Chapter 479

"My own, my own... Shit, how could I give birth to such a thing? Is this my own?"

Magneto cursed in his heart, he said: "Mutant Brotherhood is the only way out for Mutant, the professor and Iron Man's route is wrong, Pietro, what happened to Burning Man is enough to prove it."

"Grandpa, Pyro is a scumbag."

Quicksilver put away his cynical smile and said seriously: "Iron Man sent the scum to prison with his own hands, the professor ignored the scum, and the Mutant Brotherhood accepted the scum into the club.

Now you tell me, Mutant Brotherhood is right? Do you think I will believe it? "

Magneto defended: "Pyro is a Mutant, our fellow man."

Quicksilver shouted: "Whether he is Mutant or not, he is a scumbag. The Mutant Brotherhood is a sacred revolutionary organization and should not be a gathering place for scumbags and criminals."

Many people nearby let out a cold snort at the same time, expressing their dissatisfaction—they were all criminals.

However, some people looked at Quicksilver approvingly. Although he was a little naive, he was as passionate as Magneto back then.

"He's not a scum, he's just been misled. When he enters Brotherhood, I'll educate him and let him understand what's right and what's wrong. In short, we can't let our compatriots fall into the hands of those despicable humans."

Magneto patted the table and said, "Pietro, you will follow Astra and the others to rescue people tomorrow, don't be petty, do you hear me?"

Quicksilver shrugged and said, "So what's the trouble? If you want to put out firefighters, I can go there alone."

"Don't be careless, there are not only the police, but also the X-Men. Charles can definitely guess what I'm thinking."

Magneto said that even if he can't guess, the other party can spy on him. This guy is a voyeur just like his son.

Shit, is this really my biological son?

Quicksilver said indifferently: "Okay, you have the final say, but let me state in advance that I don't want to kill people."

"No problem, leave those things to us."

Astra, the head of the New York branch, said: "Pietro, remember to obey the command tomorrow. Although you are Eric's son, we don't care about humanity when we act."

Quicksilver said, "Understood, promise to obey, as long as I can hear the order."

Magneto shook his head, this son still needs training.

Then, Magneto asked everyone to leave, leaving only Mutant Toad, who was seven in appearance and three in Toad.

Toad said to Magneto with some hesitation: "Eric, with the X-Men here, we don't think it will be so easy to rescue the fireman."

"The odds are still there, Pietro's Ability is very strong."

Magneto shook his head and said: "Besides, that's just one of the plans, Toad, we need the Red Devil, according to Mystique's investigation, X-Men Xuexu will fly back to the island tomorrow, I want you to bring someone back to capture her. "

"Then exchange Xuexu for the Red Devil? No problem, leave it to me."

Toad nodded, in order to teach their characters, would definitely agree to exchange, even if the Red Devil was important, it would be great to teach those people's hearts.

"Remember to keep it secret."

Magneto exhorted: "Charles' Ability is too scary, we must be more careful."

"Don't worry, I know what to do, old opponent."

Toad smiled and turned to leave. Magneto let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know if he was angry with Quicksilver. He felt a little tired. After all, he was already an old man with white hair.

"Bert Wang gave me Quicksilver because he wanted him to piss me off, or let me live a few years less? This kid is really vicious."

Magneto cursed inwardly, and immediately, he lifted his spirits, took out the blueprint of the instrument from the drawer and continued to study, but he didn't believe it, he couldn't find the problem.

Magneto has never given up on the plan to turn ordinary people into Mutants. In his opinion, that is the way out for Mutants.

It's a pity that he didn't know, it was a pit.


Mutant College, the professor answered the phone and said to everyone: "Magneto is going to send someone to put out the fire."

Storm was stunned: "Magneto sent someone to rescue the Fireman? The Fireman is ours!"

"According to what I have received, John has agreed to join the Mutant Brotherhood."

The professor sighed: "It is estimated that he is resenting us for not helping us."

"Where are we going to die? We spent money to hire the top lawyer for him, and Hank is busy trying to find evidence for him."

Qin was very dissatisfied: "Now that there is a problem with the beer, with the lawyer's ability, it is not difficult to acquit John."

The reason why Qin is so dissatisfied is because the lawyer spent a lot of money--Mutant College's finances have not been very good. The professor has lost his family for so many years, and it is almost gone.

"That burning man, there is obviously a problem with his character, it's only normal for this kind of thing to happen."

Wolverine took a bite of the apple and said, Cyclops turned his head and asked angrily, "Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to stay in the hospital with your wife?"

Wolverine glanced at Qin with a guilty conscience, and said, "BOSS asked me to help you. He said, your super abilities are good, but you are not cruel enough, and you are not decisive enough to do things. You need a strong man, that is me."

The professor asked: "Logan, thank you for coming to help us, but don't kill Brotherhood, everyone is Mutant."

"You decide."

Although Wolverine was very disapproving, she nodded in agreement.

"Scott, Storm, take a team to the police station tomorrow, and you must not let Brotherhood take Pyro away, otherwise, he will really become a criminal."

The professor said: "Qin, you and Shockwave stayed with me in the academy. Magneto didn't come out this time. I'm worried that he's making a fuss."


Everyone nodded. There is no doubt that tomorrow will be a very lively day.


The next day, at the Manhattan Precinct, Officer George radioed to the officers: "Words have been received that the Mutant Brotherhood is coming to rob the prison, everyone, be vigilant.

In addition, if you lose the enemy, you are allowed to surrender and retreat. Don't make fearless sacrifices. Your family is still waiting for you to go back. "

A policeman laughed and said, "Boss, your behavior affects morale a lot."

"No way, the opponent is Brotherhood's Mutant."

Officer George sighed, and said, "There are not many policemen who died at their hands."

The policemen were silent, and one policeman sighed: "If only all Mutants were like Iron Man."

"You think too much, there is only one Iron Man."

Another cop said, "I have a feeling, though, that Brotherhood will be wiped out by Iron Man sooner or later."

"If there is a day, I will definitely go to the street and buy all Iron Man's surroundings."

"Sorry, you can't buy it, because Iron Man's merchandise has been out of stock."

"Really? I just promised my son yesterday that I would buy him a battle suit model as a Christmas present."

"Isn't it? I promised my daughter too."

"Captain, I heard that you are very familiar with Iron Man, can you help us buy some merchandise?"

"It's better to add a signature."

Police Officer George couldn't laugh or cry, Iron Man's popularity is too high, he said: "Everyone, be vigilant, these matters will be discussed after get off work."

"Head, the Mutant Brotherhood is here, and the leaders are the wanted criminals Astra and Big Steel Fang."

At this moment, the police officer in charge of surveillance on the roof reported that Officer George rushed to the front of the surveillance. He glanced at it and asked puzzledly, "Is it so open and aboveboard?"

"It is indeed a bit strange, they are too arrogant."

Storm said, "Officer George, we're going out to meet them, you guard John the Fireman, and if we fight, you stay away."

Officer George nodded bitterly: "Understood."

Then, Storm brought Cyclops, Wolverine, Blue Devil, Sonic and other X-Men to the gate of the police station. Seeing them appear, Astra stopped with Big Steel Teeth and others. It is worth mentioning that , Quicksilver is not in the lineup.

Astra smiled and said, "Storm, long time no see, would you like to have a drink?"

Storm snorted coldly: "When you go to prison, I will send you a box of coffee."

Astra said, "What brand? I'm not used to low-grade coffee."

Storm was speechless, she said: "Go away, with us here, you can't save Pyro, and Pyro is from our academy."

"Sorry, John is no longer a member of your academy."

Astra shook his head and said: "This incident made him understand how hypocritical and despicable those humans are. He decided to join our Brotherhood and fight for Mutant with us."

"He just couldn't figure it out for a while."

Storm was talking, when he suddenly sensed something, looked towards Astra, and took a breath, a fashionable silver-haired youth wearing earphones appeared beside Astra out of thin air.

Quicksilver said: "I did what you asked me to do. By the way, you are truly an evil organization. At first I thought there was going to be a big fight today."

"If you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

Astra rolled his eyes, he took out a remote control, and said, "Storm, there are thirty bombs around, as long as I press this button, they will all explode."

"What, thirty bombs?"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically at the same time, Wolverine snorted coldly, and shouted: "Are you scaring me?"

Astra smiled and said: "To prove that we are not lying, I specially asked Pietro to plant a bomb in the command room, you can look for it."

"What? Find it quickly."

Officer George was shocked and shouted in a hurry. Soon, they found a green time bomb under the table. Officer George said with an ugly face: "Storm, what he said is true."

Storm gritted his teeth and cursed, "You guys are despicable."

Astra clapped her hands and said, "This is called wisdom. Alright, now the matter is clear. Hand over Pyro, and we'll leave, so we can get together and break up."

Storm had some hesitation, and she asked Officer George, "What should we do now?"

"Let people go, I will take the responsibility."

Officer George said helplessly that he knew what this decision meant, but he could not sacrifice others to protect himself, let alone let others take the blame for him.

"Smart move."

Astra laughed, and at this moment, a figure appeared beside him out of thin air, grabbed the remote control and disappeared, it was the blue devil.

"Damn." Astra cursed, what is extreme joy begets sorrow, this is called extreme joy begets sorrow.

Seeing this, Quicksilver activated his Ability, and rushed towards the blue devil that had just appeared at an astonishing speed, trying to snatch the remote control back.

In Quicksilver's world, everything around him turned into slow motion. He smiled slightly, and raised his hand to grab the remote control in the hand of the Blue Devil. The Blue Devil didn't even know that someone was robbing him.

Just when Quicksilver was about to succeed, the professor's voice suddenly sounded in his head: "Pietro, I can't let you take this."

Accompanied by this sound, Quicksilver fell to the ground uncontrollably, everyone was startled, they had no idea when Quicksilver came over.


Quicksilver got up from the ground and said dissatisfiedly: "You actually attacked me?"

While speaking, Quicksilver quickly returned to Astra's side, and the blue devil was surprised that the speed of the other party was actually faster than his teleportation.


Astra was taken aback when he heard the words, and while he was vigilant about his surroundings, he asked, "Professor, you left the academy rashly, aren't you afraid that Magneto will take over your nest?"

The professor at Mutant Academy with a brainwave strengthening instrument said, "Don't worry, I'm not around, Astra, I can't let you take Pyro away, you'll just turn him into a villain."

"Not around? Great."

Astra breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I originally wanted to settle this matter easily and simply, but since you are unwilling, then we will return to tradition and have a good fight."

"I'm afraid you won't make it?"

Wolverine has been upset for a long time, upon hearing this, she immediately showed her claws. Seeing this, the big steel teeth quickly grew long nails, and growled at Wolverine.

The professor said helplessly: "Be careful of Wolverine's claws, he doesn't understand the tacit understanding between us."

Astra sighed: "I hate such a guy, but Magneto's order must be fulfilled."

"Kurt, take the remote control back to the academy, and find a way to defuse all thirty bombs."

Storm yelled as he flew into the sky, the blue devil nodded and disappeared in an instant.

"Do it."

Astra didn't waste any more time, and shouted loudly, upon hearing that, Big Steel Fang rushed towards Wolverine ferociously.

"I wanted to kill you a long time ago."

Wolverine raised his paws and rushed towards Da Gangya. Several images flashed in Da Gangya's mind, and he leaned forward fiercely, pounced forward like a wolf, and threw Wolverine to the ground forcefully.

Then, the big steel teeth grabbed Wolverine's collar and slammed him against the wall next to him. With a bang, the wall shattered and Wolverine fell into it.

"Why does this scene feel familiar?"

Wolverine got up in a little astonishment. At this moment, Da Gangya rushed in, and the two looked at each other. Without talking nonsense, they fought in the room directly, and blood was sprayed everywhere.

"Isn't this too bloody? Doesn't it mean that the Mutants are very harmonious?"

Quicksilver looked disgusted, he turned his neck, and was about to rush towards the X-Men, but to his surprise, he obviously wanted to rush forward, but his body ran backwards.

(end of this chapter)

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