Marvel: God-level foodie

Chapter 257 War in the Divine Realm

There is nothing Odin can do about the ether particles in Jane's body.

In the end, Jane could only be allowed to stay in the divine realm temporarily and find a way to remove the troublesome ether particles from her body.

However, what Odin and Thor didn't know was that the ether particles in Jane's body had been targeted by the dark elves who had awakened after five thousand years of sleep.

As in the original plot, the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, transformed one of his dark elves into a cursed warrior and quietly sent it to the divine domain, preparing to cooperate internally and externally to start a war for ether particles.

Using the special means of the dark elves, Malekith led the remaining dark elves to launch an attack on the divine domain.

Moreover, the cursed warriors destroyed the defensive core of the divine domain from the inside, causing the dark elves to march straight in.

The sudden attack left the Divine Realm unprepared and suffered heavy losses. Even Odin's throne, which symbolized the power of the Divine Realm, was destroyed by the dark elves.

What saddens everyone the most is that Odin's wife Frigga, Queen of the Divine Realm, was also killed by the cursed warrior in this battle.

After experiencing some turmoil, the Divine Realm fell into panic.

The fortifications were destroyed, the God of Dawn could not find the other party's figure, the domain of God was completely reduced to fish on the chopping board, and the dark elves might come back at any time.

In order to prevent God's Domain from being swept away by war again, Thor decided to take Jane to leave God's Domain, enter the dark world, and find Malekith directly.

After Malekith takes out the ether particles from Jane's body, destroy them both!

Just as Thor was preparing his plan, on Earth, the Security Council headquarters.

A meeting ordered by Johnny is taking place.

"Everyone, I'm calling everyone here today for something important."

Seeing everyone arriving, Johnny slowly spoke.

"It won't be long before the Earth will once again face a crisis."

Johnny's voice was calm, but what he said made everyone's expressions change.

"Director, what's going on?"

After hearing Johnny's words, everyone couldn't help but ask.

Those who were able to attend the meeting were all senior members of the Security Council and Johnny's confidants.

Regarding the coincidence of the nine realms and the dark elves' attempt to once again plunge the universe into eternal darkness, Johnny did not hide it and informed everyone in detail.


"The remaining races in the universe from the previous era? How long ago was that?"

"Director, how should we respond? Do we need to notify all countries in advance?"

After receiving the news from the dark elves, everyone had solemn expressions on their faces. Although they were not panicked, the race that Johnny mentioned that existed in the last universe still forced everyone to treat it with caution.

"By the way, Director, we have an earth defense network. It's not that easy for the dark elves to reach the earth, right? We can put the battlefield in space just like we dealt with the Chitauri invaders. Now the Security Council has Having absorbed the technology of the Chitauri fleet, we are definitely capable of conducting space wars."

Natasha reacted and spoke.

"The dark elves are different from the Chitauri. Their methods are much more powerful than the Chitauri. Earth's defense may not be effective."

Johnny thought for a moment before speaking.

Although the Earth's defense network is powerful, it is not omnipotent.

The defensive power of Asgard in the divine realm is only stronger than the Aegis Network developed by the Security Council. And Heimdall, the God of Dawn, is watching, and the dark elves have quietly touched the divine realm. , it wasn’t until the war started that God’s Domain became aware of it?

"But you don't have to worry too much. These dark elves have been sleeping for five thousand years and are already extremely weak. With the current strength of the Security Council, there won't be too much of a problem if they want to deal with it. As for their leader, Just leave it to me."

"I'm asking everyone to come here today mainly to prepare you. Dr. Selvig has done some research on the coincidence of the nine worlds. You just need to calculate the specific time and place of the coincidence of the nine worlds and prepare in advance."

"And our purpose in this battle is the same as dealing with the Chitauri fleet. We not only want to annihilate our opponents, but also plunder the opponent's technology."

Johnny smiled slightly, with strong self-confidence, which infected everyone for a while.

Only then did everyone react. They had been intimidated by the name of the Dark Elf before, but now when they heard Johnny's words, the expressions on their faces changed. Everyone in the Avengers felt fighting rising in their bodies.

"That's right! With the director here, the dark elves will die as many as they come!"

"Director, we will start to calculate the specific time and place for the coincidence of the nine realms, and we should get the results soon."

The people in the scientific research department became excited when they heard the technological achievements of the dark elves mentioned by Johnny. After a brief discussion, they quickly left, found Dr. Selvig, and began to make nervous calculations.

In addition to the scientific research department, all combatants from top to bottom of the Security Council also received orders and began to return one after another.

"I have a hunch that something big will happen recently, otherwise the headquarters wouldn't call us all back."

"Yeah, the last time there was such a big movement, the Chitauri invaders came to Earth. Do you think this time it will be...?"

"It's very possible. Is there some blind cosmic civilization that wants to attack the earth?"

"Hmph! As long as they dare to come, under the leadership of Director Johnny, we guarantee that they will never come back!"

Under the Security Council, many agents who noticed the change in situation were communicating secretly, but their words did not show any fear, but instead they expressed excitement and anticipation.

"It's been so long, I don't know what the Divine Realm has become like due to the destruction of the dark elves..."

Johnny leaned on the soft sofa, counting the time and muttering to himself, with a glint in his eyes from time to time.

Just when the earth had begun to prepare, waiting for the dark elves to arrive and start a war at any time, the divine domain once again became chaotic.

the reason is simple.

Loki, the prince of the divine realm and the god of conspiracy, who was imprisoned by Odin, unexpectedly left the divine realm quietly with Thor and Jane Foster.

In order to prevent the war from spreading to God's Domain again, Thor had to leave with Jane Foster who was pregnant with ether particles.

And when the Rainbow Bridge is blocked, only Loki knows the way to leave in the entire God's Domain.

In Thor and Loki's plan, after Malekith removes the ether particles from Jane's body, they will work together to use Thor's powerful thunder to directly destroy the ether particles and completely crush the ambitions of the dark elves.

But it backfired.

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