Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 313 Venom

In the movie "Venom", Eddie relied on Dr. Dora to easily sneak into the laboratory of the Life Foundation, just like entering no man's land. Then the question comes, will it still be like this in the real world?

The answer, of course, is no.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Eddie was arrested. The security supervisor said disdainfully: "Don't you know that there is a temperature detector at the door? Dr. Dora, you are good at research and spying, you are not that material at all."


Dr. Dora was trembling with fright, unable to speak a word.

"She didn't know anything. I took the initiative to get into her trunk and wanted to go home with her and rob her."

Eddie, who was pulled out of the trunk, shouted: "Dude, you can tell by the way I look like I'm a homeless man. How could she ask someone like me to help her?"

The security supervisor looked Eddie up and down, and was a little shaken. After all, Eddie's current appearance is too luthor. However, he didn't intend to let people go. He said: "I will hand you over to the boss, and the boss will deal with you , take them to the office."


The security guards nodded one after another and led Dr. Dora and Eddie to the office. Eddie sighed, it's over, and now he only hopes that Dr. Drake has forgotten him.

Unfortunately, not only did Dr. Drake not forget him, but he still had a fresh memory of him: "Wow, isn't this our big reporter?"

Eddie smiled bitterly: "I want to interview you again, is that okay?"

"Sorry, you don't have the qualifications. By the way, the reason why you haven't been able to find a job is because I said hello."

Dr. Drake said proudly: "By the way, your ex-girlfriend looks good, and I'm planning to date her."


Eddie rushed up to beat Dr. Drake, and the supervisor next to him immediately kicked him to the ground. Then, two security guards pointed their guns at him at the same time.

"Don't be so excited, it's just a small joke, have a sense of humor."

Dr. Drake smiled, turned to Dr. Dora and asked, "Dr. Dora, I ask myself that I treat you well, why did you betray me?"

"It's not me who betrayed you, it's you who betrayed humans. You want to replace us humans with those alien monsters."

Dr. Dora went all out and yelled at Dr. Drake: "You are not human at all, you are a demon."

"No, I'm an angel, an angel who saves mankind and the earth."

Dr. Drake said righteously: "Human beings keep taking and taking and taking again and again, just like parasites, if we continue to let human beings go on like this, within a hundred years, the earth will be destroyed.

The only way to save the earth is to fuse humans with symbiosis, which will not only reduce the destruction of humans, but also allow humans to survive on other planets.

At that time, not only will human beings and the earth not be destroyed, but they will also flourish. "

Dr. Dora scolded angrily: "After merging with the community, are human beings still human?"

"Of course not, it's a higher life."

Dr. Drake suddenly turned into a riot more than three meters high. His body was covered in mucus, black skin, white eyes, and a big mouth full of fangs, which shocked everyone, even the security guards couldn't bear it I can't help but retreat.

"Wow, if higher life is like this, then I'd rather die."

Eddie shouted, "Isn't this meow too ugly?"

"Your offal must be delicious."

Riot licked Eddie's face with his long tongue, and Eddie almost peed his pants. Fortunately, Riot didn't do anything else, and quickly changed back to Dr. Drake.

"You don't understand anything."

Dr. Drake smiled disdainfully. He opened his hands and said, "I will be the savior of this world."

"There is only one savior of this world, and that is the blood god. You are not even worthy to carry his shoes."

Eddie wiped his face, and said contemptuously: "Also, Blood God and the others are dealing with the issues you mentioned, so it's fine if you don't support them, don't hold back."

"Blood God is indeed extraordinary, I don't deny this, but his method is too slow, and more importantly, he is too merciful."

Dr. Drake said: "Those useless parasites can be eliminated directly, so why re-employment training?

What's even more ridiculous is that he obviously already has a robot construction army, but in order to avoid unemployment, he actually locks the robots in the warehouse.

The benevolence of a woman, the blood god is not at all material for big things. If you do big things, you should be quick, precise and ruthless. If those Luthors dare to resist, just grab them and throw them to alien planets to mine. What a simple matter.

If I had the resources of the blood god, the earth would have immigrated to aliens long ago. "

"Fortunately, you are not in charge. I personally have many opinions on the Blood God, but now, I support the Blood God."

Eddie sneered, although the Blood God has some problems, but he is a qualified guardian, Dr. Drake is not qualified to compare with him.

"Luthor is Luthor, and he doesn't know what the big picture is."

Dr. Drake smiled disdainfully, and said, "Don't waste it, send them to do experiments, Dr. Dora, I hope you will succeed. By then, we will be our own people."

"No, you can't do that."

Dr. Dora shouted in horror, and Dr. Drake sneered: "Sorry, I can do this. In the near future, I will replace the blood god and become the guardian of this world."

After speaking, Dr. Drake waved and asked the security supervisor to send the two into the laboratory.

There are two tanks storing liquid symbiotes in the laboratory. Dr. Drake pressed the button, the tanks opened, and the two groups of symbiotes quickly rushed towards Eddie and Dr. Dora.

"Don't come here."

Eddie and Dr. Dora turned pale with fright, and hurriedly avoided the two groups of liquid symbiotes, but the laboratory was too small. After only a few seconds, the two groups of symbiotes pounced on them, and then the symbiotes quickly penetrated into their bodies .

Eddie fumbled on himself in horror, at this moment, a deep voice sounded in his mind: "Your body is fine, I want venom."

"What? What are you?"

Eddie yelled in horror, Venom laughed and didn't answer.

Earth Luthor Eddie and the symbiote planet Luthor Venom officially merged.

While Eddie succeeded, Dr. Dora failed, and the whole body was bleeding out like a sieve-the symbiosis was not dead, and quickly climbed back into the jar. Without the help of the jar, it would not be able to survive on Earth for too long.

Dr. Drake didn't take it seriously, it was already a pleasant surprise to be able to succeed. He said excitedly: "Riot, our team has grown stronger again."

"That's not enough, the first wave only brought back a few symbionts."

The voice of rioting sounded in Dr. Drake's mind: "The second wave, there will be millions."

Dr. Drake laughed: "Humanity will evolve by then."


"Even though the process is different, Eddie still turned into Venom, a symbiote, I wonder if we can take advantage of it?"

In the restaurant, Wang Bott's heart moved, and he didn't pay much attention to it for the time being - if he made a move now, Eddie couldn't grow up, and this boss should be left to Eddie himself.

After all, Wang Bot is not omniscient and omnipotent. He is not clear about Jin Bing's control of the Life Foundation. After all, Jin Bing's people did not appear in front of Eddie.

Seeing that Wang Bott was distracted, the female prosecutor opposite him asked curiously: "Mr. Wang, what do you want?"

This female prosecutor, named Anne Weying, is Eddie's ex-girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, the reason why Wang Bot met Anne Weying was because the other party could also fuse with the symbiosis.


Wang Bot smiled and asked, "Miss Wei Ying, have you ever thought about being a superhero?"

Wei Ying said with a smile: "I thought about it, but it is said in the movies that the poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology. I am not rich, and I have no ability to mutate. I can't become one even if I want to."

Wang Bot smiled and said, "Maybe there will be opportunities in the future."


The next day, in New York City, the cloaked Spider-Higman wandered in a hidden alley and asked dissatisfiedly, "Why am I the bait? Are you discriminating against pigs?"

"Apart from you, only Penny and Gwen didn't show up. The problem is, they are human beings and can use their own images to mix in the crowd."

The blond Spider-Man explained: "They appear rashly, which can easily arouse Kim's suspicion. In contrast, you are much more reasonable."

Spider Pigman snorted coldly: "Understood, you are really discriminating against me, I demand compensation from hamburgers, vegetarian hamburgers, you humans are too cruel to eat meat."

"Animals eat meat too."

The blond Spiderman said: "Spider Pigman, there is a woman who is being robbed in the alley on the street on your left, you go to rescue her, then accidentally take off the cloak, let her see you, and finally panic run away."

"Will this work?" Spider-Ham asked as he changed course.

"It's useful, because there will be agents taking photos of you and posting them on the Internet. This world has a well-developed network, and news spreads quickly. Jin Bing and they will know soon."

The blond Spider-Man said: "Jin Bin should have some influence in this world."

Spider Pigman said: "Okay, you guys remember to keep me safe, I don't want to be made into fried pork chops, wow, human beings are so evil, pigs are so cute, how can they eat pigs?"

The blond Spider-Man is a bit speechless and awkward, and his favorite thing is bacon burgers.

Then, Spider-Hogman acted according to the plan, and its appearance was quickly posted on the Internet, causing a heated discussion.

"Is this an alien? By the way, don't you think it's a bit like Spider-Man?"

"Aren't there too many Spider-Mans recently? Three Spider-Mans appeared in Manhattan two days ago. They are the real Spider-Mans."

"Could it be that Spider-Man is mass-produced? Can I raise one?"


In the underground base, the female Doctor Octopus reported the news to Jin Bin. Jin Bin frowned and said, "It's a bit too coincidental. There is a 50% probability that the Tianjian Bureau is planning."

"I think so too, but I think I can give it a try, anyway, they can't catch Norman and the scorpion."

The female Doctor Octopus said excitedly: "The more Spider-Man there is, the faster I can research. Jin Bin, Spider-Man's spider sense is very interesting. If we can research it, it will not only help you find your wife and son, but also make us stronger." greatly increased, and even became a god."

Jin Bin was stunned: "Become a god?"

"Yes, become a god, Jin Bin, don't you want to become a god? A god like the blood god!"

The female Doctor Octopus said frantically: "I am very grateful for this time travel. It broadened my horizons and made me understand how small my previous pursuits are. I want to become a god, I want to explore the entire universe, and understand the world. all knowledge."


Jin Bin couldn't help being a little excited. After becoming a god, he would no longer be an underground emperor, but a real emperor.

In addition, after becoming a god, he no longer has to worry about accidents with his wife and son, and they will enjoy boundless power, glory and wealth.

Their previous layout was too small!

"Then try, anyway, even if they catch Norman and the scorpion, they won't be able to find our location."

Jin also said that if he dared to send Norman and Scorpion out, he was absolutely sure that they would not reveal their secrets.

In this world, Jin Bing is very cautious, after all, there are big bosses around.

"Okay, I will tell Norman and the scorpion to be careful, and make sure there is no ambush before doing it."

The female doctor octopus nodded with satisfaction, this world really came to the right place.


At noon on the third day, Spider-Ham was blocked by Norman and Scorpion in an alley.

Norman asked in shock, "Can a pig also become Spider-Man?"

The scorpion's eyes lit up: "I wonder if its meat is delicious?"

"You want to eat my meat?"

Spider-Ham was furious, took out a wooden hammer bigger than him from his pocket, and rushed towards the Scorpion viciously.

"How did that hammer get in your pocket?"

Scorpion looked puzzled, then, he turned his hands into pincers and smashed hard at Spider-Ham's head.

Spider-Ham nimbly avoided the scorpion's pincers, then jumped into the air with the help of the wall, and hit the scorpion's head with a hammer.

This hammer, to be honest, was not heavy, but the scorpion felt extremely dizzy, swayed from side to side, and almost fell down.

"It's too much for you to want to eat me, you humans."

Spider-Hogman landed on the ground and said arrogantly—it is a cartoon character and does not talk about science.

At this moment, Norman, who had turned into a green goblin form, rushed towards Spider-Ham from behind. Spider-Ham couldn't dodge and was thrown straight at him. Norman grinned, grabbed Spider-Ham with one hand, and threw him Hit hard against the wall.

Seeing that Spider-Ham was about to suffer, at this moment, a big muddy hand suddenly appeared on the ground and grabbed Norman's ankle. Then, the big hand pulled hard, and Norman fell to the ground with a bang, kicking up a lot of dust.

Spider-Ham took the opportunity to regain his freedom. Angrily, he raised his hammer and threw it at Norman. Norman immediately turned into a phantom, and then flapped his wings and flew up.

Then, Norman looked down at the ground and found a figure slowly floating up from the ground. He asked with an ugly expression, "Old Demon? This is indeed a trap."

"Of course it's a trap, Norman. This time, you can never escape again."

Blonde Spider-Man, Peter, middle-aged Spider-Man, and Spider-Gwen appeared around at the same time, shouting loudly—they used stealth materials to hide secretly before. As for Old Demon, Sky Sword Bureau specially invited him to protect Spider-Ham.

Tianjian Bureau will not let the bait have an accident.

The scorpion regained consciousness, and shouted with a ferocious face: "You think you can catch us like this?"

"Can you, just try it."

The four spidermen didn't talk nonsense, they jumped over together, but before anyone arrived, four balls of spider silk shot at Norman and the scorpion at the same time.

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