Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 532 Press Conference

"America belongs to the American people."

Wang Bot said lightly: "American people, I am very happy to see you destroyed."

President Richard scolded: "Not only are they happy, they will spit on your graves, Vice President, you will live forever."

The vice president roared: "Richard, after the mutants control the world, you will never end well. You and other humans will become servants of the mutants."

"Have you ever seen a servant with a net worth of tens of billions?"

President Richard looked disdainful, and he said: "If Iron Man really wanted to rule the world, the world would have been his."

The vice president lost his mind and shouted: "Richard, Iron Man, you will not end well. Humans will definitely exterminate mutants. This world belongs to us..."

"The howling of a defeated dog."

Wang Bot smiled dismissively, and signaled Colossus and the stone man to catch him. Seeing that he was barking, the stone man took off his sock and stuffed it into his mouth.

The vice president yelled, but no one paid any attention to him—the teleportation mutants have all been defeated.

"Take it down and keep it under strict supervision."

President Richard yelled: "Also, let the FBI director, the Secret Service director, Secretary Hank come and see me."


The Secret Service immediately complied. After the Vice President was detained, President Richard asked Wang Burt, "Bert, how much information do you know about the human supremacy organization?"

Wang Burt said: "All, I will let the vice president tell everything."

"I even forgot that you have this ability. The vice president is so stupid that he is against you."

President Richard said with a smile, he was still smart, and after making a mistake, he immediately hugged Jin's thigh.

"He was too greedy."

Wang Burt shook his head and said to President Richard: "Your Excellency, the human supremacy organization is very powerful. If you want to defeat them, you must cut the mess quickly, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

"I understand that I will let all relevant departments act at the same time, and I will never let go of that damn human supremacy organization."

President Richard nodded resolutely. He and the mutants have been tied together, and there is no way out. In fact, he doesn't want to withdraw, tens of billions of dollars, why should he withdraw?

With so much money, he is willing to let President Richard turn to the devil, let alone Wang Burt, the god of salvation.

President Richard continued: "After meeting the two directors and Hank, I will hold a press conference immediately, Bert, this time the matter is too big, you have to attend with me."

"No problem, my main body will come over soon."

Wang Burt nodded. At this time, what did President Richard think of, and asked Wang Burt in a low voice: "Bert, the human supremacy organization really has hundreds of billions of funds?"

"No more, no less. Among them are many rich men and big entrepreneurs."

Wang Bot said, President Richard immediately laughed: "It seems that this time I can make a lot of money."

The stone man and Colossus man on the side just pretended not to hear. After being bodyguards for so long, they knew exactly what kind of virtue President Richard was.

Fortunately, there is Iron Man in America.

"There is a lot of meat, waiting for us to eat."

Wang Bot smiled and said that there will be a feast next, a feast for dividing up the wealth of the human supremacy organization.

Wang Bot doesn't care if the meat is eaten by others, because only in this way can the human supremacy organization be completely crucified.

"The biggest piece of meat must be ours."

President Richard said with a smile. At this time, the two directors and Hank rushed over. They were shocked when they heard the plan of the vice president and the human supremacy organization. Are these guys too courageous? How is this different from an armed coup?

"The antidote, the sentinel robot, the mutant clone? Damn, they want to completely exterminate us mutants!"

Hank looked at the file, both shocked and angry. After a while, he put down the file and said to Wang Bert sincerely: "Bert, it's a good thing that mutants have you."

"what I should do."

Wang Bot said: "Everyone, next, we will wipe out the human supremacy organization. Such a thing must never happen again."

Everyone nodded in agreement. President Richard signed an order to crack down on human supremacy organizations across the country. No matter who is involved, they will be arrested. Anyone who resists will be shot.

Then, the FBI, the military, the Secret Service, and the police launched simultaneously, attacking the human supremacy organization with thunderous force.

"The human supremacy organization is almost over. Speaking of it, they are really kind to me. Not only did they send me the antidote, the sentinel robot, and the replicator, but also gave me a chance to completely eliminate the anti-mutant elements."

Wang Burt secretly thought, next, he will ask President Richard to legislate to classify anti-mutants as terrorists, and by then, they will never be able to stand up again.

Without anti-mutant elements, mutants and humans will gradually merge without distinction.

"There are two last things on this planet, namely Apocalypse and the Celestial Group. As long as they are eliminated, the last step can be started."

What is the last step, of course, is to let the mutant planet return to the universe and completely solve this trouble.


Holiday home.

The professor and others are watching the president's press conference: "Just two hours ago, the United States encountered an armed rebellion. The vice president and the human supremacy organization intended to murder Iron Man and me. At the same time, they were also preparing to wipe out the mutants across the country. people……"

The professor and the others became angrier as they heard it, and Wade cursed even more: "Those damn bastards, I'm going to chop off their heads and use them as chamber pots."

"They actually want the mutants to be exterminated, they are really vicious."

Wolverine gritted his teeth, wishing he could rush into the prison and chop the vice president into pieces.

Wade shouted loudly: "I decided to lead the mutants to the demonstrations. Without us mutants, America would have been wiped out by the Lord of Destroyer."

The antidote couldn't help but glanced at Wade, his eyes were full of puzzlement, this guy is obviously not a mutant, why is he so excited?

"Antidote, Sentinel, Duplicant... It seems that Eric's blood pressure is going to be high again."

Mystique shook her head and said, in the past, she would be very angry, but now, all she has left is numbness.

"Ruiwen, this is their last counterattack. There will be no human supremacy organization in the future. Burt has already taken care of everything."

Seeing the appearance of Mystique, the professor was afraid that she would think too much, so he hurriedly comforted her.

"Charles, don't worry, I won't be so extreme anymore."

Mystique shook her head and said, "I don't want to be like Eric and become a monster full of hatred, so I let it go.

Charles, I will let Iron Man inject me with the antidote, and in the future, I will be a normal person. "

The professor was stunned, and he said, "Ruiwen, it's actually not necessary. With your ability, it doesn't matter whether you inject the antidote or not."

"No, it's a release, a release from a past life."

Mystique Raven said: "Charles, I'm tired, I just want to spend the rest of the day in peace."

The professor held Mystique's hand and didn't try to persuade her any further. He said, "Ruiwen, I support you."

"It was a relief indeed."

Wolverine looked at this scene and said: "When everything is calm, I will also inject the antidote, and slowly age and die like an ordinary person."

Antidote and Laura blinked, very puzzled, why choose to be a normal person even though they can live forever?

It is true that the body can not die, but the spirit will grow old.

Wade put his arms around Wolverine's shoulders and said, "Logan, I completely understand you. Although I can change my body to live forever, I won't change it because that body is too ugly."

Wolverine slapped Wade's hand off, and said angrily, "Wade, I've told you many times that that body looks exactly like yours."

"Hey, Logan, if you slander me like this again, believe it or not, I'll turn against you? I'm much more handsome than that guy."

Wade said dissatisfiedly, a group of people chatted while continuing to watch TV. To be honest, they were shocked by the scale of the human supremacy organization. Not only the vice president, military generals, but also big bankers and big scientists basically all It is the top elite of mankind.

"These are high-level human beings. I was really naive before. I thought that humans would eventually accept us. If it wasn't for Burt, the mutants would definitely be wiped out by humans."

The professor was secretly afraid: "Thanks to Bert, he is a well-deserved savior of mutants."

At this time, a reporter asked Defense Minister Wang Burt: "Mr. Iron Man, will there be a civil war in the United States? The power of the human supremacy organization is really terrible."

"Relax, there will never be a civil war in the United States. I am confident that the human supremacy organization will be uprooted within a month."

Wang Bot stepped onto the podium and said loudly: "Actually, eight of the thirteen core members of the Human Supremacy Organization have been arrested, one has been killed, and only a few are still at large. We will arrest them soon." live them.

All crimes will be wiped away, and I will continue to protect human beings and America. "

"Long live Iron Man."

The reporters cheered, they had great trust in Iron Man, and Iron Man deserved their trust.

For example, this time, if it weren't for Iron Man, there would only be two situations in the United States. One is to fall into a civil war, and the other is to massacre mutants and kill ordinary people. The United States has become the ugliest and most disgusting country in the world.

Another reporter asked, "Mr. Iron Man, is the cure real? Can it really turn mutants back into normal people?"

Many viewers in front of the screen were staring at the TV. Some of them hoped that the antidote was real, such as Little Rascal, and those Ipsilon-level mutants, and some of them were very angry, such as Magneto.

"First of all, I want to correct you. Mutants are also normal people. You should change back to normal people."

Wang Bot said: "The antidote can suppress the mutated gene, but it does not take effect permanently. I don't know yet, because our Mr. Worthington manufactured antidote in large quantities without clinical trials, and turned them into bullets. "

"He's damned."

Many reporters and spectators cursed at them. They dared to use untested medicines for human use. They were really inferior to animals.

In the prison, the angel Warren couldn't help asking his father Worthington: "How could you do this?"

Worthington said: "I just want to cure you and make you a normal person again."

"I've always been normal," Warren yelled. "It's you, Father, who are doing things that could kill tens of millions of people."

Worthington was speechless. He sighed and said, "It's meaningless to say these things now. Iron Man won, and the mutants will rule the world in the future. The antidote is no longer important to you."

Warren shook his head in disappointment. He said, "Father, I will donate all my property to the Mutant Academy to make up for your debt to the mutants."


Worthington was taken aback when he heard the words, and then shouted: "You can't do this. This is the wealth accumulated by the Worthington family for hundreds of years. You are not qualified to do this."

"I am qualified, and so is Professor Charles. He is my beacon, and I will learn from him."

Warren turned and left. No matter what Worthington shouted or scolded behind his back, he didn't look back.

Warren has never been short of money, so he doesn't care about money. What's more, he has a role model in front of him. He hopes that he can become a selfless person like the professor.

The second generation of prodigals was officially born.

Leaving aside the fact that the Academy of Mutants is about to receive a huge sum of sponsorship, at the press conference, the previous reporter continued to ask: "I apologize for my previous slip of the tongue, Mr. Iron Man, what are you going to do with these antidotes?"

Wang Bott replied without hesitation: "I will continue to complete it."

The reporters were shocked. Logically speaking, shouldn't the antidote be destroyed?

"That's great, Iron Man."

"Damn it, Iron Man, you betrayed the mutants."

Some of the mutants in front of the screen cheered loudly, and some cursed again and again. Wang Bott had already expected this.

"As you all know, I used to be a homeless person. During that time, I met Mr. Zoe. He is an Ypsilon-level mutant with scales on his face, and he wanted to get rid of these scales in his dreams. "

Wang Bot said slowly: "Actually, Mr. Zuoy is relatively lucky. At least, he is just ugly. Some Ypsilon-level mutants can't even live. They really need an antidote.

In addition, some advanced mutants also need an antidote. For example, I know a little girl who will suck away the vitality of other people once she comes into contact with them.

This caused her to be unable to make out with her boyfriend, and she was worried every day, fearing that her boyfriend would be seduced by some goblin. "

The reporters laughed, Little Naughty blushed a little, and then squinted at the Iceman next to him. This guy seems to be a little close to Phantom Cat recently.

"I also know an invisible man. He has the invisibility ability that men dream of. The problem is that this ability is passive and cannot be cancelled. Therefore, since he was eleven years old, he has never seen his handsome face again."

Wang Bot continued: "They all need an antidote. In addition, some heinous criminals also need an antidote."

After hearing what Wang Bot said, the audience nodded one after another. Even those mutants who opposed the antidote couldn't help but ponder—they knew how miserable the Ipsilon-level mutants were, that little girl, they Also very sympathetic.

As for that handsome invisible man, uh, let him continue to be invisible, and don't let him turn back into an ordinary person.

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