Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 581 Three Books

Lavona's words made Sylvie very upset, she sneered and said, "An old monster who secretly manipulates other people's lives, what is there to envy?"

"A reckless man like you will never understand the charm of power."

Lavona smiled dismissively and strode towards the castle. Wang Burt couldn't help laughing, brat? That word really fits Sylvie.

"I'm a boor?"

Sylvie was blown away by Lavona's words, she drew out her sword and chased after her. Wang Bot shook his head and followed the two to visit the castle.

This castle is dilapidated, monotonous, and a bit gloomy. Conqueror Kang chooses to live here, which shows that he is full of exhaustion.

"No wonder he let others kill him. He has had enough. He has been looking for an heir. However, he was unlucky and was hacked to death by old Tony."

Wang Bot shook his head and thought to himself: "Of course, no matter what the ending is, he is free."

Then, Wang Bot came to the study of Kang the Conqueror. There were many books here, some of which were official books published by the publishing house, and some were written by Kang the Conqueror himself.

It is worth mentioning that most of those official books come from the thirtieth century, that is to say, they were brought back from the future by Kang the Conqueror.

Sylvie didn't have much interest in these books, she was considering whether to set fire to this place, but Lavona was different from her, she kept looking for books, trying to find a way out.

With a sweep of Wang Bot's divine sense, three books flew towards him from the bookshelf, namely "Sacred Timeline", "Time Administration", and "Erios"!

It is worth mentioning that the authors of these three books are all Kang the Conqueror. Of course, he used his original name-Nathaniel Richards.

"I hope you can surprise me."

Wang Bott opened "Sacred Timeline", which is a special history book, which records the main historical process of the sacred timeline, for example, in 2008, Iron Man was born, in 2009, Hulk rioted in New York, in 2012 In 2000, Loki led the Chitauri to invade the earth and so on.

"Thor, the god of thunder, encountered Geer, the god-slayer, in the universe. In the end, his ex-girlfriend raised the hammer and became the female Thor..."

Wang Bot looked at ten lines at a glance, flipping through the books in his hand at an astonishing speed. After reading all of them, he couldn't help sighing, no wonder old Tony would become black, and there will be more disasters in the future, and what's worse, His family has been battling these disasters, with heavy casualties.

No way, Iron Man is the pioneer of the superhero era, and his descendants are destined not to escape this vortex.

"This book is very useful to me. With it, I can deal with the disasters in the main universe in advance. Although these disasters are nothing with my strength, it is better to kill fewer people."

Wang Bot nodded in satisfaction, and picked up the second book, "Time Administration".

This book introduces the establishment and development of the Time Administration, and records the detailed structure of the Administration. In addition, it also records something that Wang Bott is very interested in—the power of materialism.

The power of materialism is not created by Kang the Conqueror himself, it comes from the materialistic universe - in the future, the materialistic universe will invade this universe, and then be repulsed by superheroes.

Kang the Conqueror took advantage of those people's defeat to steal the power of materialism, and then used it as the cornerstone of the Time Administration. In the Time Administration, except for the power of science and technology, all other powers cannot be used.

Without this cornerstone, the Time Administration would have been dismantled by those time criminals long ago.

"The cornerstone is huge and cannot be taken away from the Time Administration. Later, the old Tony tried to shrink it and turned it into a super artifact."

Wang Bot squinted his eyes slightly, and carefully checked the introduction in the book. Kang the Conqueror was a great scientist. He had a problem common to scientists, that is, he liked to ask the bottom line.

After gaining the power of materialism, Kang the Conqueror carefully studied this thing and knew its advantages and disadvantages very well.

"Materialist power can not only block magical power, but also block all spiritual power, but it is not without flaws. For example, if spiritual power is transformed by high technology and becomes materialistic power, then materialistic power will lose its effect."

Seeing this, Wang Bot couldn't help squinting his eyes. Kang the Conqueror's deduction was correct. A few days ago, Tony's Godslayer battle suit was not suppressed by materialist forces.

"It's not only Tony, but also the Eternals."

Wang Bot secretly thought: "The Celestial Group exists idealistically and is suppressed by materialist forces, but the mutants and Eternals are created by the Celestial Group using technology, so mutants and Eternals are not suppressed by materialist forces.

In addition, Hulk's power is not suppressed, he is not magic, he is mutation science, although this power is quite ideal.

In other words, as long as I can create a set of high-tech armor that uses the power of the mind as energy, I can get rid of the suppression of materialist forces. "

Wang Bot's eyes lit up, and he immediately contacted the main body, asking him to make a high-tech spiritual battle suit.


When Wang Bott received the news, he immediately transferred the order to Ivan and Dr. Reed, and then continued to deal with the wedding with Wanda.

What, why doesn't Wang Bot research it himself? Nonsense, his imposing boss and a large group of talented scientists under him, why should he do research by himself?

"It was worth the trip."

Wang Bot put down "Time Administration" and picked up the third book, which is "Arios". After flipping through, he smiled at Lavona: "Don't look for it, I have already found the way to leave here." Method."

These three books are all of extraordinary value, and the author Kang the Conqueror is really amazing.

It's worth mentioning that the reason old Tony didn't destroy the books was because he couldn't—after he killed Kang the Conqueror, Elios went berserk and drove everyone out.


Both Lavona and Sylvie were overjoyed, and hurriedly surrounded them, asking, "What can I do?"

"Lavona, didn't you say that Kang the Conqueror used special means to stabilize the timeline at the end of time?"

Wang Bot said: "Actually, his special method is Elios."


Lavona was stunned: "How did Elios maintain it?"

"It's very simple. It devours time criminals and time branches, and converts the time on them into special energy to repair the end of time and prolong its life."

"That's why Kang the Conqueror banished time criminals to the end of time," said Wang Bote.

"That is to say, we were not only exiled, but also turned into materials? Food?"

Sylvie's expression turned extremely ugly, she turned around and kicked the desk hard, and roared, "I'm going to kill Kang the Conqueror."

Wang Bot shrugged and said, "Next time, please be early, because he has already been chopped off by old Tony."

Lavona suddenly realized, and she said: "So that's the case, no wonder the end of time will collapse. After the Time Administration was destroyed, Elios lost his food."

"Kang the Conqueror is a very pure scientist. Whichever method is the best, he will choose that method, even if this method is very hurtful."

Wang Bot said: "It's hard to imagine that such a person will be the savior."

"Fart's savior, he just wants to keep this universe."

Sylvie scolded: "He shouldn't have died so easily back then, I should have cut him to pieces."

Lavona didn't argue with Sylvie, she asked Wang Bert: "Blood God, what does what you said have anything to do with leaving here?"

"Of course it does."

Wang Bot said: "This world is full of Elrios' energy, as long as it wants, it can take back all of this energy within a month, and by then, this timeline will be destroyed.

After the timeline is destroyed, the six Infinity Stones will lose their blocked targets, so that we can be free. "

When he said this, Wang Bot's eyes flickered slightly. Maybe he could take this opportunity to snatch the six infinity gems. Once he succeeded, his body would come to the future universe and end this damn thing.

Sylvie said: "After the world is annihilated, you can indeed leave. The problem is, we are dead."

Lavona also said: "Blood God, this is good news for you, but bad news for us."

"Don't worry, I won't forget you."

Wang Bot said: "After Elios recovers its energy, it will become very powerful. At that time, it can shelter everyone to survive. I'm talking about everyone at the end of time, not just you."

"Very good."

Sylvie and Lavona were overjoyed. At this moment, Lavona thought of something, and asked worriedly: "Blood God, are you going to take everyone out? Those time criminals might cause some catastrophe."

Sylvie couldn't bear it anymore, and slashed at Lavona: "I hate you bastards who open their mouths and shut up."

Wang Bot raised his hand and grabbed Sylvie's wrist, and said, "Okay, I want to chop her up, and I will chop her up after I get out. I promised to take her out."

Knowing that she was no match for Wang Burt, Sylvie put down the sword with a snort, and then said to Lavona, "I won't let you go."

Lavona was very disdainful, how could she be afraid of a mere reckless man?

Then, Wang Bot said: "The Lokis will definitely be taken away. As for the others, it depends on their fate."

"Blood God, do you know how many Loki are living at the end of time?"

Lavona smiled wryly: "If they all return to Earth, Earth will soon be destroyed by them."

Wang Bot was stunned: "Such an exaggeration?"

Lavona said: "It's such an exaggeration. Loki is the best at escaping. Most of the Loki who were exiled to the end of time survived, at least thousands of them."

"During the time I was fleeing, I met Loki every day."

Sylvie said unhappily: "To be honest, Loki is really annoying. He's either cheating or betraying. Our previous den was almost not destroyed by President Loki because of the black Loki's betrayal."

"You are Loki too, thank you."

Wang Bot said: "Then take the previous few, others, and see fate."


Sylvie and Lavona stopped objecting, Wang Bot stopped wasting time, and ordered to Elrios: "Start recovering energy."

"Yes, master."

Elios was very happy with this order, and immediately began to recover energy, the earth and the solar system began to shrink at the same time, and within a month, this world would be completely wiped out.

Thinking of something, Wang Bot murmured to himself, "I hope there will be no catastrophe on earth in the next month. Old Tony will cause a catastrophe sooner or later."


Earth, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye. For the past half month, whether it is the old Tony or Wakanda, they are trying their best to find Ultron. Unfortunately, they found nothing. Ultron seems to be missing. There is no trace.

This result made everyone very anxious. Everyone knew that the longer the delay, the more troublesome this matter would be.

In Iron Man's underground laboratory, Fastos went to the warehouse to get materials as usual. When he entered the warehouse door, he quietly put a golden chip behind the door. The warehouse's surveillance system flickered and immediately returned to normal. Didn't find anything wrong.

"I don't like this kind of sneaky behavior very much, but for the sake of the earth, if I don't like it, I will do it again."

Fastos sighed secretly. He walked to the cabinet where Ultron's mechanical body was stored, opened the cabinet with an instrument, and then took out a tube of Pym particles and sprinkled it on the mechanical body.

That's right, the Pym particles were specially sent by the druids in order to get Ultron's mechanical body.

It is worth mentioning that, in the surveillance at this moment, Fastos is checking the items in front of the shelves, and there is nothing abnormal.

Under the action of Pym particles, Ultron's mechanical body shrunk rapidly, and Fastos put it into a special pocket, and then he took out a miniature high imitation Ultron mechanical body from the other pocket.

"Human intelligence is so incredible that even things like Pym particles can be researched."

Fastos marveled, while canceling the shrinking effect of the high imitation body, the high imitation body suddenly became larger, and Fastos put it into the cabinet with force, and then closed the door of the cabinet.

Finally, Fastos left the warehouse with the materials. Before leaving, he took the chip back into his pocket without a trace, and everything looked seamless.

"An intelligent program is only an intelligent program after all."

Fastos was a little proud, at this moment, the old Tony's voice suddenly sounded from the loudspeaker on the side: "Mr. Fastos, please put Ultron's mechanical body back in the cabinet. It is made of vibrating gold and is worth several Billion, enough to fill the prison cells of the United States."

Fastos froze, and then asked, "Why did you find me? There is nothing wrong with my technology."

"You're just a scientist, not a thief."

Old Tony said: "Ultron's mechanical body has a large number of chips I made, and they left the warehouse, how could I not find them?

Mr. Fastos, I sincerely cooperate with you. I don't want this kind of thing to happen again. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

"Tony Stark, you should give the mechanical body to Wakanda, and Wakanda can find traces of Ultron through this mechanical body."

Seeing being discovered by the old Tony, Fastos no longer hid it, he said: "Half a month has passed, we must find Ultron immediately, otherwise, the earth will face a catastrophe."

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