Chapter 85: Dragon Bone

Thinking of Brother Hammer, Carl couldn't help but feel tragic for him. First, his brother wanted to kill him, then his mother died, and then his father died. He learned that he had a sister, but she wanted to kill him, and then he had no choice but to destroy his hometown. , led the people to wander the universe, met Thanos, his brother died, and he became blind in one eye. After that, he led the people to live peacefully on the earth, spending the whole day in decadence.

Carl still plans to wait for Brother Hammer to come and get in touch with Brother Hammer. After all, he is also the future king of Asgard. After Odin is cool, Hela appears. It should be no problem to take a few things from Odin's treasure house. Maybe he can do it. Change the future of Asgard, even the Ancient One said the future is blurred.

But Karl now has other plans, because the Hand and the Union have now become the boss of Hell's Kitchen. Thinking of the Hand and the Union, Karl thinks of the keel, which is something that can sustain the life of five fingers and even enhance his own combat power.

And those five fingers are the original Protege of Eastern Kunlun. Alexander, Mrs. Gao, Botu, Suowang, and Murakami were expelled from Kunlun because they wanted to use the dragon bone to achieve immortality. Even the dragon bone seemed to be there. Deep underground in Manhattan, it has existed for more than a billion years.

After Carl thought of this, he immediately used the Black Shadow Ninja to go deep underground. After reaching a depth of about one thousand meters, through the feedback from the Black Shadow Ninja, he found that there was indeed a keel below. Carl immediately entered the world of shadow and headed towards the keel. Go, when Karl came one thousand meters underground, he saw bones emitting golden light, and there were quite a lot of them. Karl thought for a while and asked the shadow ninja to move the dragon bones into the shadow world.

In fact, there is a barrier outside the keel. Because of the characteristics of the Black Shadow Ninja, Carl was able to enter directly. After letting the Black Shadow Ninja carry the keel, Carl broke off a piece of the keel and put it on his upper hand, and then mobilized the energy in his body to absorb it. He discovered The freezing ability has increased a lot, faster than even his own development.

Carl showed an expression of surprise. He didn't expect it to be useful. Then Carl also used Psychokinesis to start moving the keel, and then moved them all to the world of shadow. Carl stayed a thousand meters underground for a full day before he and the shadow ninja They moved all the dragon bones into the world of shadow.

Then Carl returned to the manor, and Mei and Raven had long been accustomed to Carl sometimes running away without a trace, so they did not show any surprise. As for whether the Hand and the Society would discover that Carl had a dragon bone, he didn't know, but he knew They don't care anymore, the five Proteges can only live a long time, and their strength is simply not enough for the current Karl, let alone the Holy Society and Iron Fist who will cause trouble for them.

So Carl did not panic at all, and began to absorb keels in the manor. Not only the freezing ability can be improved, but even the number of teleportation, Cyclops, Psychokinesis, and Black Shadow Ninja can be improved through keels. Carl took the lead in improving teleportation. After a night of absorption, Karl's teleportation can now take people to teleport!

After that, he did not immediately start to upgrade the next ability, because at this moment he could feel that his body was in a saturated state and could no longer absorb the dragon bone. Seeing that the dragon bone was so powerful, Carl couldn't help but think about the origin of the dragon bone.

There were many debates about the origin of the dragon bone in the previous life, but one of the more reliable ones is that when the Celestial Gods attacked the earth gods and fought with the earth gods, a powerful Eastern Dragon fell among them. Its strength even reached Level Sub-God Father, and has initially taken control of the law. The dragon bone contains the power of law during his lifetime, so it can still maintain extremely powerful energy, and can even increase the reward for Carl's sign-in.

It turns out that the earth is not what it is now. There are gods in the east, and there are also gods in the west. Greek mythology, Athenian mythology, Egyptian mythology, belief in God, all seem to be true, and God seems to have been exiled by Odin, and the entire latitude has disappeared. The other gods are no longer on earth.

After Carl thought for a while, he stopped thinking about it. It was useless for him to think about it now. Then he asked Tony to pay attention to whether anything fell in New Mexico. If anything fell, he would inform him. Tony naturally agreed and mobilized Stark's satellite. Monitoring of New Mexico.

On the other side, after Rhodes drove Tony's Mark II back to the military base, the pressure on Tony disappeared. After all, they had already obtained a steel battle suit, and there was no need to target Tony Stark, the Stark family's leader. The network of connections is not that easy to deal with, just close it when it is good.

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During Thor's canonization ceremony, several Giants of Jotunheim appeared in Odin's treasury. Odin noticed it immediately and immediately took Thor and Loki to the treasury. The Giants of Jotunheim in the treasury brought the two After killing an Asgard soldier, he looked at the Casket of Ancient Winters not far away! As long as it is brought back to Jotonheim, the Giants of Jotunheim can be restored to its former glory.

Before they encountered the Casket of Ancient Winters, the wall behind the Casket of Ancient Winters slowly disappeared, and a tall metal man came out of it. Its face slowly lowered, and two yellow lines The laser killed several Giants of Jotunheim, then retreated to where they were, and the wall reappeared.

He is Odin's armor: the Destroyer Armor! The original intention of building it was to compete with the Celestials who invaded the earth, and Odin once wore it to fight against a group of Celestials, and even cut off the arm of one of the Celestials, but was still defeated by a member of the Celestials. But it also shows how powerful the Destroyer Armor is.

Afterwards, Odin brought Thor and Loki to the treasure house. Looking at the dead Asgard warriors, Odin fell silent. Thor said that this was a provocation from the Giants of Jotunheim and that we should give them some color, but Odin did not Instead of answering him, he left directly and even glanced at Odin thoughtfully.

The Giants of Jotunheim were actually able to enter Asgard and find the treasure house. Moreover, this was when Thor was sealed. How could Odin not know whose masterpiece it was? Not to mention that his wife was a witch. She could even see it without using the Time Gem. In the future, his wife will already know this scene.

However, Odin could only pretend not to know, knowing the future but could not change the future. Thor returned to his room angrily, and was then bewitched by Loki to take the three warriors and Sif to Jotonheim, also known as Giants of Jotunheim, through Bifrost. world.

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