"This master, this master, please give us some food."

The Nobel Peace Prize winner, after seeing Xia Zuo and them, just ran over and stuffed Thanos behind his clothes.

Now the Void Gate can't be used, Xia Zuo doesn't want to cause trouble, so he pulls Laura and wants to leave quickly, but Xia Zuo and they stepped into this street, there are many human beggars, after the Nobel Peace Prize winner took the lead, other beggars also surrounded and regarded Xia Zuo as a rich lord.

"This beautiful young lady, please give us some alms, we haven't eaten for a long time..."

A thin, yellow-faced woman took Laura's hand.

"Yes, yes, you see that there are children on our side, please save us."

A ragged man holding a very thin looking little girl came to Laura.


For a time, all the beggars on this entire street gathered around Xia Zuo, as well as Laura's side, surrounding them to the ground.

"Don't be like this, I don't have any money..."

Surrounded by so many people, Laura panicked at once, although her strength is also quite strong, if she has to say it, she can already barely squeeze into the ranking of the superpowers...

But after all, she is a very kind little girl, fierce to enemies, but very gentle to human words, and suddenly does not know what to do.

It seemed to see the weakness in Laura's eyes, and the beggars around her were all one after another.

"How could it not be, you see that this man next to you is dressed so well, he must be a rich man, what is wrong with giving me a little?"

A tricky-looking aunt took Laura's hand and said dissatisfiedly, hearing Auntie's words, the people next to him all echoed.

"Yes, yes, what's wrong with giving us some money? You can't spend so much money anyway. "

"Hurry up, we are all human, do you turn to aliens and forget that you are human?"

The people around them surrounded Laura, just grabbed Laura's clothes and sleeves, and all opened their mouths, as if Laura owed them.

Pulled by them, Laura didn't know what to do, she was very uncomfortable for a while, she wanted to help them very much, but she really didn't have money, after all, she was just a survivor.

It's not that Laura also feels very uncomfortable, she wants to help them, but why do they feel the same way.

Just when Laura didn't know what to do, Xia Zuo next to him suddenly spoke.

"Hehe, you can see their faces clearly now, human nature is inherently evil, morality and kindness cannot restrain people, morality and kindness are the weapons of others to restrain you, in this world there is only the law of the jungle, either you are eaten by me, or I am eaten by you, so strength is the only!"

After saying that, Xia Zuo roared at the beggars who gathered around.

"Get out!"

Suddenly, a breathtaking deterrent force expanded like a sound wave, and then the people around them were all shocked by this powerful force.

"What are you doing? If you don't help us, forget it, you even beat us, you really have no conscience, you are simply not human. "

Which Nobel Peace Prize person saw Xia Zuo and immediately shouted at him, and the people around him also glared angrily at Xia Zuo, and even a few people took out small knives hidden in their pockets.

After Thanos ruled the earth, the order of the earth was already very chaotic, especially in such a neighborhood, there was no one to supervise, there were no law enforcers, and if there were humans dying here, it would generally not take too much energy to investigate.

Just when everyone looked at Xia Zuo's gaze and his eyes were not good, suddenly, there was a crisp sound, like a watermelon cracking.

A headless corpse immediately collapsed in the crowd, and a long line of blood flowed to the ground.

"Whoever of you dares to take a step closer, this guy will be your end."

Xia Zuo looked cold, although his voice was very quiet, but in this silent occasion, it was infinitely amplified, and full of majesty, at this moment, those beggars around were like seeing the king of hell.

"Kill, kill, this guy kills."

An aunt exclaimed, and then all the people around reacted and fled, all looking at Xia Zuo with terrified eyes, they didn't expect that this young man who looked very kind, and even weak, actually said kill and kill, so cruel!

"You guys..."

Looking at the scattered people, Rau stretched out his hand to say something, but finally closed his mouth and looked at Xia Zuo with complicated eyes...

He looked like he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say it.

"Let's go, let's go save your father."

Xia Zuo knew that Laura must have a lot of things to say in her heart, people's three views were established long ago, and it was not an easy thing to change, so give Laura some time.

Xia Zuo was walking leisurely, and Laura was bowing her head and following Xia Zuo with a complicated expression, looking like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Xia Zuo looked at the appearance of Thanos after ruling the earth with interest, there is still no change from before, there should be all kinds of restaurants, high-end places, but these restaurants and high-end places used to be open to humans, and now only a few humans, and aliens can enter.

Those original hard jobs were all done by the current humans, and it can be said that the status of human beings has been extremely low, but Xia Zuo does not have any sympathy for Ben in his heart.

The weak, who have no power, are destined to become lambs to be slaughtered by others, it was so before, it is now, and it will be so in the future ...

This is an immutable truth!

However, just as Xia Zuo and Laura were walking on the street, suddenly there was an alarm in the distance, and then a very high-tech concept spaceship suddenly appeared in the air and hovered above.

"The people below listen, quickly give up resistance, you are going to be arrested for violating the laws customized by His Highness Thanos, listen to give up resistance!"

Seeing the arrival of this spaceship, the people around them all scattered, looking at Xia Zuo and Lao Spicy as if they were looking at dead people.

These spaceships are like the Gestapo, if they resist, they will be killed on the spot, even ordinary people around them, there is a risk of being affected.

Laura also looked panicked, first froze for a while, and then remembered, it is estimated that those beggars went to the police just now.

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