Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 315 Attack

Eddie was overjoyed to see the venom moving, and he said: "In this laboratory, except for Drake and other high-level officials, only the security supervisor Triss is eligible to use mobile phones.

In the past few days, I observed his course of action and found that he would come to our place for patrol at 1:00 p.m. every day. When that time came, we would attack him directly, knock him out, and snatch his mobile phone to report to the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

After that, we jumped into the sea and fled. No matter how violent the riot was, it was too late to chase us. "

"It's quite simple."

Venom nodded again and again, at this moment, it suddenly asked: "Eddie, are you using me?"

Eddie's heart tightened, and he said immediately: "How could it be? Can't you check my memory? Also, we are now in a symbiotic relationship."

"It's good that you know, if I die, you will definitely not be able to live either."

The venom snorted coldly. In fact, it couldn't view all of Eddie's memories, it could only perceive part of it. It said that mainly to scare Eddie.

Venom doesn't know, Eddie already knew about it, otherwise, how dare he trick Venom?

That's right, Eddie is lying to Venom, what are you kidding, who wants to live with such an ugly alien life form? When it comes to the Tianjian Bureau, those bosses must have a way to separate them.

It's a pity that the venom is gone, but it's not a big problem. With the credit this time, he will definitely be able to return to the popular reporter before, which is enough for him.

Appearance is everything, venom is too ugly.

"That guy should be coming soon, Venom, get ready."

Eddie said excitedly, "We'll just have to wait and see what happens to us in the future."


Venom retracts back into Eddie, and it's also kind of excited because it really doesn't want to be Luthor anymore.

Dr. Drake betrayed humans, Venom betrayed symbiotes, intelligent life is like that.

Not long after, Tris, the security chief, led two security guards to this point on patrol. When he saw Eddie standing up and staring at him viciously, he sneered and said, "Why, you want to come out and beat me? That's fine, as long as If you can go out, I will let you fight."

Both security guards laughed, and Eddie chuckled and said, "Since you ask so, then I will satisfy you. Who makes me a good person?"

After finishing speaking, the venom on Eddie's body exploded violently, completely enveloping Eddie, turning him into a black and white monster more than three meters high. Immediately afterwards, the venom rushed forward forcefully, broke through the glass and came outside.

"how so?"

Tris was shocked, and subconsciously drew out his gun. Seeing the venom, he opened his mouth wide, bit Tris's head, and swallowed it whole.

The other two security guards peed in fright, and immediately turned and ran away. Two streams of black mucus shot out from the palm of the venom, grabbing them like spider silk. Then, it ate the heads of the two security guards one by one, and even swallowed them. their guts.

"It's delicious."

The venom looked excited, and then it returned to Eddie's body, telling him to call quickly.

Eddie didn't do so, he asked with a look of disbelief, "You just ate them?"

Venom said as a matter of course: "Yes, they are my food."

"Depend on."

Remembering that he was also involved, Eddie spat it out on the spot, and he cursed in his heart: "You still want to be a superhero if you're like this?"

What company would hire a man-eating superhero? Fortunately, I was only fooling the venom, otherwise, I would definitely die a miserable death.

Venom cursed: "It's really useless, hurry up and call, let me tell you, if I don't become a superhero, I will definitely eat you."

"Don't worry, you will definitely become a superhero."

Enduring his nausea, Eddie picked up the mobile phone from the security supervisor's body, and then, he opened the screen with the security supervisor's finger, and dialed to Tianjian Bureau.

After hearing what Eddie said, the operator immediately said: "Mr. Bullock, we will immediately send agents to the Life Foundation to investigate."

"As soon as possible, by the way, there are millions of symbiotes coming towards the earth, let the space fleet be on alert, don't let them in, and the symbiotes..."

Eddie was reporting information, and Dr. Drake rushed in with a group of people. When he saw Eddie's cell phone, he was shocked, and immediately turned into a silver-black riot and rushed towards Eddie.

"Venom, escape."

Eddie was shocked, and immediately threw his phone at Dr. Drake, and then he turned into Venom and was thrown to the ground by the riot.

"You actually betrayed us, betrayed God."

Roaring violently, his right hand turned into an axe, ready to kill Venom.

"I want to be a superhero, I don't want to be a Luthor anymore."

Venom, who was limped by Eddie, knocked the riot off his body with a punch. Then, it got up and rushed towards the security guards aggressively.

The security guards shot again and again in fright, but the bullets couldn't hurt Venom at all. He grabbed the two security guards and threw them towards the chasing rioter, then flew up and jumped from the window.

The windows are high, but that's no problem for Venom, which uses slime instead of silk and falls to the ground with ease.

When he came outside, Venom was about to jump into the sea to escape, at this moment, with two bangs, two figures smashed through the window and landed in front of Venom, looking at it with ferocious and murderous intent.

These two figures are a symbiosis that successfully merged. During this time, Dr. Drake worked very hard.

"Venom, you dare to be a traitor?"

The two symbiotes rushed to Venom angrily, Venom cursed, fought with the two symbiotes, and then rolled around on the floor after being beaten.

This is normal, as I said before, the venom is Luthor, if it is powerful, how can it become Luthor?

Bang, riot fell from the sky, it gritted its teeth and looked at the caught Venom, and asked, "Who did you just call and what did you say?"

Venom was a little afraid to answer, Eddie's face appeared, and he said, "Guess?"

"Separate them for me. I want them to live and die."

Riot was furious, and the two symbiotes immediately grabbed Venom and tore it off Eddie.

Eddie and Venom screamed at the same time. Venom resisted and cursed: "Eddie, you killed him. Now, let alone a superhero, even Luthor can't be."

"No, we are already heroes, so why not die? At least, we have protected the earth."

At the moment of life and death, Eddie became free and easy. The only pity is that he couldn't call Anne Weying. I don't know what she is doing now. How are you doing?

"The earth has a fart relationship with me?"

Venom yelled, and just as it was about to be stripped from Eddie's body, two tiny missiles shot from a distance, hit the two symbiotes and exploded, and the two symbiotes were blown out on the spot, screaming endlessly.

Symbionts are afraid of fire and high-frequency sound waves, and missiles are very lethal to them.

Riot turned his head angrily, and saw several suits flying towards this side. The leader was two identical Mark 50 suits, which were Tony and Future Tony.

Behind the suit, there are superheroes led by Steve, including four Spider-Man.

"The Avengers are here, wow, your efficiency is too high, right?"

Eddie shouted in surprise, the Avengers are different from those policemen, they arrived at the scene in less than five minutes, and they really should give them a thumbs up.

Compared to the excited Eddie, Dr. Drake, and Jin Bin from the underground base were all swearing, especially Jin Bin, he never thought that no matter how careful he was, something went wrong.

"Damn Drake, he should have slapped him to death."

Jin Bing was so angry that he even crushed the ballpoint pen. He stood up and shouted to the female doctor octopus, "Activate our trump card immediately."

"No problem, I'll start it right away, Jin Bin, do you want to start the super collider?"

The female Doctor Octopus blinked and said, "Although the quantum space has not completely calmed down, the killer weapon I just researched should be usable."

Jin Bin said: "Whatever means, use them all. This time, we have no way out."


The female doctor octopus nodded, excitedly went to start the super collider.

"Wow, isn't this alien too ugly?"

Looking at the riot with an ugly face, Tony complained: "My future me, have you ever seen such a thing?"

"It seems that there is an anti-hero named Venom in this shape. He is not the same as the Avengers. I don't know."

In the future, Tony thought about it, and said, Venom heard his name, and immediately returned to Eddie, shouting: "I am Venom, do you know me?"

"The fusion of two lives? Interesting."

Future Tony said: "However, it's really ugly."

The venom was furious, if it wasn't for Eddie's desperate efforts to suppress it, it would definitely pounce on it to give Tony a good look in the future.

Eddie persuaded in a low voice: "Brother, we want to be superheroes, and we can't offend people casually. That guy's suit is the same as Iron Man, so he must be a big boss."

The venom gritted its teeth and decided to endure it. Then, it retracted into Eddie's body, and Eddie was in charge of communicating with the Avengers.

"Iron Man, his name is Riot, is the captain of the symbiote, and they plan to transport millions of symbiotes into the earth to replace humans."

Eddie yelled, "By the way, Venom said, the symbiote has a god that outlasts the universe."

"Millions of symbiotes? A god that outlasts the universe?"

Tony was shocked when he heard the words, and while asking Jarvis to contact Wang Bert, he raised his hand and shouted at Riot: "Surrender, and explain the matter clearly, otherwise don't blame us for being rude."

"I'd like to see, why are you so impolite?"

Riot turned his hands into two axes and roared angrily. At the same time, the two symbiotes that had been blown away stood behind Riot, looking at Tony and the others ferociously.

"No, riot, we are not their opponents, I am delaying time, you contact your god to see if he can help us, and if there is a real fight, you take other people to the underground base, Jin will not over there."

Dr. Drake confessed, Riot nodded: "Understood, the spaceship is approaching the solar system, with the power of God, it should be able to transmit some symbiotes to the earth."

"That's good."

Dr. Drake breathed a sigh of relief, and then he poked out from Riot's chest and said, "Tony Stark, I'm not endangering the earth, I'm saving the earth. After the fusion of symbiotes and humans, we will create A new race."

"Dr. Drake of the Life Foundation, do you believe this? Also, your so-called new race is really ugly."

Tony sneered. At the same time, Jarvis contacted Wang Burt. After listening to Tony's information, Wang Burt said, "I'll take care of that symbiote god. You don't have to worry."

Wang Burt didn't know about the information about Gnar, the god of symbiosis. After all, he mainly used movies in his previous life, and he would only look for information on some people who were more interested.

However, it's not a big problem. In the main universe, Wang Bot is only afraid of the five creator gods. The rest, at worst, can be a tie, and they still don't use infinite gems.

If the Reality Gem and the Mind Gem are used, even the God of Creation, Wang Burt, would dare to fight.

As for living longer than the universe, it sounds really powerful, but living for a long time does not mean that the strength is strong, the elders of the universe also live for a long time, and it is not easy to be broken by a poke.

Wang Bot smiled lightly: "I hope this Gnar can bring me some surprises. The more puppets, the better."

With Wang Bot's guarantee, Tony was determined. Seeing what Dr. Drake wanted to say, he shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, surrender quickly, and explain the symbiote and Jin Bin clearly."

"Who is Jin Bing? I don't know him."

Dr. Drake still wanted to delay the time, Tony fired the pulse cannon directly at him, and Dr. Drake quickly retracted the riot body in fright.

Riot turned his hand into a shield to block the pulse gun. Then, it stuck to the stone next to it and smashed it hard at Tony and others.

"The ability is a bit like Spiderman, but, again, it's too ugly."

Tony shattered the stone with one shot, and then two devices popped out from his shoulders, firing a crimson energy beam towards the riot.

Riot dodged and stabbed forward with both hands. His fingers turned into ten spears and stabbed Tony in the air. Tony blocked the blow with a shield made of nanoparticles. Then, six micro-missiles popped out from behind him, and they all shot towards Riot.

Riot fled back in a hurry, and the micro-missile exploded behind it, the flames raged, and the air waves shot out. Riot was thrown out on the spot and fell heavily to the ground.

Before Riot got up, another six miniature missiles were fired, but it was Future Tony who shot. Riot was severely injured on the spot and screamed in the sea of ​​flames.

"I can handle it."

Tony was a little dissatisfied. In the future, Tony shrugged and said, "When did you see me playing soy sauce?"

Tony snorted in displeasure. With his 'hyperactivity disorder', it was indeed impossible to watch.

Seeing that the riot was in desperation, the two symbiotes rushed forward enduring the fear of the flames. Patton, who was wearing the eagle-eye battle suit, smiled disdainfully, and shot an arrow, hitting the back of one of the symbiotes. Immediately afterwards, the arrow exploded, and the two The living body screamed and fell to the ground.

As for the other symbiote, it was dealt with by Thunderbolt. He flew in the air and smashed out two huge flames with both hands.

At this moment, the security guards in the Life Foundation took machine guns, bazookas and other heavy weapons and fired downwards. Tony and the others had to deal with these guys first.

Riot took the opportunity to roll and fall into the sea, and then fled into the underground base through the entrance below the sea surface.

Riot said in shock and anger: "These superheroes really deserve their reputation."

Dr. Drake asked nervously, "God, will you come and save us?"

Riot repaired his body while comforting him: "Don't worry, God is already preparing means, and a large number of symbiotes will come soon."

Dr. Drake asked: "Besides the symbiote, are there other reinforcements? It's not that the symbiote is bad, but the symbiote must fuse with humans to be effective."

"Don't worry, our symbiosis is not that weak."

Riot smiled confidently, and quickly fled towards the interior of the underground base.

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