Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 91 Loki Deceives Thor

Chapter 91: Loki deceives Thor

"And I can tell you that the earth is actually under the rule of God King Odin, and Thor's exile this time is just a test. You should honestly look for Steve Rogers, so as not to cause the destruction of mankind in the future." Carl said to the person on the other end of the phone After Nick Fury finished speaking, he hung up and returned the phone to Phil Coulson.

It's not that he reminds Nick Fury out of kindness, but he is warning him that despite Odin's appearance as an old and kind old man, he is the king of the nine realms! How can a person who can become a king be kind? Besides, even Loki is not dead. After all, he is Odin's son. Kill him? Odin will come to Earth with Asgard's army the next day, and even the Sorcerer Supreme will not stop him because he is grudged for losing his son.

If Sorcerer Supreme really stops her, Odin will probably fight her to the death. It’s not clear who is stronger and who is weaker. Odin has single-handedly challenged the Celestials, but Sorcerer Supreme has Time Gem and has defeated many dimensional Mephistas. The strength of the two They should all be at Level God Father, but Sorcerer Supreme may really not stop him. As long as humanity does not become extinct and the earth is not destroyed, then she will not stop a crazy Level God Father.

Never underestimate the affection of an old man. He even knows his own end. It is inevitable that Hela will come out, and his son is dead, so even if Hela is allowed to come out, he will choose revenge. Even if the Sorcerer Supreme stops it, he will take revenge. It is very likely that he will reach a deal with Hela. Hela hates him to the core. If he uses himself as a condition to let Hela attack with him, Sorcerer Supreme may not be able to stop him.

Hela is also likely to agree. Although she may look down on her brother, he is her brother no matter what. Even if she wants to kill him, it can only be her, not to mention war means death, so she The power will increase again.

Therefore, neither Thor nor Loki can have any trouble on Earth. It would be fun if Nick Fury knew that Thor was exiled and had his brain seized and experimented on, and accidentally killed him. With Nick Fury This idea is very possible, because people in Asgard have long lifespans, and they are even written in fairy tales, not to mention they have various abilities.

Then Loki appeared in the room where Thor was alone, and then lied to Thor for a while, even lying to him that Odin was dead, and his mother would not let him go back, which made Thor extremely sad. Carl was speechless when he heard it outside. Planning to meet Loki.

After Loki left, Carl took Tony and Juggernaut into Thor's room. Seeing him sitting alone on a stool and grieving, Carl suddenly thought that people in Asgard lived too long and fought just for fun. Only muscles are left now?

"Okay, Thor, the God King Odin is not dead, and your mother has never said anything like that. If the God King is dead, why is Odin's power on Mjolnir still there? What can Loki get in order to prevent you from going back? You just Can't you think about it carefully?" Carl explained helplessly to the grieving Thor, and even gave him an example.

"What, my father is not dead? Did Loki lie to me? Why is he sitting like this? It's the throne! Loki, you lied to me again!!" After hearing what Carl said, Thor thought for a while with his muscular mind. He immediately understood the purpose of Loki's doing this. Even though Thor is naive, he is not stupid. How stupid can a person who has lived for 1500 years be, let alone the son of Odin and Frigga? He is just Just because he doesn't like to think doesn't mean he's stupid.

"You'd better think carefully about how to pick up Mjolnir and restore your own power, otherwise you will just be incompetent and furious, and stay in Midgard." Carl looked at Thor who was roaring to the sky again, covering his face and said, it was really shameless. Why is Thor so stubborn?

"But I can't pick up Mjolnir at all, and I can't restore my power. You should be the magician of Midgard. Can you tell me what to do?" Thor looked at Karl and asked him suddenly excitedly, even Think of him as Cam Taj's magician.

"No, no, no, I'm not a magician, I'm just an ordinary person with some strength. Thor, you are Thor. Why did your power disappear after you lost Mjolnir? You are not the Hammer God. Your divine power should come from you. You should seek strength within yourself, and at the same time, think about why you were exiled by God King Odin. When you think clearly and change it, maybe Mjolnir will fly to you automatically."

Carl shook his head and said to Thor. In fact, his power has always been there. This is his innate ability. Odin cannot take it away. At most, it will only be sealed. What's more, why did Odin banish Thor? Because he wanted to challenge him. He started a war and wanted to plunge the people of Asgard into war. He was even more disrespectful and arrogant, like a child eager to show off. This was the reason why Odin banished Thor this time.

"Looking for strength within? The reason why I was exiled is that I want to start a war with Jotonheim. The power of Thor... You must be the prophet of Midgard, right? I remember that when I went on a mission before, there were prophets in many tribes. , you are too, right?" Thor thought for a long time and said such a sentence, and everyone in Carl was dumbfounded.

"I can barely say that, but it's not entirely true. I just know a few things." Carl twitched the corner of his mouth and answered Thor. He is indeed a prophet now. Because of his previous life, he knows what happened in most timelines. , it is not too much to say that it is a prophet.

"Come on, Thor, let's get out of here. You won't be able to afford Mjolnir for a while. I'll take you to drink Midgard's wine!!" Carl took Thor, Tony, and Juggernaut outside, and Phil Coulson saw it. Without daring to stop them, Carl and the others also met Erik, Jane, Daisy, and the others. They were negotiating with people from S.H.I.E.L.D., wanting to get their equipment and data back.

Karl ignored them, but Thor said hello to Jane, and then Jane asked Thor to help her get the equipment and data back. Thor agreed immediately, and then looked at Karl with an expression like "Help me quickly, Karl" She had no choice but to ask Phil Coulson to return their things to her, but Thor followed Jane's ass. How could Carl not understand that Thor and Jane were bastards who looked at each other, and they were in love with each other.

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