Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 472 Original Sin

Chapter 472 Original Sin

"I am the messenger of God, and I will not lose to mortals."

While Greed struggled to resist the engulfment of the black hole, the eyes controlling the eyebrows turned into a ray of light and hit the Adamantium battle suit.

This eye, called the Eye of Coexistence and Coexistence, is the last trump card of greed. It has only one function, that is, to connect one's life with the other party.

Seeing his eyes successfully integrated into the battle suit, he roared greedily and excitedly: "Iron Man, I die, you die."

"That's kind of disgusting."

The visor of the Adamantium battle suit popped open, and a voice shouted, "Surprise!"

"How can this be?"

Looking at the empty helmets, everyone was dumbfounded, there was no one in the battle suit.

That's right, there was no one in the battle suit, Wang Burt's body was still outside the Hillton Hotel, and what came over was only the Adamantium battle suit and a small amount of blood from Wang Burt.

Although there is only a small amount of blood, as the master of space, Wang Burt can still use the space ability, there is no doubt about it.

"This is impossible."

Greedy and desperate shouted, at this moment, his head couldn't bear the suction and was sucked in by the black hole, and his body was about to follow in his head's footsteps.

At this moment, a ball of black aura emerged from Greed and submerged into the Adamantium battle suit. Then, Wang Burt's vision blurred, and his consciousness appeared in hell.

An old man with black hair and black clothes, with black aura on his body, appeared in front of Wang Burt, and asked in a deep voice, "Which one of the five creation gods are you?"

"You finally showed up."

Wang Burt said: "I am the sixth creation god, the lord of space, the lord of blood, Burt Wang, who are you?"

"The sixth creation god?"

The old man was very shocked, he said: "I said it last time, I am God."

Wang Burt sneered: "You are not God, God will not destroy the world, and everyone knows that God cares most about mankind."

"This is the problem. God cares too much for human beings. He even took away the original sin of human beings and sealed them in his body."

The old man said: "He thought that if he took away the original sin of human beings, human beings would become better, but he didn't expect that in just a hundred years, human beings would be born with original sin again, and it was more violent and sinful than last time.

What's worse, these original sins will automatically enter the body of God because of the relationship between the previous batch of original sins, which leads to more and more original sins in God's body.

At this time, there is only one way to solve the problem of God, and that is to destroy the world, to wipe out human beings and original sin together. Unfortunately, God refused, and has been working hard to suppress original sin, and even condoned Ancient One to drive away those Mephistas.

After Ancient One drove away Mephista, human beings ushered in great prosperity, and original sins increased dramatically. In the end, even God could not suppress these original sins.

As a last resort, God entered the planet Mutant to isolate the induction between the original sins, and sealed himself and the original sins together, lest the original sins erupt and destroy the world. "

Speaking of this, the old man paused, and then said: "Unfortunately, God still underestimated original sin after all. In the seal, his consciousness and original sin gradually integrated, and a new God was born, which is me."

"So that's the case. No wonder God entered the planet Mutant and left the blood of God to Master Ancient One."

Wang Burt suddenly realized, he said: "You are not God, you are original sin."

"Ancient One is his master? How is this possible?"

The original sin was shocking and puzzled. He said: "I am original sin and God. Human beings should not exist at all. I want to destroy human beings, whether it is the human beings on the planet Mutant or the human beings on the earth."

Wang Burt complained: "Can't you villains have other pursuits? Are you tired of always destroying the world?"

"Bert Wang, I respect you as the God of Creation, as long as you don't stop me, I am willing to promise you one condition."

Original Sin said: "I can swear by the name of God."

"Forget it, I'm the patron saint of mankind. If you want to destroy mankind, we can't pee in a jug anyway."

Wang Burt shook his head and said, "Besides, with your strength, what can you do for me?"

"The Chuangshi God has many restrictions, but I don't have one. In addition, after fulfilling my wish, I might be able to become the Chuangshi God."

Original Sin said that God is only one step away from the Creator God, and if He can fulfill his wish, it is really possible to become the Creator God.

God, Sithorn, these two are the ancient gods who are closest to the creator god.

Wang Burt said: "You have no chance, because I will definitely prevent you from destroying human beings."

Yuan Sin snorted coldly: "Although you are a creation god, your power on the planet Mutant is very weak, and you can't stop me."

Wang Burt said: "If I'm not wrong, you should be in a sealed state now, right? Otherwise, you don't need to bribe me."

"The seal left by God cannot seal me for long."

The original sin said: "Bert Wang, I will definitely destroy human beings, and no one can stop me, including you."

The negotiation broke down, and the original sin was about to send Wang Burt away. At this moment, Wang Burt asked, "Wait a minute, do you know where Scarlet Witch is?"

"Scarlet Witch, the crazy woman who restarted the world? She's gone."

Original Sin said with an unhappy face, Wang Burt wanted to ask again, and the consciousness was kicked out of hell.

"Damn." Wang Burt cursed, he hates this kind of guy who says half and keeps half.

"Did it fall?"

Wang Burt frowned, then shook his head, Scarlet Witch is definitely not dead, there is no doubt about this, the goddess' blessing is proof, but she and Wanda should have had an accident, otherwise she wouldn't have been absent forever.

"Original sin must know a lot of information. The problem is, I can't find where hell is."

Wang Burt sighed secretly. He had tried to use the money ability to find hell, but even the money ability was powerless. As for the specific reason, it is not clear yet.

"Take your time, don't rush. Besides, since the original sin knows about Scarlet Witch, the other ancient gods probably also know about it."

Wang Burt shook his head, turned his attention back to the battlefield, and found that greed had disappeared.

Before, the original sin pulled Wang Burt's consciousness into hell, and then secretly helped greed turn into black aura to escape. Although Wade and the others tried their best to intercept them, they were still escaped by the group of black aura.

Wade scolded unhappily: "It's a pity that the success fell short."

"There will be opportunities in the future."

Wang Burt said: "You deal with the group of guys outside, don't let any of them escape, I will go back to the Hillton Hotel to solve the matter over there."

"Yes, boss."

Everyone nodded and rushed outside. When the believers saw the high priest fleeing, their morale plummeted, and they all turned around and fled. Wade led the crowd to kill them all.

Cyclops didn't leave, he kept firing lasers at Wolverine, Wolverine was sent flying one after another, it was extremely miserable, Wang Burt asked angrily: "Cyclops, have you had fun?"

Cyclops replied solemnly: "I'm trying to stop him from hurting everyone. I'm sure Logan won't blame me when he wakes up."

"If I didn't know that he pries the corner of your wall every day, I would really believe it."

Wang Burt complained, he grabbed from the air, and an eye flew out of Wolverine and Juggernaut at the same time and landed on his hand. Then, he squeezed hard, and the two eyes were broken, and Wolverine and Juggernaut returned to normal at the same time.

Wolverine gritted his teeth and looked at Cyclops. He remembered what happened just now. How could this bastard avenge himself?

Cyclops shrugged and said, "Logan, welcome back."

Wolverine pops out the sharp blade in the middle, which is his unique method of fingering.

Wang Burt smiled and said, "Cyclops, I have good news for you. Cable is really your son, but he was not born to you and Qin."

Cyclops was taken aback, and then shouted: "Huh? This is impossible. In my life, there is only Aiqin."

Wolverine laughed loudly: "Cyclops, I already knew you were a scumbag, and the violin is mine."

Wang Burt said quietly: "Cable is already one of our own, and Silverfox will be back soon."

Wolverine was dumbfounded, Wang Burt laughed, two scumbags, but he was still single-minded enough - in the Mutant planet, he wouldn't even touch a hair of other women except Wanda.

A good man is me, and I am Burt King.

Then, the battle suit fell to the ground and lost its movement, but it was Wang Burt who turned the main consciousness back to the main body.

In front of the Hillton Hotel, Wang Burt turned his neck and said, "Sorry, your high priest has been defeated, and the recycling plant is safe and sound."

"This is impossible!"

The waiter yelled in disbelief, and at this moment, a greedy and resentful voice sounded in his mind: "Kill all the guests."

Greedy made such an order, on the one hand, to get revenge on Iron Man, and on the other hand, to tie Iron Man's hands and feet so that he can act next time - so many guests died, Iron Man will definitely get into huge amounts of trouble, after all, these guests, The status is extraordinary.

Although he lost this time, greed will not just die down like this. He will definitely destroy the world and fulfill God's command.

Hearing this, the waiter didn't have any nonsense, and immediately raised his hand to pat the eyes on the forehead. He wanted to fulfill the greedy order and kill everyone, including himself.

"So decisive? It's a pity for you to be a thief."

Wang Burt shook his head, but did nothing. With a snap, the waiter slapped his forehead, and then he and all the kidnappers fell on their backs at the same time.

That's right, only the waiter and the kidnapper fell down, and none of the guests was fine. Immediately afterwards, the eyes on their foreheads disappeared quickly, and their minds gradually returned to normal.

Wang Burt said to the chief through a Bluetooth headset: "Captain, it's over, is Officer George there? I'll take him to the recycling plant to deal with the matter. The man behind the scenes is targeting my recycling plant."

"That's it?"

The director is a little dumbfounded, Iron Man doesn't seem to have done anything, right?

Compared with the chief, Police Officer George was obviously more capable, and immediately sent people into the hotel to protect the hostages, lest the kidnappers have other accomplices.

Officer George himself walked up to Wang Burt and asked curiously, "Mr. Wang, how did you do it?"

"Take out a stack of bills, make a wish and it will come true."

Wang Burt shrugged, put his hand on Officer George's shoulder, and the two disappeared at the same time.

"Iron Man is really reliable."

The director breathed a sigh of relief, and ran into the hall to comfort the hostages. This was a rare opportunity. Whether he could get a high-paying job after retirement depended on this time.

In the recycling plant, the battle is over, all believers are dead, not one is missed.

Officer George looked at the bullet casings all over the floor, dumbfounded. Is this a small war?

Officer George asked puzzledly, "Mr. Wang, why did they attack your recycling plant?"

"They want to free the Mutant prisoners to deal with me."

Wang Burt said: "Unfortunately, they miscalculated. The strength of the recycling plant is far stronger than they imagined."

"Fortunately, you held it, I'll wipe it, tank!"

Police officer George was talking, when he suddenly saw the tank in the factory, he was taken aback: "Mr. Wang, isn't this thing legal?"

Wang Burt said solemnly: "This is a legal scrapped tank, and the military has approval."

"Scrap tank? I believe you ghost."

Officer George cursed secretly in his heart. Those guys in the military have no integrity at all. He said, "I'll find someone to collect the bodies of these guys, and investigate their intelligence by the way."

"That's why I came for you."

Wang Burt said: "These people are members of the Church of Destruction of the World. In addition, this time, it is not the mastermind behind the scenes who contacted them, but they took the initiative to contact the mastermind behind the scenes."

Officer George was dumbfounded: "Take the initiative to contact the man behind the scenes? Are they okay? The man behind the scene is going to destroy the world."

Wang Burt spread his hands: "They are the Church of Destruction."


Officer George wants to curse people very much now, how could there be such a weird thing? Fortunately, Iron Man is strong, otherwise New York might really be destroyed.

Wang Burt said: "In order to avoid imitation, I hope that the police will block the news of the Mieshi Church. As you know, there are not many things in America, but there are many strange things."


Officer George hesitated a little, and said, "Mr. Wang, this matter is not easy to handle. America values ​​freedom of speech."

"That's for others, Officer George, I told you to hide it, not for myself, but for America."

"You know, America is big, big," Wang Burt said.

"You mean, evil believers in other places will imitate the Church of Destroyer?"

Sergeant George was taken aback. There was Bert King in New York, but not anywhere else.

Wang Burt patted Officer George on the shoulder, turned around and walked towards the wounded without saying anything.

"Boy, you did a good job. Without you, many brothers will die this time."

Wang Burt patted Life Mutant on the shoulder approvingly, this time, the reason why none of the security team died was due to Life Mutant.

Life Mutant, a handsome boy said modestly: "I should do it."

Wang Burt asked: "I heard that your dream is to be a doctor?"

Life Mutant nodded and said: "Yes, unfortunately college tuition is too expensive, I'm saving money."

Wang Burt said: "I will help you, but if the Rebirth Group needs it, you have to come back to help. The security team cannot do without your Ability."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang."

Life Mutant said excitedly, Wang Burt smiled, and said to the wounded: "I will send you to the hospital now, and you can rest at ease. This time, everyone who participated in the war will be paid an extra three months' wages. In addition, the wounded will have special subsidies. .”

"BOSS Hail."

The wounded cheered, and then, Wang Burt activated the Ability to transfer the wounded to the hospital under the Rebirth Group. The doctors and nurses immediately began to treat them in an orderly manner—the medical room of the recycling plant was too small to treat so many wounded.

(end of this chapter)

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