Captain America's words fell, Thor and the Hulk all nodded heavily, they knew that it was a moment when thousands of people were in danger, they didn't say a word, if they lost, they picked up the hammer and shook it, the whole person rushed to the sky and flew to the east, the Hulk was also congratulating the muscles, the whole person was like a slingshot, and ejected out.

"Stark, you go with the war machine to find a way to organize the descent of the Sokovia continent, and you must find the reactor. "

The captain continued to point to the center of Sokovia.

"The reactor is probably in the middle of Sokovia, so you have to search for it." "

Before Captain America's words were finished, Iron Man rose to the sky at the time of war.

"Steve, you should fix your mess, I'm an expert in this area, I know how to do it better than you." "

The captain of the United States shook his head helplessly, and Tony was going to fight with him at this time.

"Natasha, you still have Hawkeye, disperse with me, inform the surrounding residents, let them go to safety, and it will be up to Stark whether they can stop this procedure." "

Not surprisingly, Natasha and Hawkeye also nodded.

Although the two of them are also hero-level figures, they are just ordinary people, without the technology and powers of Thor and the Hulk, and Iron Man.

Directly found a car, connected the power, and the two people got into the car and drove towards the densely populated places in Sokovia City.

There should be government buildings there, there should be television stations, and radio, one by one to find people to evacuate, it is too troublesome, they plan to use television and radio directly, to ask residents to evacuate, which is more efficient.

After arranging everyone's movements, the captain of the United States also sighed.

When he saw Xia Zuo following here, he subconsciously wanted to command Xia Zuo, but he suddenly thought that Xia Zuo was not a member of the Avengers, and at the same time, Xia Zuo's strength was too strong now, he knew what his strength was like, and he didn't dare to provoke Xia Zuo at all.

He just shook his head at Xia Zor, then he took a step forward and set off towards another part of Zokovia, which was the government building in Sokovia, and he wanted to contact local officials and ask them to send police to maintain order and lead residents to safety.

In this whole process, Xia Zuo is faint, standing there without joy or sadness, looking at the nose and nose, looking at the nose and mouth, as if this matter has nothing to do with him.

In this apocalyptic scene, the sun is like a dim wedding dress, and the flying sand and stones are covered with devastation.

Xia Zuo was in the center of the city, allowing Sokovia to fall apart, and he was also majestic.

If there is a painter here to paint this painting, Xia Zuo's momentum of staring at the world will definitely be felt.

Xia Zuo didn't plan to help them at all, because this was not good for Xia Zuo at all.

Tens of thousands of people are dead or alive, what does he have to do with it?

In the end, these inhabitants will die, it is nothing more than too weak, if they can have great power.

Even with such an attack, the energy fluctuations can withstand it!

"The weak are the original sin!"

Xia Zuo certainly does not flood with the Heart of the Virgin.

Gently swiped towards the void, and suddenly a void door appeared, and on the other side of the void door, it connected to the manor of New York.

Xia Zuo raised his hand and was about to walk to the other side of the Void Gate, but at this moment, suddenly in the middle of a ruins in the distance, a familiar face suddenly appeared in Xia Zuo's field of vision.

"How could it be her...?"

Xia Zuo, who had originally stepped into the void with half a foot, suddenly stopped...


Although Captain America said that he did not have as strong superpowers as Hulk and Thor, after all, it was also a super video injected with serum, which was twice the limit of ordinary people, indicating that his running speed was also four times that of ordinary people.

Although he saved some civilians on the road in the latter time, the captain of the United States also quickly arrived at the government center of Sokvia.

Now, even the people in the government center are panicking, and the president of Sokoville is maintaining the situation, but now this gray-haired old president is helpless.

After all, no one has experienced such a devastating scene.

"Which of you can talk here?"

The captain of the United States rushed to the government building with an arrow, and without even opening the door, he directly crashed in, and the five-centimeter-thick steel plate door was directly damaged by the captain of the United States...


In the eastern part of Sokvia.

Hulk and Thor almost did everything they could, and the power of the Hulk is infinite.

It turned out to be abrupt, lifted a tall building, directly carried the building on his shoulders, and ran to safety.

The thunder did not show weakness, and directly took a large truck, let the people of Sokovia sit on the car, and he ran directly with the car crazy.

The two Avengers have the best combat units in the Avengers.


Residential area of Sokovia.

Hawkeye monitors the evacuation of nearby residents, and Natasha constantly broadcasts messages from residents on television and radio buildings asking residents to evacuate to safety.


Almost every Avengers thing is doing its best to save the people...

But they all know in their hearts that these are just a drop in the bucket, alleviating the urgent need, the most important thing is to see whether Iron Man, and the war machine, can find the reactor, and find a way to stop the reactor and let the entire city slowly and safely descend.

"Jarvis, haven't you figured out the reactor reversal formula yet?"

Iron Man is anxious, he and the war machine have already found the reactor, just under the ruins of the church, but it is one thing to find the reactor, and how to install the reactor inside is another.

Ultron was a collection of his minds with Dr. Banner and Jarvis, and in terms of intelligence, he was almost on a par with the smartest people in the world.

Although Iron Man is confident that he can solve the equation of this reactor, it will take time, at least half a day, but now the whole city will fall in half an hour, and it is simply too late.

"Isn't there anything Tony can do?"

War Machine asked anxiously from the side, but when he saw Tony's face, his whole heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

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