Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 444 Black Aura

Chapter 444 black aura

Seeing the hostages and robbers coming out, the police officer George behind the police car immediately pointed his gun at the Road Hog hiding behind the hostages, and at the same time shouted loudly through a loudspeaker: "You are surrounded, put down the hostages and surrender immediately, otherwise, we will right to kill you."

"Kill me? Just rely on you bunch of useless policemen?"

Roadhog smiled disdainfully, grabbed the two hostages, and threw them at the policemen like sandbags. The policemen had never seen such a way before, so they quickly avoided.

Roadhog took the opportunity to rush towards the police car next to him, and then, with a loud shout, his shoulders forward, he slammed into the police car with force like a bull, and the police car and the policemen behind were knocked out at the same time.

Boom, the police car slammed into the building behind and stopped. At the same time, several policemen fell to the ground in disarray, life or death unknown.

"That's what I want."

Roadhog laughed loudly. Seeing the heavy casualties of his comrades, Police Officer George was furious, and led the policemen to shoot Roadhog one after another.

Road Hog immediately sensed the danger, and rolled to avoid the bullet. Then, he rushed in front of a police car, and with all his strength, the door of the police car was completely dismantled.

Then, Roadhog used the car door as a shield, and rushed towards the policemen on the opposite side with the bullets in his head.

"Back, get out of the police car."

Officer George was shocked and rushed to the side in a hurry. The other police officers reacted a step slower, and by the time they thought of fleeing, it was already too late.

With a bang, Roadhog slammed into the police car heavily, and the police car quickly sank and moved back, several policemen were knocked out on the spot.

"Happy, I spent a million dollars in vain."

Roadhog laughed loudly, and slammed the door of the car on the policemen opposite. Several policemen were thrown flying on the spot. Then, Roadhog jumped on the hood of the police car with a bang, and the hood dented instantly.

Seeing this, several policemen behind the police car raised their guns and shot at Roadhog. Roadhog avoided it easily. Then, he jumped down, grabbed one policeman as a weapon and threw it at the other policeman. The two policemen instantly turned into gourds go out.

Although the policemen had guns, they were no match for Roadhog at all, and they were defeated by him.

"Damn, this guy is a Mutant."

Officer George cursed bitterly, and shouted through the communicator: "Request Psylocke for rescue, there are Mutant robbers here, and the mutant Ability is strength strengthening."

"Miss Psylocke will be here shortly, she happens to be nearby."

The operator said he was visibly frantic at the mention of Psylocke's name.

"The lineman has become a Psylocke fan too."

Officer George’s expression was a bit complicated. He had a love-hate relationship with Psylocke. What he loved was that she helped the police solve a lot of troubles, and what he hated was her status as a Mutant.

Police officer George really didn't like Mutant, and there are quite a few policemen who were killed by Mutant—such as now.

Psylocke has a Green Goblin skateboard, and soon came from the sky. She was furious when she saw the horror below. These damn Mutant criminals will discredit Mutant.

"Stop it, or don't blame me for being rude."

Psylocke shouted, if she was still a mercenary, she would definitely not warn, but she is now a superhero, and she must pay attention to the procedures, otherwise, she will lose fans.

"Psylocke, you are finally here, I want to defeat you and become the number one super villain on Earth."

Seeing Psylocke, Roadhog was overjoyed, grabbed a motorcycle next to him and smashed it hard at Psylocke in the sky.

Psylocke controlled the skateboard to avoid the motorcycle. Then, she rolled in the air and landed firmly on the ground. Many citizens around cheered loudly, and some people shouted: "Psylocke, kill that damn guy quickly."

Psylocke handsomely replied, "Right away."

"Only by you?"

Roadhog let out a snarl, shoulders forward, and boomed into Psylocke, a football fan who always loved bumping.

Psylocke turned around to avoid Roadhog's charge, and then, she condensed purple energy into a long whip, and bound Roadhog's neck from behind.

Road Hog was shocked, and hurriedly grabbed the long whip with his hands to prevent it from being entangled. Seeing this, Psylocke let go of the long whip, and then flew up, kicking Road Hog's back one after another with his slender legs. Road Hog was kicked out on the spot, heavily Hit the flower bed behind.

"Psylocke is so handsome."

The audience cheered again, and even Sergeant George couldn't help his eyes light up - purely because of Psylocke's handsome movements, not because of Psylocke's straight long legs.

"This move looks good, but it's flashy. If the opponent is not too weak, I won't use it at all."

Psylocke shook her head secretly, and then, she stepped forward and put the scabbard across Roadhog's neck before he could get up.

Psylocke said coolly, "Sorry, you lost."

"Why is this happening? I spent a million dollars strengthening myself, why is it so vulnerable?"

Roadhog roared unacceptably, and Psylocke asked in astonishment: "One million dollars to strengthen yourself? Are you not a Mutant?"

"I am human, pure human."

Roadhog shouted: "Psylocke, don't be arrogant, I will continue to find ways to strengthen myself, and one day, I will kill you and become the strongest villain."

"The strongest villain? You must defeat Magneto before saying this."

Psylocke sneered: "Officer George, use my whip to tie him up. Besides, he said he is not a Mutant. You must find out about this matter."

"If he's not a Mutant, there's trouble with this."

Officer George frowned and said, if it is not a Mutant, it means that someone has developed a medicine that can strengthen the human body, which is not a good thing.

Officer George secretly thought: "Could it be that there will be a large number of super villains in the future? Just like in the comics?"

Psylocke didn't think too much about it, turned around and walked towards the bank, and all the robbers came. By the way, they took care of the robbers inside. Three minutes later, all the robbers were beaten to the ground, and they were escorted into the police car with Roadhog.

"Psylocke, we like you."

Seeing that the robbers were all subdued, the fans immediately gathered around and looked at Psylocke adoringly.


Psylocke said with a haughty but friendly smile, and then began to sign autographs for these fans, and occasionally exchanged a few words with fans.

"It's all money, and the popularity is high. Not only can I sell merchandise, but I can also shoot commercials and receive endorsements."

In Psylocke's eyes, these fans have gold coins on their heads, which makes her very patient, making money, who doesn't like it?

Police Officer George first glanced at Psylocke, who was surrounded by fans, and then turned to the wounded policeman next to him. He couldn't help sighing, and helped the medical staff save his companion.

At the same time, on a nearby tall building, a gloomy figure was looking coldly at Psylocke.

"Superhero? Huh, you deserve to die, you are the same as this world, you deserve to die."

The gloomy figure thought for a while, and popped out a black aura that no one else could see towards the direction of the police car. The black aura turned around in the air and flew straight into Roadhog's body.

At this time, the police car closed the door and drove towards the police station. Roadhog slammed his head on the wall of the car, feeling unwilling and resentful. It's not that he never thought that he would fail, but he really didn't expect that he would fail. Lost so fast.

No match for Psylocke at all, not even qualified to be a villain.

At this moment, a slightly crazy voice sounded in Roadhog's mind: "Do you hate? Do you desire power?"

"I definitely hate, I definitely thirst for power."

Road Hog nodded fiercely. In order to pay a million dollars, he even sold his wife to others. Do you think he is thirsty for power?

The voice asked again: "So, what are you willing to give for power?"

Roadhog shouted in his heart: "Everything, everything, as long as I have power, I can give everything."

"Very well, I will give you power, and you use this power to destroy New York."

Along with a burst of laughter, black aura erupted in Road Hog's body, and Road Hog couldn't help screaming, feeling his body being torn apart by a force.

"what are you doing?"

The two police officers who were guarding them immediately turned their guns on Roadhog, who was a dangerous man.

"I want power, I want to destroy New York."

Roadhog raised his head and roared, a faint black aura emerged from his body, and then his eyes quickly turned black, looking like a monster.

The two policemen were terrified and fired at Roadhog, but to their horror, the bullets all got stuck in Roadhog's muscles and could not harm him.

"Damn you."

Road Hog roared madly, his body swelled rapidly, and the bullet stuck in his muscle flew backwards, shooting through the two policemen, and he fell down bleeding.

Soon, the purple whip was broken by Roadhog. He grinned, stood up and kicked hard at the car door, the car door flew out with a bang and fell to the ground, causing a lot of sparks.

Immediately afterwards, Roadhog jumped out of the car and rolled on the ground one after another.

The surrounding citizens were stunned and stared at Road Hog closely. At this moment, Road Hog got up from the ground, and the scratches on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It wasn't over yet, Roadhog's body continued to swell, and soon turned into a three-meter-tall titan with tangled muscles. It didn't look like a human at all.

"I like the power."

Roadhog grinned and laughed loudly. At this moment, a car slammed on the brakes in front of him. The driver looked at the terrifying Roadhog, panicking and preparing to back up.

Seeing this, Road Hog smiled ferociously, grabbed the bumper of the car with both hands, and lifted the car abruptly.

The driver screamed and stepped on the accelerator to get away. Roadhog threw his arms hard, and the whole car was thrown out by him, rolling on the ground continuously.


The townspeople were terrified and fled to the side. Roadhog didn't chase them. He shouted to the sky: "Psylocke, come out and fight. I'm not afraid of you now."

While shouting, Roadhog stomped hard on the ground, causing a large hole with a diameter of more than one meter to sink in the concrete floor on the spot.

The few policemen who got on and off the police car were frightened and backed up again and again, not daring to pass by. Immediately afterwards, they called Psylocke with trembling voices, telling her to come and help quickly.

"What happened again?"

The walkie-talkie on Psylocke's body made a sound, and she hurriedly picked it up to answer it. After a while, she said with an ugly face: "Everyone, I'm sorry, the robber escaped just now, I'm going to arrest him."

The fans shouted in dissatisfaction: "Escaped? The police are too useless, right?"

Police officer George on the side feels very stuffy. Is the idea of ​​a super police really good? Recently, the reputation of the police has been declining.

"Psylocke, hurry up, we will follow behind to support you."

Officer George shouted: "Besides, that person is very dangerous. The General Administration allows you to deal with it severely."


Psylocke nodded, jumped on the skateboard, and flew in Roadhog's direction.

On the other side, seeing that Psylocke didn't show up, Roadhog grabbed the bottom of a car in displeasure. Then, he lifted his arms vigorously, and the car rolled and smashed into the restaurant in front of him. The door of the restaurant instantly shattered. Run back quickly.


Roadhog laughed, this power really fascinated him.

At this moment, Psylocke flew over on a skateboard. She looked at Roadhog and asked in astonishment, "What's going on with you? Don't tell me you've grown a second time?"

"Psylocke, I will definitely kill you and become the strongest villain."

Seeing Psylocke flying over, Roadhog was overjoyed and pulled out the street lamp next to him. Then, with a loud shout, he threw the street lamp in Psylocke's direction forcefully.

Psylocke controlled the skateboard to dodge easily, and then she jumped down from the air, holding the handle of the long knife, and shouted coldly: "Surrender, otherwise, I will probably kill you."

"Only by you?"

Roadhog grabbed the unmanned car next to him and slammed it hard at Psylocke, causing the citizens hiding in the nearby building to scream.

"If that's the case, then you can't blame me."

Psylocke drew the long knife out of its sheath with a bang, and slashed at the flying car with a purple light. The next second, the car was split in two and flashed past from both sides.

Then, Psylocke put the long knife sideways, and rushed towards Roadhog. Roadhog greeted him with a roar. Soon, the two met head-on, and Roadhog punched Psylocke's head with a punch. It cut off easily and fell to the ground with a snap.

Roadhog stopped on the road and let out a miserable scream. Psylocke turned around and shouted: "Surrender, or next time, you will lose more than just an arm."

"I will not surrender."

Roadhog roared furiously, a large amount of black aura emerged from the arm that fell to the ground, and then, the arm was wrapped in the black aura and flew back to Luhog's body. When the black aura disappeared, Roadhog's arm had recovered.

Psylocke was taken aback: "What kind of Ability is this?"

"I am immortal, I am invincible."

Roadhog laughed loudly, and rushed towards Psylocke again. Psylocke stopped in place, ready to swing his knife. At this moment, Roadhog stomped on the ground hard with his big feet, and the ground instantly shattered and dented. Psylocke didn't notice for a moment, and his body fell forward.

Roadhog was waiting for this opportunity. He punched Psylocke with huge amounts of whistling sound. Psylocke had no time to dodge, so he could only hold the long knife horizontally in front of him. When there was a loud bang, she was sent flying and hit hard on the ground. On the wall, and then hang the whole person on it.

The audience covered their mouths, Psylocke was blown away?


Roadhog laughed maniacally, knocked down a car door, and sprinted toward Psylocke, who fell off the wall and said grimly, "You've pissed me off."

"so what?"

Roadhog slams the car door on Psylocke, who rolls out of the way, then throws a purple whip around Roadhog's foot, trying to pull him down.

Roadhog yanked back with his right foot, and Psylocke couldn't help but staggered forward. Roadhog took the opportunity to rush over and kicked Psylocke hard.

A coldness flashed in Psylocke's eyes, and her body stopped abruptly. Then, with a swing of her long knife, she cut Roadhog's left foot like tofu, and Roadhog screamed and stepped back.

Psylocke gained momentum, and the purple knife light slashed towards Roadhog. Roadhog's soul was terrified, he raised his hands to resist, and the next second, his hands were separated from his body.

Finally, Psylocke swung his long knife, and Roadhog's head flew high, and then his blood-spitting body slowly fell down.

(end of this chapter)

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