Marvel: God-level Skill Draw

Marvel's God-level Skill Draw Chapter 420

Zooey interjected and asked 0 ....

"Well. We found you who were locked by the [Universe Judgment Order] and retrieved the information about you as soon as possible."

"When I wanted to come and visit you, I found that the [Universe Judgment Order] had disappeared."

"Immediately, we found that there was a huge amount of energy emerging from the universe, so we speculated that the judge of the god group, Arisser, had released the seal for many years."

"At the time, we didn't expect that it was you who were fighting Arisse."

"It turned out to be here at that time, that is, all the battles after that were observed by them..."

Zoe said in his heart that he knew that the observers had been fighting the gods for hundreds of millions of years, and they would definitely be able to obtain information about the seal of Arisse.

Therefore, it is not surprising that after Arisse was unblocked, he could accurately judge and arrive at the first time.

So, do you want to go back with them now?

If it is not the observer, but other people at other times, Zooey can return to the [Divine Kingdom] to discuss with his partner.

However, in front of this group of observers who looked inconspicuous, but actually had hot eyes, Zooey didn't want to reveal too much.

Zooey suddenly pointed at the big bald head opposite and asked, "What time is it now? According to the standard time on the earth where I was born."

The leading observer was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out like a machine:

"Current time, earth calendar, December 3, 2007, 5:17:43:72 milliseconds..."


There really is an hour report that is accurate to milliseconds at 2.5...

"This group of observers is more sophisticated than Skynet."

"In this way, it doesn't take much time to fight with so many gods this time. It's only been a day and a half since the last time the Skynet announced..."

Zooey couldn't help but rolled her eyes, complained in her heart, and then suddenly said aloud:

"That means, won't you starve to death for a while?"

Zoe was referring to Rocket and the others who were still in the [Kingdom of God], but this inexplicable sentence had another meaning in the ears of the observer:

"Mr. Zoe Arbus, we have energy replenishment equipment on the [Lookout], and we can also prepare some simple food for you later."

"Of course, back to our [Waters' Domain], there will be more delicious food waiting for you."

The leading observer followed the conversation and sent an invitation to Zooey again, and then bowed down very politely to wait for Zooey's reply.

(PS: Guiqiu full subscription! Guiqiu automatic subscription!).

Chapter 357 The Dark Phoenix on Earth

Zoe actually wanted to take this opportunity to learn more about the real history of the Marvel Universe with the oldest human race in the universe.

Especially those supreme gods who have only a few words in the original book.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, these gods will more or less have entanglements with Zoe, and it is difficult to say who is the enemy and who is the friend.

So be prepared in advance, at least know yourself and the enemy.

As for whether this group of observers had any thoughts, Zooey didn't care.

Not to mention the various sky-defying skills on Zooey, it can guarantee that he can go anywhere without danger;

Just based on Zooey's current seventh-dimensional high-level, the top-level dimension of life in the universe, he is confident that he can break into any place.

What's more, it's just a place where the observers live.

Then, Zooey walked towards the beam of light fearlessly, with a strange red light in her eyes.

The observers around looked surprised.

"This earth boy, it's interesting..." The observer leader who followed behind 04 secretly said in his heart.

Boom! ! !

After everyone entered the spaceship that looked like a large telescope, a splendid wormhole was directly exposed in the void.

Immediately, the entire spaceship got in and disappeared.

Zoe followed the observer in the spaceship to the [Waters Domain] that the latter said.

He didn't know how the battle between himself and the gods would affect the entire universe.

At the time of this fierce battle, there had been waves of shock waves that affected most of the universe.

After Zooey left, the entire universe slowly became calm again.

The surviving planets continue to revolve in circles.

The low-level civilized planet continues to live a regular life of men farming and women weaving, working at sunrise and resting at sunset;

Those who are a little taller will fight each other, provoking bloody wars all over the planet;

For those who are more daring, they continue to go to extraterrestrial space to explore the mysteries of the universe.

This mighty fluctuation, for them, is a sudden blindness of a star in the galaxy or a large amount of gamma rays emitted;

Or, just a massive earthquake for the entire planet.

There is no other deeper meaning.

Occasionally strange phenomena will also be regarded as monsters by them, and they will only be used as jokes after dinner.

Compared with low-dimensional beings, high-dimensional beings are more acutely aware of the difference.

For example, Gao Tianzun, who is keen on the fighting world, has opened his doors to do business for thousands of years.

But after this fluctuation, inexplicably quietly closed the door of his pocket dimension.

No one is allowed to go out or come in.

Like disappearing into this universe, completely hidden.

And his brother, the collector, also carried all the treasures, left the settled planet and disappeared from everyone's field of vision.

In the entire universe, some boundaries will disappear inexplicably, or some giants with a height of several hundred meters will be born.

In the mouths of these giants, Zoe Arbus is often mentioned, and later [Death Alliance] will also be asked.

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