Marvel: Fusion

Four hundred and twenty-six. 2 losers

As Thanos activated the time gem's ability, he took Darkseid back to a minute ago in an instant.

Jude and the others were far away, but they were not affected by the gems.

Seeing Thanos reappear intact, everyone couldn't help but be speechless, this ability is too perverted.

As long as you find that the battle situation is weak, let time reshape immediately, doesn't this mean that the gem holder will always be invincible.

Only Mage Ancient One shook his head secretly. As the real guardian of the Time Gem, he was also the person present who knew the gem the most.

She would never use gemstones to do such a child's play, because the deeper the understanding, the deeper the fear, and the more ignorant the more fearless.

In the distance, Dakseid was a little dizzy. After looking at the intact Thanos, he looked at himself again, feeling confused for a moment, and couldn't help frowning.

Thanos let out a hearty laugh: " look surprised and funny, let me tell you, this is the power of the time gem, I let time go backwards, I didn't expect it, hahahaha... "

"As I said, I am invincible, you cannot defeat me, and no one in the entire universe can defeat me!"

"Dakseid, now I will give you one last chance, and that is to surrender to me, so that at least your life can be saved, isn't it? Hahahaha..."

But what greeted him were two more Omega rays, and the Apocalypse Tyrant who jumped forward.

Only Dakseid who died in battle, and Dakseid who did not surrender, wants to surrender the tyrant of Apocalypse, and only one person can do it, and that is the previous tyrant Yuga Khan.

But that was when Dakseid was not in power. If Yuga Khan came back now, Dakseid would never back down.

Because he has tasted the taste of power, it is absolutely impossible for him to let go again.

" made a wrong decision, then I'll satisfy you."

"But after you die, I will use the soul gem to make your soul disappear completely, so that you will not be controlled by those soul-playing guys."

Thanos said to activate the ability of the space gem, diverted the Omega ray away, and then used the power gem to knock the attacking Darkseid away with a punch.

Then he began to use the space gem infinitely, and every time he appeared next to Dakseid who was flying upside down, beating him like a spinning top.

While fighting, he continued to taunt: "Do you know why you have to be destroyed physically and mentally? Because at least you still belong to the new protoss. I can't just sit back and watch your soul be controlled by others. That is a blasphemy against me."

"Because after you die, I will be the next monarch, and I will lead our group to complete the feat of conquering the entire universe."

"Then it is to attack other dimensions, and then control the entire world."

"I don't know if there are other worlds, but I will explore, as long as it proves that it exists, then be ready to be conquered by me."

"My name will shine through the ages and be remembered forever, and you will be the most important footnote in this history."

"So in front of the great conqueror Thanos, your death cannot be a stain, hahahaha...hahahaha..."

Looking at Thanos who was laughing wildly again, the little spider couldn't help shaking his head.

"Mr. Herbert, I remember you taught me a truth. The villain died because of talking too much. I feel that Thanos is in this state now. Simply put, he is floating."

Jude nodded: "That's right Peter, keep in mind every truth I taught you, it will be of great benefit to your future."

"Look, Thanos is a negative teaching material. Originally, if he worked hard, he would have a high probability of destroying Darkseid."

"But based on his current state, danger!"

And the reality just happened to confirm this statement, Thanos continued to launch a storm-like attack, beating Darkseid powerlessly.

"This is the final blow, prepare to die, brother!"

Thanos clenched his left fist and emitted the most brilliant light so far.

This time, he used the Reality Gem to pour all the energy of the five gems into the Power Gem.

"You are the first to be able to die under the power of six gems!"

On the other side, Dakseid, who was beaten to the point of losing consciousness, was embedded in a huge meteorite, and he couldn't even raise the strength to resist.

Just when he was about to close his eyes and wait to die, he heard a bang, and there was a violent explosion where Thanos was.

The original incomparably bright light became even more brilliant, followed by a burst of energy impact.

Dakseid seemed to realize something suddenly, and immediately gathered all his strength from nowhere to dodge it with all his strength. Although he was impacted by energy again, the impact was not strong.

On the other hand, Thanos, due to the excessive use of gems, the real and fake gems are not compatible at all. Under his manipulation, an explosion was finally triggered, and he also suffered from the consequences, bearing most of the impact.

In an instant, the situation of the battle was reversed. Although Dakseid was beaten badly, he regained some strength in an instant after seeing hope.

And Thanos is miserable, the entire left arm has completely disappeared, and there are dense wounds all over the body, even the clothes have been blown away, and now he is clean and naked.

But he didn't care about losing his composure at the moment, he just looked at his missing left arm in disbelief and horror.

"This can't be... what the hell happened? Why did it happen? Gems, my Infinity Stones?"

He roared unwillingly and let out a puzzled roar. After all, anyone who failed when they were about to achieve their long-cherished wish for many years would not be able to accept it.

Suddenly, two omega rays struck, bombarding Thanos without hindrance, melting his right arm as well.

Dakseid stepped into the void and came to Thanos in a few steps, stretched out his thick arms to grab the latter's neck, and lifted him up high.

"Hmph! Thanos, is this the Infinity Stone? Is this what you rely on? It turns out that's all it is."

"Your strength is not enough to withstand your ambition, no one can resist me, as I said, no one!"

Thanos' face turned red from being pinched, but he couldn't speak at all. He didn't want to accept his fate, but he knew that Darkseid would never forgive himself.

And looking at the struggling Thanos, Darkseid finally laughed: "Hahahaha... my brother, do you want to say something? Do you want to mock me?"

"But I won't give you this chance, I want you to die in pain, I want you to die unwillingly, I want you to die full of regret and helplessness, hahahaha..."

Amidst the wild laughter of the Apocalypse tyrant, Thanos had his neck cut off, and then the Omega rays completely turned him into fly ash.

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