Marvel God Blood God

Chapter 625: Berserk Attack

Chapter 625: Berserk Attack

"There are a large number of symbionts in San Francisco. They can parasitize people and turn people into monsters. In addition, they like to eat people's heads, and the threat level is relatively high."

"A red-haired woman appeared in London. Wherever she passed, everything around her was disintegrating. According to the database comparison, she should be an Omega-level Mutant Dark Phoenix, and her strength is about the peak of the god level."

"A very ugly man appeared in Egypt. He turned the entire city into a desert and built a huge amounts of Pyramids. His strength should be at the peak of the god level, or even an ancient god."

"A large number of Asgards have appeared in Wakanda. They are attacking Wakanda. The leader is God King Odin, whose strength is at the level of the ancient gods."

(The strength of Mutant is different in different universes. In addition, the strength of Dark Phoenix is ​​determined by the number of phoenix fragments.)


The more people listened, the more dignified their faces became. There was no one who was wrong, Thor immediately said: "Give Wakanda to me, just right, I haven't beaten the old man yet."

"You are really a filial son."

Captain Marvel complained, she said: "Leave that ugly man in Egypt to me, I like to beat up men, but it's a pity that it's a bit ugly, and it feels more like beating a handsome guy."

The expressions of all the men present changed slightly. If this woman has such a hobby, wouldn't she be very dangerous? Well, they all think they're handsome.

Steve said: "The woman in London gave it to me, and my spiritual power should be able to block her decomposition power."

Black widow said: "Leave the symbiote to me. According to the data, they are afraid of fire, and I am the hottest beauty on earth."

"Act now, Friday, and call the Eternals, so they stand ready to help."

Nick Fury said: "The concentration of disasters erupts, it's not that simple."

"Yes, Mr. Fury."

Friday immediately called for support. At the same time, the superheroes stepped into the portal one after another to go to their destination. It must be said that Strange was really prescient and called Wang and the others over.

"There are many strong ones. It seems that the universe that is our enemy is very strong."

Nick Fury looked at the light curtain and said, at this moment, a new holographic projection appeared, a different city, but the same magnetic force, the same building collapsed.

"Two Magneto? In other words, there are two different universes invading our universe?"

Nick Fury stared: "I knew it wasn't that simple."

When Friday was about to answer, the enemy was suddenly scanned and reminded: "The Iron Legion is approaching The Avengers Base. In addition to Iron Man, there are also well-known superheroes such as Thor and Captain Marvel."

"There really is more than one."

Nick Fury cursed, turned his head and glanced at the people who stayed behind, frowning slightly.

Because of too many disasters, the powerful superheroes have left, and now only Wang, Falcon, Winter Soldier, Spider-man, and Dr. Banner are left.

Nick Fury glanced at Dr. Banner and shook his head in disappointment. Dr. Banner shouted dissatisfiedly: "Hey, Fury, can't you hide it a little bit?"

"I'm really disappointed, you were the strongest Avenger before."

Nick Fury said: "Now, your level is not even as good as before. In the past, you could at least explode, but now you can only tell bad jokes."

"I'm really sorry that I can only tell bad jokes?"

Dr. Banner said angrily: "My choice is not wrong. After a while, when my research is completed, I will definitely impress you."

Nick Fury asked: "Let's hope so, let's deal with this side first, how many battle suits are there at The Avengers Base on Friday?"

"Because of the former Iron Man, there are hundreds of unmanned battle suits and a spaceship in the base."

Friday said: "Also, there is a small group of Sentinels that Mister Stark has transferred here, and have had a fight with Black Panther about it."

"With Sentinel? It's stable now."

Nick Fury was overjoyed, he said: "Let's give those superheroes a little color. Although our main force is not here, it is not something they can offend. In addition, on Friday, call the Eternal Race again. We are obviously targeted. Come to our universe There are too many guests."

Friday replied: "Yes, Mr. Fury."


On the Conqueror, female Conqueror Kang said to Nemesis: "I use special equipment to change the transmission coordinates of the three universes to the future universe, that is to say, they will face the pressure of the four universes.

These four universes are specially selected by me. Each universe is very powerful, and more importantly, they all choose to destroy other earths to preserve the earth in their own universe. "

Not all universes choose to slaughter, but there are many parallel time-spaces that choose to slaughter. Human beings are always selfish, even superheroes are no exception. For example, if Iron Man is placed between Pepper and a city Choice, he will probably choose Pepper.

Nemesis nodded with satisfaction: "Very well, the pressure of the four universes should be able to force the blood god out."

"Goddess, what's the point of doing this? Although the people in these four universes are powerful, they can never be the opponent of the blood god."

Conqueror Kang asked puzzledly: "The blood god can even wipe out Thanos, let alone them."

"I never expected them to defeat the blood god, if even they can defeat the blood god, then what am I?"

The Nemesis said: "What I want is to disperse the energy of the blood god, so that he cannot calm down the cosmic storm and the fluctuation of the ocean of mind. Only in this way, I can easily defeat him and swallow him when the parallel time and space are integrated."

"So that's how it is. It's like fighting a war. First, send someone to interfere with the other party, so that the other party will be exhausted."

Conqueror Kang understood, and she said, "Unfortunately, there are only four universes at most, otherwise it would definitely be more interesting."

"Things always have a limit."

Nemesis shook her head. In fact, what she was targeting was not the Invincible King, but Wang Burt's body—he wanted to devour the Invincible King first, and then face Wang Burt's body.

Swallowing the Invincible King, not only can obtain most of Wang Burt's information, but more importantly, he can use the Invincible King to give a big gift to the blood god.

Although the Nemesis will return to her full power after the parallel time and space integrate, she is not careless because she has already been defeated once, and she does not want to lose again.

If this opportunity is missed, He will never be able to leave this damned multi-universe, unless another time traveler appears.


In New York, Tony, wearing an anti-Iron Man battle suit, appeared in front of Magneto through the portal. He shouted: "Magneto, stop now, or don't blame me for being rude."

"Iron Man Tony Stark, how dare you appear in front of me?"

Magneto said disdainfully: "Don't tell me that you are wearing an anti-Magneto battle suit?"

"I'm no ordinary Iron Man, well, the warning has been said, if you don't surrender, don't blame me for being rude."

Tony said impatiently: "There are so many things to do, I don't have time to waste with you."

"Tony Stark, you are still as arrogant and reckless as ever."

Magneto was too lazy to talk nonsense, he pushed forward with both hands, and the surrounding steel densely blasted towards Tony.

At the same time, Magneto uses a magnetic field to control Tony's battle suit, making him immobile.

"If you have strength, why can't you be arrogant?"

Tony's eyes turned red, and two bowl-thick lasers whizzed out, instantly melting the steel in front of him and bombarding Magneto.

The force field on Magneto collapsed instantly, and he flew backwards and crashed into a building, covered in bricks and dust.

Magneto got up from the ground clutching his chest, he shouted in disbelief: "This is impossible, why are you so strong?"

"Because I am the strongest Iron Man."

Tony imitated Wang Burt, and said with a calm face—although his expression was very calm, but for some reason, he still deserved a beating, no, he deserved a beating even more.

"I do not believe!"

What did Magneto say, Tony suddenly appeared in front of him, punched him on the head and knocked him unconscious: "I don't care if you believe it or not? I'm busy right now, so I don't have time to talk to you."

Magneto is actually very strong, but this one is no ordinary Iron Man, he is the ultimate Iron Man cultivated by Wang Burt!

After knocking out Magneto, Tony opened a portal, threw Magneto into the base cell, and then traveled to another city where another 'Magneto' was rampant.

This 'Magneto' is different from the previous one. This 'Magneto' is wearing thick armor, which looks a bit like a Sentinel.

"Magneto, surrender."

Tony, full of self-confidence, shouted carelessly: "Don't try to resist, there is already a Magneto beaten to death by me, the terrible kind."

‘Magneto’ glanced at Tony, without any nonsense, he pushed forward with both hands, and countless steel bars roared towards Tony like sharp arrows, as if thousands of arrows were fired, even the sunlight was covered.

"So stubborn."

Tony shook his head pretentiously, the nano-particles formed a magnetic field instrument, and all the steel bars fell to the ground crackling. Then, he focused his eyes on the 'Magneto', and two lasers whizzed out.

Tony thought he could easily solve 'Magneto' like before, but unexpectedly, 'Magneto' disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already behind him.

Immediately afterwards, the armor on the arm of 'Magneto' turned into a sharp blade and stabbed fiercely at the back of Tony. Tony was about to fight back, but his mind suddenly went blank, he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know what he was doing.

"Mr. Stark, you have suffered a psychic attack."

Fortunately, because of the too many appearances of Psychic Ability, Tony had already prepared himself, and he woke Tony up with a sharp sound wave immediately on Friday.

Tony woke up suddenly, and it was too late to dodge at this time, he turned sideways to avoid his vitals, and at the same time his body lit up with a red light representing high temperature.

Seeing this, 'Magneto' turned his sharp blade into a hammer, and slammed the hammer on Tony's back. Tony hit the ground like a meteorite, knocking out a big hole in the ground, and the dilapidated buildings around him collapsed.

After knocking Tony into the air, 'Magneto' looked at the melted hammer and frowned slightly. Then, he used the substance to restructure the Ability to return the hammer to normal.

This one is actually not ‘Magneto’, he is the Mutant villain’s mad attack—Professor X was polluted by Magneto’s extreme thoughts. In addition, the suit of armor on him is not like Sentinel, but Sentry armor at all.

Tony crawled out of the pit, his first thought was not to fight back, but to order Friday: "Delete all the pictures just now, and don't leave any cameras around, this savior can't leave a black history.

Shit, why did I get beaten again just after being arrogant for a while? Could it be Bert who is cursing me? "

Friday replied: "In the deletion screen, the deletion failed, and the Avengers Command Center refused to delete."

"Saw by those bastards."

Tony gritted his teeth, he could imagine those bastards laughing.

Tony looked up at Kuang Gong and yelled, "Magneto, you totally pissed me off."

"I'm not Magneto, you can call me Mad Attack, and besides, what if I piss you off?"

The sound of mad attack sounded in Tony's mind, and then, his surroundings suddenly changed into a white world.

At the same time, Tony lost his anti-Iron Man battle suit, and stood in the snow in casual clothes, trembling from the cold.

"It's such a powerful psychic attack that even the chill is real, Friday."

Tony hurriedly called Friday, but Friday didn't respond at all. Immediately afterwards, a bald man in a wheelchair appeared in front of Tony. It was Kuang Gong, the Blacken version of Professor X.

The professor said slowly: "Tony Stark, your biggest shortcoming is that you are nothing without the battle suit."

"Is that what someone told me?"

Tony walked up to the professor, snorted coldly, "Even without a battle suit, I'm still the smartest person in the universe, professor, if I remember correctly, you should be a good person, right?"

"Professors from other universes will certainly not participate in the massacre, but I am not a professor, I am a mad attack, a combination of Professor X and Magneto."

The professor said lightly: "Your battle suit is very powerful, but you are too weak. I will turn you into a puppet and let you destroy the world."

"I reckon you're going to be disappointed."

Tony smiled slightly, kicked the professor hard, and the professor was kicked out together with the wheelchair, and fell down in the snow in embarrassment.

Tony, who just completed the achievement of beating the elderly, put on a kung fu pose and said, "I'm sorry, besides being the smartest person, I'm also a kung fu master. I have experienced hundreds of battles (beaten every day) and never fell Pass."

"You really exceeded my expectations, but it's useless. This is the spiritual world, my home field."

The professor floated up from the ground, and then, with a twitch in his heart, a figure suddenly appeared, but it was a replica Tony. He represented the unwillingness, resentment, and jealousy in Tony's heart.

The clone Tony scolded: "You useless trash, you claim to be the most intelligent person in the world, but you have been stealing the limelight by the blood god, and now you are directly reduced to a younger brother, and you are still willing."

"It's as if I haven't resisted? The problem is, that guy Burt is hanging up, what can I do? His level is improving faster than the rocket."

Tony said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense with you, the world is still waiting for me to save, you die obediently, don't affect me as the savior."

The clone Tony scolded: "Even if you become the savior, you are still a little brother."

"none of your business?"

Tony didn't bother to talk nonsense, and rushed towards the clone Tony, and the clone Tony posed, ready to fight back.

The professor sneered, this is just the beginning, in the spiritual world, no one can beat him, Iron Man, will definitely become his puppet.

(end of this chapter)

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