Chapter 97: Thor returns

This time, after the Destroyer was knocked away by Juggernaut again, half of his body had been destroyed. This time, after the Destroyer stood up, his body began to recover automatically, and golden energy began to flow on the metallic surface, shoulders and arms. Barbs began to appear on his body, and his body became larger and more solid, and began to exude a terrifying aura.

When Karl saw this, he secretly thought something was wrong. Could it be that he had lost his temper and pissed off Odin? This little old man wasn't so stingy. The previous attacks were more than a problem for the real Destruction Armor. Odin could How could he be defeated by Karl and others so easily when he was wearing it to challenge the Gods? Odin probably got interested and wanted to play with them, but now this little old man seems to be unable to afford to lose and is getting impatient!

According to the setting of the Celestial God Group, they can ignore all spiritual, material, fantasy, concept and truth. Their strength seems to be at Level Single Universe. If Level God Father is divided into early, middle and late stages, then the young Odin would have at least the middle stage of Level God Father. Wearing the Destruction Armor, he was able to duel with members of the Celestial Group and chop off one of the opponent's arms. Although he was later defeated by a member of the Celestial Group with one blow, it was still possible to see the strength of the Destruction Armor against Odin. increase.

Thor saw the Destroyer Armor begin to change its form. He knew that the Destroyer was about to take action. If the fight really started, the earth would not be able to bear it. If he caused the death of his friends, or the death of the girl he had just met and liked. , he couldn't accept it.

"That's enough, Loki, it's me you want to kill! No need to attack anymore, since you want to kill me, then kill me!!" Thor walked up to the Destroyer and shouted loudly to the Destroyer, he knew Loki could hear his own voice.

Then the Destroyer paused for a while, and then started to turn around. Thor smiled when he saw this, and he knew that Loki didn't really want to kill him at all, but the Destroyer then kicked Thor away, who was already a mortal. , then Thor realized that it was not that Loki would not kill him at all, he was accumulating power!


After Thor was knocked away, Jane nervously came to Thor. After the two said a few words affectionately, Thor died. He must have faked his death. He had the blood of the Asgard royal family in his body. It was impossible. He died so simply. The moment he stood up for his friends and the earth, even at the cost of his own life to let Loki let them go, he had actually gained Mjolnir's recognition again, and Odin's The spell was also broken.

After seeing that Thor was dead, the Destroyer was about to turn around and leave. The next moment, the sky was covered with dark clouds and there was lightning and thunder. Mjolnir outside the town: Mjolnir flew into the air and flew into the town. Erik saw something flying in the direction of Thor, and immediately stepped forward to pull Jane away. Then Mjolnir was about to hit Thor. At that moment, he suddenly stretched out his right hand to catch it, and Mjolnir burst out with silver-white lightning, which resonated with the lightning in the sky.

Thor's entire body was bathed in thunder. After a few seconds, the lightning stopped. Thor appeared in front of everyone wearing a red cloak and armor. Jane's eyes lit up when she saw Thor like this. Thor looked at Carl After nodding, he rushed towards the Destroyer. After seeing Carl's true strength, even if he recovered his Thor power, he did not want to challenge Carl. Someone who could fight the Destroyer to that extent, he I think I can't beat him.


Thor hit the Destroyer on the head, and now the Destroyer has returned to his original state. Carl couldn't help but twitched his lips when he saw this scene. It turned out to be Odin, who was about to be released into the sea. Thor destroyed the Destroyer. After the attacker was knocked away, he waved Mjolnir and flew into the air.

After that, Mjolnir was used to activate the power of thunder crazily, forming a huge amount of tornado in the air. The Destroyer was blown into the air just like in the timeline, and then Thor hit the Destroyer on the head with the thunder!


After a loud noise, the tornado and thunder disappeared, leaving only a scrapped armor of destruction lying on the ground. Carl didn't know what to say when he saw this scene. He even suspected that it was Odin who detonated the armor of destruction himself, otherwise How could Thor be scrapped with just one hammer blow?

"Thor, do you have any objection to giving this to me?" Carl said to Thor who was intimate with Jane. This is made of Uru metal. Even if it is scrapped now, the metal must be a good thing.

"Definitely, if you want it, I'll give it to you!" After Thor said to Carl, he continued to turn to Jane and whisper something. Phil Coulson originally wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and then closed it. He believed As long as he dares to say anything, Karl will definitely freeze him again.

"Hey, man, given our relationship, it shouldn't be too much to give me a little, don't you think so." After seeing Thor giving the remains of the Destruction Armor to Karl, he immediately licked his face and approached Karl and said, that's it To get some of this special metal.

"Okay, don't think about this thing. It's magic metal and it's of no use to you. I can give you Vibranium. I still have a lot of it." Carl rolled his eyes at Tony and said You can give him a little Vibranium.

"Oh Shet! I don't even have that thing. How much do you have? Let's discuss it?" After Tony heard that Carl could give him Vibranium, he was shocked. That thing is a priceless thing, and he doesn't have it now. You can definitely get it.

"I have about 140 tons now, and I spent 20 tons to change the body of Extreme Speed." After Karl put the remains of the Destruction Armor into the system space, he casually told Tony about his Vibranium reserves.

"My method?? 140 tons??? 20 tons for a different body!!! You are so unreasonable. You didn't tell me about Vibranium. You must compensate me! One ton! You have to give me one ton no matter what!" !" Tony immediately exclaimed, and said to Karl that he didn't ask for more. This thing is expensive. You can't be greedy. Asking for a ton is enough. If you say too much, it will make people unhappy!

"Yes, yes, we can talk about it when we get back. You can't take it back if I give it to you now." Karl agreed without thinking. A ton was just a drop in the bucket to him, not to mention Tony was his good friend.

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