Marvel: Frozen Fruit At The Beginning

Chapter 94 The Three Warriors Of Asgard

Chapter 94: Three Warriors of Asgard

"Director, the captain still has a weak heartbeat!! The captain is still alive!!" The agent moved his ear next to Steve Rogers' heart, heard his weak heartbeat, and immediately reported excitedly to the director in the headset.

"Bring Steve Rogers up immediately. Where's the doctor, come here quickly!!" Nick Fury first said to the agent in the headset, and then immediately called the accompanying doctor over, preparing to check Steve Rogers' condition immediately, and more It is to maintain his vitality!

"Yes! Director, let's bring the captain up now!!" The agent under the ice replied to Nick Fury in the headset, and then began to move Steve Rogers from the driver's seat. Several people carried Steve Rogers to the The direction of the hole in the ice moved, and then the rope was fixed on Steve Rogers' body and signaled to the people above to pull up.

After Steve Rogers was pulled up by the agent on the ice, Nick Fury came here with the doctor immediately, and immediately asked the doctor to start testing Steve Rogers, and slowly put Steve Rogers into the Queens fighter. Move and prepare to take Steve Rogers back to S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters immediately for better treatment and unlocking facilities!

. . . . . . . . . .

The next day, New Mexico

Last night, Thor actually lost to Juggernaut while drinking. He lost to a Midgardian. He lost to Juggernaut because of the drinking he was so proud of. When he woke up the next day, he was very depressed, but he didn't think too much about it. He just secretly swore that he would compete with him after his magical power returned!


The Bifrost in the distant suburbs came again, and it was Sif and Hogan who came. After they landed, they looked at the desolate surroundings. There was only a small town in the distance. The four of them discussed going there first. , there are no buildings around, Thor should be over there.

Carl had already felt the arrival of Bifrost, and even looked in that direction. Then he recalled that Thor's friends should have come down, but the Destroyer Armor would also appear soon. Carl couldn't help but sigh, Odin really You are willing to give it up, giving Thor the Destruction Armor to grow is simply a luxury!

"What's wrong, Carl, is there anything over there?" Tony saw that Carl was not eating and kept looking in the other direction. Then he moved closer and found nothing. After Tony spoke up, Thor, Jane, Daisy, Erik , also looked at Carl, only Juggernaut was eating unconcernedly, since Carl would call him when something happened, he didn't care.

"It's nothing. There was a fluctuation in Bifrost just now. Thor's friends in Asgard are here." Carl explained to the curious people. After that, the eyes of several people immediately turned from Carl to Thor, because that was Bifrost. They No one has seen it.

"Prophet, you mean Hogan and the others are here?" Thor didn't pay attention to everyone's looks, but said to Carl with a face of surprise. If it is really his Asgard partners who are here, does that mean that he can go back? , Karl nodded to Thor, then picked up the food in front of him and started eating.

Every time he heard Thor call him a prophet, he felt extremely ashamed and ashamed. Maybe he knew a lot of things, but not everything could be known in advance. He was a prophet who was half truthful and half false.

Only Daisy kept looking at Karl, looking like a nymphomaniac. Karl Dao didn't mind this careless girl. Daisy also apologized to Karl for her gaffe last night, and Karl accepted it happily. He was very happy with this. Girls with money don't have any objections. They are just friends. Now if he wants to sign in, he must add one more person to his harem, but will the strength of this harem affect the quantity and quality of sign-ins?

Karl himself didn’t know, so he could only let nature take its course. If there was fate, it would not be impossible to take in this girl with sufficient capital. Karl was more casual, and besides, he still liked strong women!

"Hey, Thor!! So you're here, we finally found you!!" Hogan and others came to the door and saw Thor excitedly patting the glass and shouting to Thor inside. Thor looked up after hearing the sound, He immediately saw Hogan and others, and immediately walked out of the restaurant and hugged his friends.

"Hey! Guys, it's great to meet you. Come on, let me introduce to you a friend I met in Midgard. This is Carl. He is the prophet of Midgard. He knows many things. This is Juggernaut! He drinks really He's very powerful. I lost to him last night. After my ability comes back, I will have a match with him. This guy's name is Tony Stark. He seems to be a genius. I don't know how talented he is."

"This is Jane, she saved me after I fell in Midgard! This is Erik, he is some kind of scientist, he seems to be very powerful, this is Daisy!" Thor looked excited and pulled his friend to introduce him to Midgard. friends, and Hogan and others only took one more look at Karl and showed no great interest.

In the eyes of these mortals, they are all gods, so how could they care about people like them? They can only take a high look at those whom Thor calls prophets.

Karl also looked at the three so-called Asgard Three Warriors and Sif. Fandral was a blond man holding a Western sword. He looked more like a French gentleman, with a more elegant and sharp temperament! The other one with a larger body is Volstagg, holding a giant axe. He seems to have followed Odin in the battle when he was young, but now he is perfect and does not look brave. Although I don’t know if it is true, he should have a good appetite. , followed by a man with hair falling back, he is Hogan from the Three Warriors!

The other one is Sif. In her original Norse Mythology system, she was the wife of Thor. Even her hair is not black as it is now. It should be bright blonde because Loki poured the potion on her head as a prank when she was a child, thus making her She lost her golden hair, but even her black hair could not hide her heroic appearance, as if she was ready to fight the enemy at any time!

Sif naturally saw Thor's unusual attitude towards Jane, a dim look flashed in his eyes, and then returned to normal!

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