Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 619: Fist of Swallowing Stars

"You want to kill all Thanos?"

Thanos' face changed dramatically. If someone else said this, he wouldn't care, because it was impossible, but the blood god always said what he said.

Thinking of something, Thanos asked in a daze, "Wait, aren't you the God of Creation?"

I was beaten like a dog by you, the majestic God of Creation, and you fucking told me that you are not the God of Creation? Are you sure you're not kidding me?

Death shook his head. He knew about this a long time ago. To be honest, the blood god is definitely the biggest wonder in the multiverse.

"That's right, I'm not the God of Creation, I've been trying to figure out how to become a God of Creation."

Wang Bot shrugged and said, "Your and Wanda's methods are not suitable for me, and the methods of the five creator gods are also not suitable for me. I have been searching for a long time before I finally found a feasible method."

The method of Wanda and Thanos is to integrate themselves from other universes. The problem is that Bert Wang is a time traveler, and he has no other selves—the Bert Wang of other universes does not count.

As for the method of the five creation gods, it is to become part of the rules of the universe, which is also not suitable for Wang Bot, he wants to be a person, not a regularized god.

"It's really not unfair that I lost, it's not that I'm weak, it's that you, the Blood God, are too strong."

Thanos sighed and didn't ask any more questions. He said, "Blood God, I don't know what you are going to do. I just hope you can let death go. He is just performing his duties. He is not a bad person."

Wang Bot touched his nose, he didn't care if he let death go or not, the problem was that death was reluctant to leave him.

There is no way, I am too good, death is a bit addictive.

Death couldn't help but take a look at Thanos. No wonder he in other universes likes to find Thanos as a tool man. This licking dog is really easy to use.

"Thanos, let's go, if there is a next life, don't be a licking dog again."

Wang Bot didn't say any more, he opened his hand and extracted Thanos' weak soul from his body.

What else Thanos wanted to say, Wang Bot's heart moved, the sea water of the ocean of mind appeared out of thin air, poured into Thanos' soul endlessly, and Thanos' ego was quickly erased.

Thanos was full of unwillingness, and at this moment, Death suddenly said: "Thanos, I witness your death."

The words of death calmed Thanos, he nodded towards death, closed his eyes, raised his head, and accepted his own death.

A minute later, Thanos fell completely. However, his body and soul were kept by Wang Bot. This is a creation god-level material and cannot be wasted.

As soon as Thanos died, the resentment universe immediately began to collapse. This universe was built for Thanos. Now that he is dead, the universe will naturally come to an end.

Wang Bot took Thanos' arm (restored to its original shape after death) and soul back to the ocean of mind, and countless drops of sea water thanked Wang Bot at the same time.

"You're welcome, I'll help you, you help me."

Wang Bot smiled slightly, and his consciousness entered the deeper level of the ocean of mind, and was closely integrated with the ocean of mind.

"You didn't take the opportunity to leave, but instead merged with the ocean of mind?"

Death was very surprised. At this moment, the whole ocean of heart was grateful to Wang Bot. He wanted to leave, it couldn't be easier.

"The matter of the earth has not been resolved, I can't leave, and the ocean of the soul is destined for me."

Wang Bot smiled, and then he put Thanos' arm into the small space to complete the previous body. This body of the Creator God is very useful.

After finishing this, Wang Bot threw death's head into the sea of ​​mind to blind her perception. Death means no hands, otherwise Wang Bot will definitely give Wang Bot the middle finger. Is this the attitude towards the God of Creation?

"Ontology, prepare to accept the soul of Thanos, the soul of the Creator God."

Wang Bott contacted the ontology, and the ontology said: "I will join hands with Wanda to resonate the spiritual oceans of the two universes. At that time, you will send the soul of Thanos over there. By the way, do you still need it?" What help?"

"No need, I am sure to solve the remaining problems."

Wang Bot smiled. This trip to the future universe did have some problems at the beginning, but from the moment Thanos fell, everything was no longer a problem.

He is the invincible king.

"very good."

The ontology was very satisfied, he said: "The resonance has already started, and the soul of Thanos is sent here."

Wang Bot followed suit, and Thanos' soul suddenly disappeared. Then, he let out a breath, and turned his gaze to the golden star. It was time to clean up Alitham. Besides, it was time for old Tony's secret to be revealed. Delay too long.


In the main universe, Wang Bot received the soul of Thanos, and said with a smile: "Thanos, I am worthy of you, and let you return to your roots."

Wanda sneered: "If you really want to be sorry for him, you should take him to find Death together, and then make out with Death in front of him. Only in this way will he feel completely at ease, because you will help him take care of Death."

"Are you trying to make him die in peace?"

Wang Bott complained: "Wanda, don't worry, death is different from you, I'm just playing around, if you don't want to, I won't see him in the future."

Wanda knew that what Wang Bot said was true, because Wang Bot really loved her, and more importantly, he was a scumbag.

"I'm not that careful."

Wanda said: "How are you going to use Thanos' soul?"

"I will use the concept of peers in Thanos to resonate with the Thanos of all universes, and then turn them all into me."

Wang Bot laughed and said, "Since there is no clone, I will create a clone myself!"

Wanda understood a little bit: "Are you going against me?"

"Yes, Wanda, I need a few days to retreat. You should prepare for the wedding first."

Wang Bot said: "When I come out of retreat, I will become a real creator god."

Wanda asked, "How many days will it take to become a God of Creation?"

"A few days is enough."

Wang Bot smiled all over his face. As long as he finds the right direction, it is not difficult for him to become the God of Creation. After all, he already has the strength of the God of Creation.


Wanda nodded first, and then asked suspiciously: "Wait, you researched this promotion method, isn't it for the purpose of picking up girls better? Pick up all the girls in the multiverse?"

Wang Burt laughed. He stepped forward to kiss Wanda and said, "Wanda, you still understand me."

"Please explain it anyway."

Wanda complained that his fiancé was about to change from a universe-level scumbag to a multiverse-level scumbag. Congratulations, gratification.

"Why explain? I am such a person!"

Wang Bot smiled, and his body returned to the depths of the earth and began to retreat. Wanda couldn't help but laugh. That's right, he is such a person, and he can never change.

Wanda sighed, she was still too young back then.


Goldmi star, the battle is still going on. Generally speaking, the earth camp has the upper hand. Whether it is the sober eternal race or the superheroes, they have almost completely defeated their opponents.

On Arisham's side, he was still being besieged by hundreds of Stranges. Arisham barely supported himself while absorbing the power of other god groups. He was about to cross that threshold.

At the same time, the miniature Alitham and Tony are fighting fiercely in the air like two rays of light. The miniature Alitham can use all the abilities of the Eternal Race, while Tony can keep creating new instruments. The two sides come and go, and Tony gradually begins to gain the upper hand.

That's right, Tony began to gain the upper hand. He laughed and said, "You have more and more flaws, Arisham. It won't take long for you to die in my hands."

Tony has the concept of analysis, the longer the time is delayed, the higher his chances of winning, because he can create various instruments against Alitham.

The miniature Alitham was a little annoyed, he fused the abilities of Icaris and Gilgamesh, turned into a crimson glove, and blasted at Tony at the speed of light.

Tony controlled the nanoparticles to form an instrument in the shape of a sandbag. The fist of the miniature Alitham hit the sandbag, and all the power was absorbed by the sandbag.

The tiny Alitham did not give up, and frantically attacked the sandbag with his fist, because the speed was too fast, as if countless rays of light were bombarding the sandbag.

Although these rays of light are enough to destroy a small planet, the sandbag remains unchanged, and all the power is absorbed by it.

"This is an instrument created by imitating Burt's 'returning the way of others'. In this world, wisdom is the most powerful."

Tony smiled slightly, turned the sandbag into a glove and put it on his fist. Then, he punched out, the world was shattered, time and space were shattered, and the miniature Alitham was wiped out in the surging force with an unbelievable expression.

"Happy, no wonder everyone likes close combat, it feels completely different from firing lasers from a distance."

Tony looked smug, but compared to him, Alitham's expression changed. The clone was actually wiped out by Tony? This is not scientific at all!

"It cannot be delayed any longer."

Although he hadn't absorbed enough strength, Alitham gritted his teeth and forcibly climbed to the level of the Creator God. His aura surged wildly, countless golden lights bloomed in the air, and it was the first time that hundreds of Strange were reversely suppressed.

"Sorry, you're late, everyone, come back."

Strange grinned ferociously, and took back all his clones. Immediately afterwards, his body swelled wildly, and in the blink of an eye, he became a super giant the same size as Alitham.

Then, Strange's fist lit up with a dazzling purple light. After that, he let out a roar, and punched Arisham with a punch. There was no fancy tricks in this punch, only a power so tyrannical that even the universe trembled. .

This punch is the fist of destroying the world, the fist of swallowing stars, and the fist of the creation god. With one punch, time and space collapse, and the surroundings quickly turn into chaos.

"How is this possible? How dare you steal the power of swallowing stars?"

Alitham was dumbfounded. In fact, not only him, but also the ancient gods such as Weishandi were dumbfounded. This courage is too fat, dare to steal the power of the Creator God?

While being shocked, Sithorn and other ancient gods felt more balanced in their hearts. After all, Strange even stole the power of Star Swallowing.

"I can't lose, I want to kill Iron Man to save the universe."

Arisham gave it all up. With a roar, he used the concept of creation to create a star-swallowing arm. Then, he waved his fist and shattered time and space to meet Strange's fist.

In this case, only desperately can there be a chance of survival.

"Damn, run away quickly."

Time and space collapsed, except for a few ancient gods and powerful people with concepts, everyone else fell into a sluggish, Tony cursed, and Captain Marvel, Thor and others quickly transferred the superheroes.

The eight ancient god-level Eternals also hurriedly transferred away the sober Eternals. As for the puppet Eternals, they couldn't care less.

Thor used a thunder net to trap several superheroes, and then, while fleeing out of the golden rice star, he shouted: "Is this too exaggerated? What kind of medicine did Strange take? Also, Where can I buy this medicine?"

Captain Marvel tied up several superheroes with space energy, and shouted: "Is this guy crazy? If he punches down, the golden star will definitely collapse, and maybe it will also affect the earth."

"He was already a lunatic, shit, why wasn't I the one who was insane?"

Tony said sourly, why is it always others who show the limelight? He also wants to be the protagonist!

After finally eradicating Alitham's clone, not only did he not get applause, but he also ran away. Tony felt bitter, but Tony didn't say anything.

Old Tony was also very bitter. After injecting the Thanos gene into the Anti-Blood God suit, there was a serious conflict. He had to work hard with Friday to suppress the Thanos gene and let it gradually integrate into the Anti-Blood God suit.

As a result, at this juncture, Strange and Arisham used their big moves at the same time. Once their fists were facing each other, everything around them, including the golden star, would be wiped out.

At that time, his old Tony will also be doomed. Shit, is Strange here to save him, or to kill him?

"And those superheroes, weren't they very generous before? Why isn't anyone saving me now?"

Old Tony didn't care about other things, and tried his best to activate the space gem so that he could get away from the golden rice star.

Old Tony's body has already reached the limit of endurance, and now he is forcing the space gem, his blood spits out as if he doesn't want money, and at the same time, there are a lot of cracks on the anti-blood god battle suit, which will disintegrate at any time like porcelain.

Under the pressure of death, the Titan gene gradually became docile. Old Tony was overjoyed and accelerated the fusion speed, striving to completely integrate the Thanos gene.

At this time, the two star-swallowing fists finally collided, and there was no sound, but everything around, including air, planets, and time and space, all turned into chaos, that is, nothingness.

Soon, the golden rice star was completely wiped out, leaving only a faint cloud of chaos. Wang Bot shook his head, using the power of the ocean of mind to block the chaos, lest it erode the earth and disturb the people on the earth.

That's right, the people on Earth are eating, and watching the live broadcast of the Golden Mi star in the sky by the way, which is much better than the movie-they don't know that without Wang Burt, they will become part of the movie.

In the void, Tony and the others who escaped couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If they were still on the Golden Star, they would surely die.

Tony put down the other superheroes, and asked angrily, "Is that juggler so powerful?"

"Obviously, he has. I didn't expect him to be so powerful. I really want to look at him with admiration."

Captain Marvel exclaimed, and Thor also said: "Yes, he is very powerful, even reaching the level of a creator god."

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