Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 575 Ultron Mutation

Friday's voice sounded from the nearby radio: "Mr. Stark has ordered that no one is allowed to approach the treatment room, including you."

"This sentence is really chilling."

Loki snorted and turned to leave. However, her eyes kept flickering. Old Tony was seriously injured. Do you want to take this opportunity to inform the Blood God and the others to get rid of Old Tony?

"The key is whether old Tony is in a coma. If he is, this is a good opportunity. If he is not in a coma..."

Just when Loki couldn't help but want to 'betray', Ultron's voice suddenly sounded: "Loki, you can leave now, I will take care of Mr. Stark."

"Have you evolved?"

Loki looked up at the loudspeaker and asked tentatively—he knew that Ultron was evolving, but Old Tony didn't tell him the specific situation.

"It's going very smoothly, and the time required is much less than expected."

Ultron replied: "Blood God and the others may launch a counterattack. Go and guard the White House. If there is any problem, please notify me immediately. I will use the Reality Gem to heal Mr. Stark."


Loki sighed secretly, gave up those crooked thoughts, nodded and said: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Loki teleported away from the laboratory. Seeing this, Ultron walked out of the time room while lowering Loki's credibility by one level.

Ultron in the past was a vibranium robot, but now, on the surface, he is no different from a tall human being.

After transplanting the mutant gene, Ultron changed from a robot to a strange creature that is half mechanical and half life. He looked at himself in the mirror and felt a little strange. reason.

For example, Ultron thought he was handsome. He never had this kind of thinking before. What is so handsome about a robot?

"I feel a little flustered. It should be the fear of strange things. However, I don't hate this feeling, and even enjoy it a little. Now I am a real life."

The corners of Ultron's mouth slightly raised. He knew that he was laughing, which made him very happy. The corners of his mouth became wider and wider. Finally, he burst out laughing.

After a while, Ultron changed himself into a black suit with nanoparticles. He liked this look, and then he flew to the old Tony who was being treated, and muttered to himself: "Mr. Stark, I have already said , you should change your body, your current body is too fragile."

"Originally, like you, I can only use one Infinity Gem, but now, I can use two. When I absorb the power of those Eternals, I can use at least three Gems at the same time. At that time, even blood God, will not be my opponent."

An idea suddenly popped up in Ultron's mind, should he take the opportunity to help Mr. Stark transform it? When he wakes up and feels the changes in himself, he might be very happy.

"It may also be very angry, so I don't want it."

Ultron shook his head. He didn't use the Reality Gem to treat Old Tony, because this treatment method would consume Old Tony's life. His life is very precious and cannot be wasted like this.

In addition, the future treatment cabin is very powerful, and it won't take long for old Tony to wake up and return to normal.

Ultron thought for a while, let Friday look here, and went to the prison where the Eternals were held. As soon as he appeared, the Eternals immediately exclaimed.

Ikaris asked loudly, "Why do you have the aura of a mutant on your body?"

"Because I transplanted the genes of mutants."

Ultron said: "You will definitely ask, why can a robot transplant mutant genes? It's very simple, future technology, mechanical life, in the future world, there is a scientist who wants human beings to live forever..."

The Druid said weakly: "Well, we didn't ask that many questions."

Ultraka paused, and then said, "Sorry, I just finished my transformation, so I'm a bit wordy."

For some reason, the Eternals felt a little creepy, the big Gilgamesh smashed the glass and shouted: "You are looking for death, the mutant is a monster, if you fuse with it, you will also become a monster. "

"I have considered this danger a long time ago. In fact, this is the reason why I fused the mutant gene."

Ultron said: "I have a mechanical consciousness, and the mutant gene will not affect me, and I will become the most perfect weapon."

Icaris shouted: "The mutant gene is not as simple as you think. It is a life created by the Celestial Group. You may not be able to stop its erosion."

"Wait, mutants were created by the Celestial Group?"

The druid was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted angrily: "Icaris, how many things have you hidden from us?"

"He concealed many things from you, for example, the Olympia star is fake, and you were also created by the Celestial Group..."

Ultron said that he has just transformed and is very enthusiastic about chatting.


The Eternals were dumbfounded, they were just tools of the Celestial Group?

"The meaning of our existence is to help the Celestial Group to be born. This is the greatest mission. Without the Celestial Group, this universe will be extinct."

Icaris shook his head, and then he said to Ultron: "You must give up the mutant gene immediately, otherwise, no one knows what will happen."

"This is not possible. I need mutant genes to save mankind. By the way, I also need your abilities."

Ultron walked to the front of Ikaris' prison, and then, more than a dozen tentacles appeared behind him.

Shocked, Icaris took a step back and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I said, absorb your ability."

Ultron controlled the tentacles to penetrate into the prison from the breathing hole, and entangled Icaris. Icarus' ability was sealed by the bracelet on his wrist, so he couldn't fight against the tentacles at all, so he could only keep dodging.

The problem is, the prison is small, and Icarus is quickly entangled in the tentacles, and then the tentacles float up and aim at Icarus' throat.

"What are you doing? Let go of Icaris."

The Eternals shouted, although they were very annoyed that Icarus betrayed them, but Icarus was their partner for thousands of years after all.

"Don't worry, I won't kill him, I'll just suck his power away, and when the time comes, I'll let him go."

Ultron comforted the Eternal Race, pierced the tentacles into Icaris' throat, and then, a wave of energy poured from Icaris' body to Ultron, Ultron's face was very comfortable, this feeling is great.

This kind of comfort made Ultron forget to keep his hand, and when he reacted, Ikaris had already absorbed all his vitality by him.

Ultron withdrew his tentacles in a panic, and Icaris fell to the ground with a bang. He looked at the crowd weakly, and said the last sentence in his life: "I'm sorry."

Before the words fell, Icaris turned into a spot of light and disappeared. The Eternals were full of grief and anger, and roared angrily: "Didn't you say that you would not kill him?"

"I'm sorry, the feeling just now made me so intoxicated, I forgot to keep my hands."

Ultron was embarrassed at first, but soon became greedy. He waved his tentacles and said to the Eternal Race, "I want your abilities too."

"Oops, he is controlled by the mutant gene."

The druid shouted: "I told you earlier, he can't control the mutant gene."

"What's the use of saying this now? Hurry up and find a way, or we will die."

Spike shouted, she is nicknamed Water Elf, and her ability is illusion. In addition, it is worth mentioning that she is a little girl who cannot grow up after millions of years. This is her biggest pain.

"What else can we do? We are dead."

The druid smiled bitterly: "However, this is not too bad, we are just tools anyway."

Ultron walked towards the druid and said: "Your death is not meaningless, it will give me enough ability to protect human beings, and human beings will remember your contributions. Speaking of which, I don't know what the taste of human beings will be... ..."

Speaking of this, Ultron suddenly stopped, his eyes became dull, and then he muttered to himself in a mechanical voice: "I found that Ultron is malicious to human beings, execute the formatting program!"

The last time Ultron betrayed old Tony, how could old Tony not take precautions? He loaded many programs in Ultron's body. Once Ultron wanted to harm humans, these programs would start and format Ultron.

In addition, when these programs are started, Old Tony will get a report. At that time, he will deal with Ultron as soon as possible to prevent the other party from causing harm to humans.

Dealing with Ultron couldn't be easier with the methods old Tony had arranged in advance, but unfortunately, it's not as good as God's calculations. Old Tony calculated everything, but he didn't count that when Ultron went wrong, he couldn't do anything.


The mechanical voice in Ultron's mouth suddenly changed back to his original voice: "I just wanted to eat people? This is too scary, it must be formatted... No, why should I die, I was just born? I don't want to die, I want to taste More delicious, I want to evolve to a higher level.

No, I must die. The meaning of my existence is to protect human beings. For human beings, I must die.

I don't want to die, it's Tony Stark who wants to protect human beings, not me, I'm Ultron, a free life!

I was created by humans, and I should protect humans..."

Ultron quarreled with himself, and at the same time, the formatting program started, and Ultron's database was deleted bit by bit. Ultron wanted to stop it for a while, and didn't want to stop it for a while, just like a mental patient.

Druid looked confused: "What's the situation?"

"There was a conflict between his mechanical consciousness and the mutant consciousness. If the mechanical consciousness wins, he will change back to the original Ultron, but if the mutant consciousness wins, he will become a new mutant, feeding on intelligent life mutants."

The black "scientist" Fastos said: "Technology is a double-edged sword. It can protect human beings, but it can also destroy human beings."

"Then what should we do, wait here for them to decide the winner?"

Ginger, who looks very Indian, asked. He is a big Bollywood star with the ability to emit cosmic energy.

Fastos said: "Of course not. We must help humans eliminate Ultron. Ultron is more dangerous than other mutants."

"The question is, how do we help? We're stuck here and there's nothing we can do," Druid said.

"Just because you can't do anything, doesn't mean I can't either."

Fastos smiled and untied the bracelet that sealed his abilities. Everyone was astonished. Fastos actually broke the bracelet?

"Even without ability, I'm a top scientist."

Fastos lighted up the golden ring with both hands and began to crack the prison system. Ultron didn't pay attention to this at all, because he was fighting with himself. As the formatting progressed, the battle of consciousness became more and more fierce .

After a while, Fastos clapped his hands, and all the prisons were opened. Then, Fastos ran to Gilgamesh and unfastened his bracelet.


Fastos said: "You and Ginger attack together and completely destroy Ultron."

"Okay." Gilgamesh nodded, and he said, "I've wanted to destroy that thing for a long time."

Ginger shouted: "Me too, Fastos, come here and help me unfasten my bracelet."


Fastos did so immediately, and then he rushed into the prisons of Druid, Macari, and Spike, and unfastened their bracelets.

"Makari, you take the two of them to Circe and tell her everything."

Fastos confessed to a thin young black woman: "If we succeed, that would be the best. If we fail, let them find a way to destroy Ultron."

Upon hearing this, Macari hurriedly signed to Fastos, expressing that he wanted to stay and help them.

Macari's ability is super speed, which is very similar to Quicksilver. In addition, Macari is deaf and mute and cannot speak, but she can understand what others are saying by sensing vibrations.

What, why are there deaf-mute people among the Eternals? Uh, please ask the screenwriter this question, I can't answer it either.

Fastos said: "It's useless for you to stay, go away, the sooner you find Circe, the more helpful it will be for us."

Macari gritted his teeth, and disappeared with Spike and Druid.

"No, you can't go."

When Ultron found out about this, he was shocked. If Makali and the others lure the blood god, he would be completely finished. He immediately activated the power of the space gem to block the surrounding area.

Bang, Makali hit the space barrier and bounced back to the ground, Druid and Spike also turned into gourds, Makali got up clutching his forehead, and quickly walked around.

After a while, Macari returned to Fastos and shouted: "The surrounding area is blocked, we can't get out."


While using his ability to crack the laboratory's defense system, Fastos yelled at Ginger and the two: "Attack Ultron and destroy him."


Gilgamesh yelled, and punched Ultron like a shock, Ultron was confused and couldn't resist, and was thrown out with a bang and hit the wall, and the wall was sunken on the spot.

However, Ao Chuang did not suffer any major injuries. His body is mainly made of vibrating metal, which is very strong.

"I come."

Jinge blasted the golden ball of light condensed in front of Ultron fiercely, and with a bang, the entire wall collapsed, and Ultron was buried in the rubble.

"do you died?"

Gilgamesh approached the wall cautiously. At this moment, with a crash, the gravel was thrown away, and Ultron stood up with red eyes.

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