Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 482 Upgrade

Chapter 482 upgrade

The commander hurriedly hid behind a nearby building, and he shouted in disbelief: "How is this possible, they were shot so many times, why didn't they die?"

The lieutenant colonel in the rear command room shouted: "Now is not the time to care about this, commander, hurry up and fight back, this time, we can't lose."

"Don't worry, we won't lose."

The commander yelled fiercely, and he was about to start commanding. At this moment, one figure after another jumped out of the nearby building, rushing towards the soldiers fiercely like a cheetah.

"Is it okay to jump from such a high place?"

The commander's face changed drastically, and he shouted while drawing his gun: "Kill them."

Before the commander finished speaking, the evil believers rushed into the soldiers. One evil believer shouted loudly and punched a soldier in the chest hard. The soldier flew backwards on the spot, knocking all three soldiers behind him into the air.

The soldiers drew out their military thorns and fought fiercely with each other. Unfortunately, they were no match for the evil believers at all. The evil believers were not only fast, but also extremely powerful. With one punch, their chests were completely sunken.

The battle between the evil believers and the soldiers is similar to the tigers entering the flock. The soldiers fell one by one, and the commander retreated to the back and raised his gun to shoot at the evil believers.

Bang bang bang, the commander's aim was good, three bullets shot into the chest of an evil believer at the same time, but the evil believer was not affected, the reason is very simple, all the bullets were stuck in his muscles.

At this moment, the commander finally understood why those evil believers would 'cheat corpses'. They were not dead at all, and their defense was far superior to that of ordinary people.

"Sorry, your gun is too weak."

The evil believer grinned ferociously, and rushed to the commander with the bullet in his face. Then, he grabbed the commander's head and smashed it hard against the wall. With a bang, the commander's head exploded like a watermelon.

The evil believer laughed loudly in the blood. At the same time, the bullet in his chest was squeezed out of his body by the healed muscles, and fell to the ground.

That's right, these cultists also possess a certain amount of Self-healing Ability.

"You came too late. If you had been here at the beginning, we would have died without a doubt. Unfortunately, you came an hour late."

The leader of the evil believer, a long-haired man, threw a glowing brick into a nearby building. The next moment, the brick exploded with a bang. Several soldiers hiding inside were killed on the spot, and the defect fell to the ground partially.

The Captain's Ability is the power of explosion, which can cause the object it touches to explode. He was the one who blew up the previous armored vehicle.

In the beginning, Captain Blast and the others were just an elite monster plus a group of small monsters. Later, they "upgraded" to become a group of elite monsters. Under such circumstances, how can the military be undefeated?

"how so?"

The lieutenant colonel looked at the completely defeated team, smashed the table angrily, and then shouted: "Send the armed helicopter over here, I will blow them up."

The place where they are located is just a small county, so they were not equipped with armed helicopters at the beginning. Only those big cities have helicopters and missiles.

"Lieutenant Colonel, if the helicopter comes over, it will take at least an hour."

The officer hesitated and asked: "In an hour, many people will die. Do you want to..."

The lieutenant colonel turned his head and glared at the officer with red eyes: "You want me to ask Mutant for help?"

The officer swallowed, and said bravely: "Mutants have the ability to teleport through space, and can send soldiers and equipment to the front line immediately. If they help, those evil believers are nothing at all."

"I would never ask Mutant for help."

The lieutenant colonel shouted angrily: "Send the armed helicopter immediately, and organize the police to build a defense line to keep the evil believers in this community."

The officer sighed helplessly and saluted, "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel."

Not only did the military clean up of this small town fail, but the military situation in other places was also not good. The strength of the evil believers was stronger than they expected. What's worse, the equipment they carried gradually fell into the hands of the evil believers.

With armored vehicles and assault vehicles, the cultists are at home, slaughtering the city wantonly, offering sacrifices to the gods, and at the same time quickly improving their strength.

If this continues, it will not be as simple as an elite monster. Every minute someone will evolve into a leader monster, or even a greedy, king-level monster like Rage.

Although the situation is very unfavorable, the military still has no intention of asking for help. Once they ask for help, the foundation of their existence will be shaken-what is the meaning of existence of an army that cannot even protect the people?

In a conference room in Washington, an old general who looked very iron-blooded ordered: "Order the major bases to send all armed helicopters to support the front line. We will fight this battle as a war."

"Yes, General."

An officer nodded and sent orders over the intercom channel.

"General, with so many buildings in the city, coupled with the strength of the evil believers, armed helicopters may not be useful."

The staff officer hesitated for a moment and said, "I suggest dispatching the Mutant secret team."

"No, their existence cannot be known."

The old general shook his head, the Mutants in the secret team were all slaves under their control - from Francis' research institute.

"What about robots? The Trask industry has burned at least hundreds of billions of dollars over the years. Don't they even have a finished product?"

The staff officer frowned and asked again, the army's technological projects are mainly divided into two parts, one is Mutant, and the other is Robot.

"The robot is in the final stage of attack, and it is not suitable for the battlefield."

The old general shook his head again: "At this stage, we must not let the Mutant know about the existence of Sentinel, otherwise, they will definitely destroy the robot secretly.

With Bert Wang's strength, not to mention robots, even Trask Industry will be destroyed by him. "

Speaking of this, the old general said impatiently: "You don't have to worry so much, a few hundred evil believers can't turn the sky around, this is America!"

The old general obviously didn't know that evil believers could 'kill monsters and upgrade', otherwise, he would never have dared to be so arrogant.

"General, with our strength, it is definitely not a problem to eliminate the evil believers. The problem is that this matter cannot be delayed for too long. This is America, our homeland."

The staff officer said: "After a long time, those bureaucrats will definitely go to Mutant for help. They cannot bear too much economic and life loss."

"They must not be allowed to ask the Mutant for help."

The old general frowned, and said, "Send fighter jets to join the battle, and allow some heavy weapons to be used on the front line, so as to eliminate the evil believers in the shortest possible time."

"That's the only way to do it."

The staff officer sighed, it's a pity that neither mutants nor robots can be used, otherwise why would it be so troublesome?

Facts have proved that in America, it is not only the president who is selfish, the military is also selfish!


"You want to blow up the building, have you asked me?"

Wang Burt waved a group of evil believers into the sky, saving people and killing evil believers one after another, even he was a little panting, at this moment, Psylocke contacted him and said: "Boss, these evil believers seem to be getting stronger. "

"Get stronger? I don't feel it."

Wang Burt blinked, but he really didn't feel it, it was all about waving his hand anyway.

"You are so strong, it doesn't feel normal."

Psylocke said: "The evil believers in the first county, it took me ten minutes to deal with them all, the second county, I spent an hour, and the third, BOSS, can you come and save me? I will carry it quickly Can't stop."

"So you came here to ask for help."

Wang Burt complained, a teleport came to Psylocke, and found that she was hiding in a small room and panting.

"BOSS, you are here."

Seeing Wang Burt, Psylocke was overjoyed. She said: "Those evil believers are not only strong and fast, but also have a certain Self-healing Ability, which is difficult to deal with."

The reason why Psylocke lost was not only because the evil believer was difficult to deal with, but also because she was tired. She had been fighting for two hours, and her physical strength and energy had already bottomed out.

"That's not like what the Psylocke woman would say."

Wang Burt smiled, and he took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, and said, "Let our Ms. Psylocke return to her prime."

With the banknotes disappearing, Psylocke felt the exhaustion in her body was swept away. She stood up and asked in surprise, "Can it still be like this?"

"Definitely yes, why do you think I can last until now? I have saved tens of thousands of people with teleportation. Although I know there are so many wonderful things in America, I really didn't expect it to be so many."

Wang Burt complained: "Trains, planes, buildings, poison gas, can't these people do something serious?"

Psylocke sighed: "Fortunately, America has you, otherwise, many people would die."

"somebody is coming."

Wang Burt was about to speak when he suddenly sensed something and looked towards the door. The next moment, the door of the room was kicked to the ground, and then six evil believers entered through the door.

"Ms. Psylocke, here we come, miss us? Fuck me, Iron Man!"

A cultist was going crazy, and suddenly saw Wang Burt standing next to Psylocke, so scared that he almost jumped out of the corridor.

"Iron Man!"

Others also noticed Wang Burt, and their complexion changed dramatically. At this time, the evil believer who spoke before calmed down and shouted: "Don't panic, although Iron Man is indeed very powerful, but we are not what we used to be, and he may not be our opponent .”

Several evil believers shouted loudly as if emboldened: "That's right, he may not be our opponent."

Psylocke sneered: "If you really want to strengthen your confidence, you should remove the word "not necessarily."

"Time is running out, so I won't talk nonsense with you, go to hell."

Wang Burt waved his hand, and the six evil believers disappeared at the same time. Psylocke complained: "You fight like this, no wonder you can't feel that they are getting stronger."

"Blame me?"

Wang Burt smiled, and with a twist of his fingers, a terrified evil believer appeared on the floor out of nowhere, screaming ahhhhh.

Psylocke puzzled: "Why did you bring him back?"

Wang Burt said: "Ask for some information, say, is your strength getting stronger?"

The evil believer came back to his senses and yelled at Wang Burt: "My god is immortal, he will definitely destroy this world and lead us to escape together."

Wang Burt said: "It seems to use some means."

The evil believer shouted: "I will not tell you anything, my god will witness my loyalty, my god is immortal, my god is omnipotent..."

Psylocke said with a look of disgust, "Boss, they won't talk because they are all crazy."

"He won't say it in front of others, but he will definitely say it in front of me."

Wang Burt took out a stack of banknotes and said, "Tell me the answer."

The banknote disappeared, and the evil believer said uncontrollably: "Every time we kill a person, our strength will become stronger. This is a reward from God."

"Killing upgrade?"

Psylocke was stunned, and then his face turned ugly, that is to say, the longer the time, the more dangerous the evil believer will be!

"All evil believers must be dealt with as soon as possible."

Wang Burt sent the evil believer to the sky again, and then said: "Psylocke, I will help you get here, and then I will go to Greed and Rage. This matter must be planned by them. They want to use the slaughter to restore their strength."


Psylocke didn't talk nonsense, stepped on the Green Goblin skateboard and rushed out of the window with Wang Burt. The evil believers heard the movement and looked up into the sky. Seeing this, they were shocked, why did Iron Man come?

"Iron Man, you came at the right time. If I kill you, I can become the messenger of God."

A man shouted excitedly, and then he controlled the car next to him to fly into the sky and hit Wang Burt hard.

"This is their captain, who can move objects with Psychokinesis."

Psylocke swung the long purple knife and slashed through the car, then she swooped down on the Green Goblin skateboard and killed Captain Psychokinesis.

"Psylocke, get lost."

The captain of Psychokinesis roared, and countless objects floated up on the ground, shooting at Psylocke densely, and Psylocke couldn't splash the water of the long knife dance, and she cut all the objects open.

Then, Psychokine rushed to Captain Psychokinesis, and the purple long knife slashed towards Captain Psychokinesis like a horse. Captain Psychokinesis saw this and used Psychokinesis to control the long knife so that it stopped in the air and could not be chopped off.

"You can't stop me."

Psychokine poured spiritual energy into the long knife crazily, and the long knife moved towards Captain Psychokinesis little by little. Seeing that Captain Psychokinesis was in danger, other cultists immediately shot Wang Burt and Psychokinesis.

It is worth mentioning that the evil believers not only have submachine guns, but also vehicle-mounted machine guns and rocket launchers "kindly provided" by the military. The firepower can be described as quite brutal.

Psylocke completely ignored all of this, because Wang Burt was standing behind her, and with the boss around, no one could hurt themselves.

Wang Burt shook his head, all the bullets and rockets disappeared at the same time, and when they reappeared, they were already behind those evil believers.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by screams and explosions, the evil believers fell to the ground, but many of them survived—with their current strength, bullets could kill them very well.

"It's really become stronger."

Wang Burt snorted and waved his hand, all the evil believers disappeared. A few seconds later, they fell from the sky and turned into meat paste.

"How can this be?"

The deaths of the evil believers made Captain Psychokinesis tremble, and Psychokinesis was greatly weakened. Psylocke took the opportunity to cut Captain Psychokinesis in half.

"Boss, go find Greed and Rage first, and I'll hunt down the rest of the evil believers."

Psylocke yelled at Wang Burt, and controlled the Green Goblin skateboard to kill the evil believers in the distance-more than two hours had passed since the disaster broke out, and the evil believers gradually dispersed in order to kill more humans.

(end of this chapter)

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