Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 484 Retreat

Chapter 484 Retreat

Accompanied by greedy voices, one after another dull-faced people came out of the nearby buildings. It is worth mentioning that they all have a strange eye on their foreheads.

Wang Burt sneered: "This trick again, do you think it will work for me?"

"Iron Man, you can remove the eyes from the foreheads of these people, but can you remove the eyes from the foreheads of others in the city?"

Greedy said with a proud face: "In the past two hours or so, I left a lot of eyes."

"This is the hole card you dare to stay here?"

The greedy words made Wang Burt sneer: "You are very cautious, but unfortunately, you are too greedy."

"People are not greedy, what kind of person should they be?"

Greedy smiled and said: "Iron Man, let's get out of here immediately, don't try to stop us, otherwise, many people in the city will die."

Rage yelled at Wang Burt: "Iron Man, one day, I will tear you apart with my own hands."

"You don't really think your methods are useful, do you?"

Wang Burt smiled dismissively, he snapped his fingers, and the eyes on the foreheads of all the puppets began to disappear—all the puppets, not only the ones in front of them, but also the ones hidden.

Greed sensed that it lost contact with the puppets, and shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible."

"Impossible? Greed, you don't know anything."

Wang Burt sneered, Adamantium nanoparticles gushed out from his chest and quickly spread throughout his body.

Iron Man, descend.


Wang Burt didn't mean nonsense, the nanoparticles formed two lightning whips, and smashed towards Greed and Rage as if cutting through the void.

Greedy didn't dare to fight Wang Burt, and immediately jumped on Rage's back. Rage carried him on his back, and fled quickly to the distance like a wild bull.

Wang Burt was about to pursue, Greedy shouted through the communicator: "Believers, take the bombs you seized before and blow up all the buildings in the city."

"My god is immortal."

The believers in the city shouted frantically, and then they quickly ran towards the surrounding buildings with the bombs "kindly provided" by the military.

In these buildings, there are a large number of survivors hiding!

"Iron Man, if you kill us, everyone else will die, hahaha, as I said earlier, you can't kill me."

Greed shouted, this is his last trump card, sacrificing other evil believers in exchange for his own escape.

"I have a bad temper."

At other times, Wang Burt might have endured it, but Greed and Rage have killed so many people and still want to escape. Think him Iron Man is a vegetarian? Not to mention, that bastard dared to mock himself.

"For ten million dollars, all the evil believers in the city will die."

Wang Burt said proudly, the next second, all the evil believers in the city felt a sharp pain in their hearts at the same time, and couldn't help but fell to the ground clutching their chests, even Greed and Rage were no exception.

Definitely, 10 million dollars can't kill Greed and Rage, they all have a way to deal with this trick, for example, Rage, he just dug out his heart and crushed it, and in the next second, a new heart grew out of his chest, powerful beating.

"My God, save us."

Other evil believers do not have the ability like Rage, so they can only ask the gods for help in their hearts. Original Sin immediately sent a large amount of black aura into the bodies of the evil believers, and the evil believers quickly returned to normal and stood up from the ground.

Seeing this, Wang Burt said flatly, "Then add another 20 million."

The next moment, the evil believer who had just stood up fell down again clutching his chest, and Rage cursed: "Again?"

Greedy looked shocked: "What kind of Ability is this, so terrifying?"

Yuan Sin didn't make another move this time, after all, the landlord's family had no food left, and his black aura was limited.

"I'm going to die anyway, let's use the waste."

Original Sin snorted coldly, except for Greed and Rage, all other evil believers exploded into groups of black aura, and then these black aura turned into hundreds of thousands of sharp arrows, shooting towards the survivors in the city.

These black aura arrows not only have amazing power, but also have their own tracking function. Wang Burt's complexion changed, and he hurriedly used his money ability: "Twenty million dollars will increase my space ability."

Along with the activation of money ability, Wang Burt's space ability was greatly enhanced, and the space of the entire small town was under his control.


Immediately afterwards, Wang Burt let out a loud shout full of majesty, the void shook, and hundreds of thousands of black aura arrows were shattered on the spot and dissipated into the air.

At the same time that Wang Burt completed the Fill money strike, Greed and Rage disappeared at the same time, but it was the original sin who took them away.

"It seems that not only evil believers have been upgraded, but original sin has also been upgraded."

Wang Burt cursed, he thought for a while, and teleported to other cities to continue to eliminate evil believers.


In California, Wolverine stabbed her claws into the body of a cultist. The cultist let out a scream before grabbing Wolverine's arm firmly with both hands.

Another evil believer took the opportunity to rush behind Wolverine, piercing Wolverine's back repeatedly with an inverted military thorn, Wolverine suffered from pain, picked up the entire evil believer in front, turned around and smashed hard at the evil believer behind him.

With a bang, the two cultists turned into ground gourds, but neither of them died. Wolverine was about to finish the knife, and a nearby cultist pointed a bazooka "kindly provided" by the army at him, ready to fire.

At this moment, a beam of laser blasted, blowing off the evil believer's arms.

Wolverine glanced back and realized that Cyclops was helping. Cyclops raised his eyebrows and said to Wolverine, "You're welcome."

After finishing speaking, Cyclops blasted towards the evil believer next to him. It is worth mentioning that he no longer suppressed the power of the laser, and attacked with all his strength every time.

In doing so, on the one hand, the evil believers deserve death, and on the other hand, they have no spare power to show mercy. These evil believers are getting stronger and stronger.

"Compared to before, you look like a man now. On the battlefield, you only need to think about one thing, and that is to kill the enemy."

While laughing, Wolverine rushed over and stabbed the claw blade into the head of an evil believer from the chin, and then he stirred it hard, and the evil believer died on the spot.

Storm flew in the air, and kept striking lightning down on the evil believers below. The evil believers shot at her frantically, but all the bullets were swept away by the strong wind around her.

This is a new skill that Storm developed after being shot, Storm Shield-before, she was flying in the air as before, but she was almost sent away by a bullet from the cultist.

Having learned this lesson, Storm has learned to be good. After receiving treatment, she not only created a storm shield, but also learned to look around and prevent others from sneaking up on her.

"The X-Men are growing fast, but if I could, I'd like them never to."

The professor sighed secretly, and used the brain wave strengthening device to control the captain of the evil believer to attack other evil believers.

The ability possessed by the leader of the evil believer is the wind blade technique. At the beginning, he could only release one wind blade. Now, he can release more than ten wind blades at a time. The believer fell to the ground.

It is worth mentioning that none of the evil believers who were knocked down by the captain survived. The reason is very simple. The professor has a kind heart and does not want to kill anyone, even if the other party is an evil believer.

Professor this person is a really good person, he can even be said to be a saint. Unfortunately, political games are not suitable for saints.

"There are still more than ten evil believers in cities that have not been resolved. Hey, why are there so many weirdos in America?"

The professor secretly sighed, at this moment, an extremely evil thought came to the captain's brain, and ordered: "Retreat... eh?"

That idea discovered the professor's consciousness, and immediately followed the consciousness to invade the professor's brain. The professor's vision blurred, and he appeared in an extremely dim place. Then, a tall figure with black hair and black beard and black aura appeared out of thin air. in front of him.

"Who are you?"

The professor couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This figure was really terrifying, almost like a god of hell.

Original Sin shouted majestically: "I am God."

The professor was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted loudly: "No, you are not God, you are the destroyer of their belief."

"I am the Lord of Destruction and God, Mutant, your ability is very good, believe in me, and I will lead you to escape."

Original Sin shouted that if he could get the professor's allegiance, the destruction of the world would be just around the corner.

The professor said very firmly: "I will not believe in you, and I will do my best to protect human beings."


Yuan Sin snorted coldly, and a billowing devilish energy emerged from his body and eroded towards the professor. Although the professor was shocked, he was not afraid, and faced everything calmly.

At this moment, a holy white light lit up on the professor's body, and as soon as the magic energy touched the white light, it disappeared immediately.

"Holy Spirit!"

Original Sin was a little surprised, this Mutant's soul was so pure and holy?

If God is still there, after the professor dies, he will immediately turn into the Holy Spirit and ascend to heaven—the Holy Spirit is so rare that he is even qualified to drink coffee and chat with God.

"I will not submit to you, nor will humans."

The professor shouted loudly, the holy light on his body became as dazzling as the sun, and the surrounding demon energy quickly disappeared.

"I will come to you again, and you will definitely become my messenger and destroy the world for me."

Original Sin shouted loudly, if He was in full bloom, it would not be a problem to corrode the professor, but the problem is that he is now in the seal, unable to exert even one ten-thousandth of his strength.

The professor shook his head. He would never be the envoy of the Lord of Destruction. He has been protecting others all his life.

Then, the professor's consciousness returned to normal. He found that his connection with Captain Windblade was broken. He hesitated, and instead of controlling the evil believer, he investigated the situation first.

The professor discovered that the evil believers in America are retreating, and the same is true in Laomo and Canada.

"Why did you retreat suddenly?"

The professor was a little puzzled. At this moment, he sensed that in a certain small town, Iron Man was wielding a lightning whip to divide several evil believers into two.

This is not over yet, a dozen evil believers wanted to escape, Wang Burt raised his hand, and all the evil believers were teleported to a high altitude to do free fall.

"It turned out to be scared away by the Iron Man who went all out."

The professor suddenly realized that Iron Man's strength was too strong, and those evil believers were no match for him at all, and they were easily crushed by him.

The professor communicated with Wang Burt with his thoughts: "Burt, the Lord of Destroyer orders all the evil believers to retreat."

Wang Burt frowned and asked, "All retreat?"

The professor nodded: "Yes, Lao Mo and Da Canada are also retreating."


Wang Burt nodded, and ordered everyone through the communicator: "The evil believers are retreating. Kill them as quickly as possible while ensuring safety."


Everyone nodded one after another, chasing and killing those evil believers with full firepower, making sure to keep them all.


The old general wanted to yell at me, but my trousers are... cough, I just put tanks, armored vehicles, and heavy weapons on the battlefield, and you all retreated? Are you kidding me? You must be kidding me, right?

The old general was distressed for a while, the previous conditions were agreed to in vain - there is no possibility of repentance, at this level, honesty is very important, if you repent this time, people will not believe you again next time.

Hank shouted, "Can't let them go, or there will be another time."

"Attack with all your strength, as long as no one is injured, other losses don't matter."

The old general ordered, in fact, it doesn't matter if it hurts people's lives, anyway, it's not the first time, he just said that, he just didn't want to leave a clue.

With the efforts of everyone, the battle officially ended after more than an hour, but everyone was in no mood to cheer. On the one hand, many evil believers escaped, and on the other hand, too many people died in this war.

"Boss, it is roughly estimated that at least tens of thousands of people died in America. At least, the actual number may be multiplied several times. As for the economic loss, it is immeasurable."

Bai Hezi sighed: "There are more people dying on Lao Mo's side, while Da Canada's population is not densely populated, so the number of deaths is a little less."

"Damn evil believers, damn original sin."

Wang Burt couldn't help cursing, the original sin never dies, this kind of thing will never end, unfortunately, he still can't kill the original sin.

Banknote Ability is indeed omnipotent, but if you want to kill the original sin, it may not be enough to tie all the banknotes on the earth together.

"We need to spend more time improving our strength in the future."

Wang Burt thought to himself, he thought for a while, and said to the president, "Your Excellency, it's time for you to hold a press conference."

"Although we won, I still have to take the blame. After all, it was America that was attacked this time."

The president sighed, fortunately, he is about to step down, so the problem is not big.

"You are the president, if you don't memorize it, who will memorize it?"

Wang Burt said: "Your Excellency, I hope you will announce the establishment of the Mutant Guard at the press conference."

The president was stunned: "This... Burt, are you trying to get on the horse by force?"

"There is no time to go through the procedure. I have already negotiated with the military. They will not object. As for the Congress, let the people put pressure on them."

Wang Burt said: "Anyway, you are about to step down, so what if you are more self-willed? This matter is over, I will give you a horse farm, and then help you get a top thoroughbred horse to raise."

Hank silently took off his earphones, Bert kid, bribed again in front of his face, uh, why did I say again?

"Okay, anyway, I'm about to step down, so I can give the people an explanation so that they won't scold too hard."

After a moment of hesitation, the president nodded. Wang Burt nodded with satisfaction and said, "After you finish the press conference, I will announce the expansion of the security company. The two of us will work together to stabilize the public's hearts and avoid other problems."

The president said happily: "Okay, I will open a long-term order to your security company, anyway, it is money from Congress."

(end of this chapter)

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