successfully paved the way for T'Challa, but many soldiers died and even Wakanda was embarrassed! He has no face to be the king anymore!

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