Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 474 White Queen

Chapter 474 White Queen

"God does exist, but don't expect so much, because the old man is very busy now and has no time to help us."

Wang Burt shrugged and said, "By the way, I'm more reliable than God."

Yuriko reminded: "Boss, you are only human, God is God."

Wang Burt smiled and said nothing, "This incident is a catastrophe for ordinary people, but for Mutant, it may be a good thing."

Psylocke was taken aback for a moment, and then said thoughtfully: "The world needs Mutants, because only Mutants can deal with those evil believers. In this case, the status of Mutants will be greatly improved."

"This is indeed a good thing, but there are many hidden dangers."

Yuriko thought for a while, and said: "Mutants' quality varies, and if they suddenly get a high position, many things will definitely happen, just like John the Burning Man.

In addition, high-level human beings will definitely greatly increase military expenditures and research weapons to deal with evil believers and Mutants. "

"There are hidden dangers, but generally speaking, it's a good thing," Psylocke said.

"Before the evil believers are not eliminated, it is indeed a good thing. I will discuss with Hank and the professor how to deal with this matter."

Wang Burt said: "I've been a little busy recently, Yuriko, please take care of the company."

Wang Burt has been busy repairing the space-time watch recently, and he doesn't have much free time. If it wasn't for the emergence of greed this time, he wouldn't leave the laboratory at all.

Yuriko said: "Boss, the rebirth group is getting bigger and bigger. I can't control it by myself. I need other people to help me."

Wang Burt said: "I will find someone to help you as soon as possible, but the top management of Mutant is not easy to find."

In the blink of an eye, three days passed. During these three days, except for a large number of people marching and demonstrating in front of the White House, demanding that the president eliminate the evil believers, nothing major happened, and everything was calm.

Wang Burt, who has been staying in the laboratory, rarely came to the company today-he was visited by someone he was more interested in, er, not that kind of interest, he is a good man.

"White Queen really lives up to its reputation."

Wang Burt looked at the noble and generous blond beauty in front of him, and couldn't help but nodded. Compared to the White Queen, the poisonous snake is just like the Joker.

"Thank you Mr. Wang for your compliment."

White Queen smiled, but she was a little surprised in her heart—the other party sincerely praised her beauty and temperament, and there was no evil in her eyes, and she didn't look like an eighteen-year-old boy at all.

When the White Queen sat down, Wang Burt asked, "I don't know why the White Queen is looking for me?"

"There are two things, let's talk about the first one first."

White Queen said: "I heard that Wolverine Logan is Mr. Wang's subordinate?"

When Logan's name was mentioned, the White Queen obviously felt a bit of hatred, Wang Burt said: "Yes, although this guy goes to Mutant Academy every day, he is indeed my hired subordinate with a high salary."

White Queen was speechless, she complained: "You don't fire this kind of person?"

Wang Burt shrugged and said: "Although Logan is a bit of a jerk, he is still very reliable in battle."

The White Queen snorted, and said straight to the point: "Mr. Wang, Wolverine's life, will you sell it? I can pay a big price."

Wang Burt asked, "You have a grudge against Logan?"

White Queen gritted her teeth and said, "He killed my sister, and even left her dead in the wilderness."

"Don't attribute your responsibility to others. You were the one who killed your sister. If you hadn't been caught, your sister would never have been used by Stryker."

Wang Burt laughed and said, "Besides, Logan lost his memory at the time, otherwise, he would never have abandoned your sister. Although he is a scumbag, he is a loving and righteous scumbag."

Lily complained secretly beside her: "Isn't that still a scumbag?"

"How do you know that much? Logan told you?"

The White Queen frowned, and quietly used her ability to sneak into Wang Burt's mind and search for his memory - she is a person with multiple abilities, in addition to being able to transform her whole body into diamonds, she also has a powerful mind ability.

In fact, White Queen is a disciple of the professor, but unfortunately the two had different ideas and eventually parted ways.

Wang Burt didn't stop it, the White Queen invaded his mind, and there was a sudden change in front of him - Wang Burt stood proudly in the void, countless lives surrendered at his feet, not only that, even the world trembled in front of him.

At this time, Wang Burt's eyes looked at the White Queen, full of endless majesty, like a god.


The White Queen stood up abruptly and backed away, looking at Wang Burt full of fear, who is he? It's so scary?

Wang Burt said lightly: "It is very rude to invade other people's hearts at will. For the sake of being a beautiful woman, forget it this time. Next time, I will throw you into the crater."

The White Queen looked at Wang Burt in shock, and then, she thought of something, and said, "I never thought that you, Mr. Wang, are also a person with spiritual abilities."

From White Queen's point of view, he should have been plotted by the other party. Wang Burt didn't say much, he motioned White Queen to sit down again, and then said: "Logan is my subordinate, I will not give up on him, you want to take revenge, yourself Go find him."

"I'll go find him."

The White Queen sat down again, she took a deep breath, and said: "Mr. Wang, I invite you to join on behalf of the Hellfire Club. The Hellfire Club is an organization composed of elite-level mutants. If you join us, your wealth and power will be reduced." It will skyrocket several times.”

Wang Burt said: "Not interested, in fact, I hate your Hellfire Club."

White Queen said: "Mr. Wang, ordinary people, and those Mutants who have failed to evolve are not worthy of your help. We are gods, gods above all living beings."

Wang Burt smiled. He turned to Yuriko and asked, "Yuriko, what happened to the person who said that last time?"

"It's still hanging on the flagpole, and I haven't eaten for five days and five nights."

Bai Hezi said: "However, I shouldn't die. It rained two days ago."

Wang Burt said: "Fortune with her."

"It seems that Mr. Wang, you and Psylocke have the same idea."

White Queen was not surprised, after all, the other party is the savior of Mutant, she said: "Mr. Wang, no matter how many things you do, human beings will not accept our Mutant. you."

"I know, I'm also trying to find a way to deal with them. It's boring not to talk about it."

Wang Burt waved his hand and said, "White Queen, are you interested in coming to help me? Rebirth Group is developing too fast, and my side is extremely short of manpower."

White Queen is not only strong in Ability, but also a business genius. Wang Burt has already thought about her - Rebirth Group is very short of Mutant talents.

Other departments can be handed over to ordinary people, but the core of the Rebirth Group must be Mutant.

White Queen sneered when she heard the words, she wanted to ridicule Wang Burt, but she remembered the stalwart figure before, and she said: "Mr. , you can't afford me."

"What is money? If I want to, I can become the world's richest man at any time."

Wang Burt said: "White Queen, what you really want, only I can give."

"I don't think so."

White Queen disagreed, she stood up and said, "Mr. Wang, if you are interested, you are always welcome to join Hellfire Club."

After finishing speaking, the White Queen turned around and was about to leave. She is the queen of the Hellfire Club, how could she work for Wang Burt?

Wang Burt said lightly: "I am preparing to resurrect Silverfox."

White Queen turned around sharply, and shouted displeasedly: "Mr. Wang, this joke is not funny."

Wang Burt stretched out his hand: "You can go, Yuriko, see off the guests."

Yuriko said: "Please!"

The White Queen stared at Wang Burt, and Wang Burt took a sip of his coffee with a calm expression on his face.

White Queen smiled suddenly, leaned forward and said, "Mr. Wang, if you can really revive my sister, don't ask me to work for you, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Wang Burt sighed and said, "It's going to go bankrupt again."

The White Queen was stunned for a moment, not understanding what it meant. At this moment, the cover of the ventilation duct suddenly fell off and hit the White Queen. The White Queen was startled and hurriedly turned into a brilliant diamond shape.

Bang, the lid hits White Queen hard, and the White Queen is unscathed, but the lid is torn apart.

Yuriko is not surprised, compared to the original Mystique, White Queen this is just a trivial matter.

While sorting out the residue on her body, the White Queen asked in amazement, "What's going on?"

"Don't seduce me casually in the future, I am the man you will never get."

Wang Burt shook his head and said: "The reason why Logan will give me a part-time job is because I can revive your sister Silverfox. This plan will officially start in four days."

White Queen asked excitedly: "Really?"

Wang Burt said: "After four days, you will know whether it is true or not. Then, you can come along with me."

White Queen hesitated, and then said: "Even without me, you will resurrect my sister, right?"

"Yes, the rebellious Wolverine, in order to resurrect the goddess, she sacrificed herself to work for others. When Silverfox is resurrected, she will be very moved."

Wang Burt said: "In another eleven months, you will be able to drink your nephew's full moon wine, uh, Lily, does America have a term for full moon wine?"

Yuriko spread her hands: "This one really doesn't exist."

"He can't."

White Queen said bitterly, if she didn't get involved in this matter, all the credit would belong to Logan, and then, her sister would definitely sink even more. Besides, if she didn't agree, God knows if Burt Wang would do something secretly.

Not afraid of ten thousand, just in case, White Queen wants her sister to be resurrected 100%.

White Queen began to seriously think about job-hopping, and after a while, she released her diamond form and said, "Black King will definitely be very dissatisfied if you poach me for job-hopping. With his character, he will definitely attack you."

"So what? If he dares to do it, I'll just kill him."

Wang Burt sneered, he didn't have any affection for Hellfire Club.

"Mr. Wang, although you are very strong, Black King and the others are not vegetarians. With your strength, you may not be able to defeat them."

White Queen said: "If Hellfire Club was so easy to deal with, it would have been wiped out by Magneto long ago. He has been eyeing Hellfire Club all the time."

"Can the Hellfire Club revive your sister? No, but I can."

Wang Burt said lightly: "White Queen, believe me, it's not difficult for me to eliminate them."

"Since you are not afraid, why should I be afraid? If you can really revive my sister, I can jump to your side."

White Queen looked at Wang Burt, suddenly laughed, and said: "However, in advance, Burt Wang, if you are lying to me, I will let you know what it is like to live rather than die."

Wang Burt stood up, stretched out his hand to White Queen, and said, "Welcome to join Rebirth Group, you will serve as my secretary first, and after you are familiar with the operation of the group, you will be promoted to the position of general manager of the group.

As for whether you want to be a superhero, whether you want to fight for mankind, you decide for yourself, I don't force it. "

"What you fancy is my commercial ability?"

White Queen was a little surprised, she held Wang Burt's hand, and scratched his palm twice - habitual action, White Queen is in the Hellfire Club, mainly responsible for seducing powerful people, definitely, she will not have anything to do with those powerful people, she will Get it done with illusion.

"I said, I'm the man you can't get."

Wang Burt withdrew his hand helplessly, the White Queen wanted to say something, the ground suddenly cracked, and she fell below with a bang. Fortunately, Wang Burt specially designed it, and there was no one below, it was an empty room.

Wang Burt said to Yuriko: "I think, when she comes up, she will complain about the poor quality of our office."

"She sure will."

Yuriko asked: "Boss, is she trustworthy? The people in Hellfire Club are all extremely selfish."

"Did you know? The effect of force is mutual. She touches me with my spiritual ability, which is equivalent to me touching her with my spiritual ability."

Wang Burt said: "According to the inspection just now, she is full of affection for her sister Silverfox. As long as we master Silverfox, she will not betray. I can resurrect Silverfox, or make Silverfox die again."

Yuriko nodded: "That way, there is nothing to worry about."

The White Queen's slightly frantic voice came from below: "Hey, I can hear you."

"Just for you to listen."

Wang Burt shrugged and said, "I, Burt Wang, am a gentleman. I never speak ill of others behind their backs. I always speak in front of others."

White Queen had a lot of troubles and didn't know where to start. She said, "I'll go back and find Black King to resign, and I'll come to you tomorrow."

Wang Burt asked: "Resign now, don't wait until four days later?"

"Wait, what you said should be true, otherwise Logan wouldn't be working for you."

White Queen shook her head, she is a very decisive woman, she is sure of one thing, and she will never procrastinate - this is an indispensable ability for a successful businessman.

"Okay, take this."

Wang Burt nodded in satisfaction. He threw a bracelet to the White Queen below, and said, "This is a space bracelet. After it is activated, it will teleport to my side."

"You can actually attach an Ability to an object?"

The White Queen was very surprised. She accepted the bracelet and said, "Don't worry, the Black King can't do anything to me. I've been in the Hellfire Club for so many years, and it's not for nothing. Not only will I leave safely, but I will also take away the part that belongs to me." money."

Wang Burt said with a smile: "Then I will wait."

(end of this chapter)

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