Marvel God of Blood God

Chapter 621 Nemesis

"Nemesis, there are many things I don't understand."

Wang Bot asked: "Why are you in this universe? Why did you find old Tony? Also, why do you want to see me?"

"Don't worry, I will explain the matter clearly, and finally come in, I don't want to end it hastily."

Nemesis smiled and introduced: "I was born earlier than the multiverse. One day, I felt too bored and decided to commit suicide. After my death, my body turned into seven infinite gems."

"Seven Infinity Stones?"

Everyone was stunned, isn't there only six infinite gems? Also, you actually committed suicide because your life was too boring?

"Multiverse boss."

Wang Bot narrowed his eyes slightly. This is a more powerful existence than the Life Tribunal and the five creation gods, a real top boss.

"It's seven infinity gems. In addition to the six you are familiar with, there is also a self gem. This gem preserves my self."

Nemesis said: "The remaining six infinite gems are found in many universes, not the only one, and there is only one self gem, which does not exist in any universe.

Once the remaining six Infinity Stones are collected, I will wake up in the ego stone, and then I will decide whether to resurrect or not.

If I am resurrected, I will destroy the universe where the six infinity stones are located, and then continue to sleep, if I don't resurrect, nothing will happen, just like this universe. "

After a pause, Nemesis continued: "This universe is so boring, I don't even have any interest in descending, otherwise, your universe would have been destroyed by me."

Ant-Man complained: "Then should we thank this universe for being boring?"

"Then why are you showing up now?"

Wang Bot asked: "Didn't you say that this universe is boring?"

"because of you."

The Goddess of Nemesis looked at Wang Burt and said, "You are very interesting, I want to meet you, so I asked the soul gem of the main universe to find a way to gather six infinite gems, but unfortunately, it failed.

In desperation, I can only think about the future universe, because I know that once something happens to the future universe, you will definitely come to this universe.

The problem is that the Infinity Gem of this universe was destroyed by Thanos, so I can only start from the Time Management Bureau and slowly come to this universe. "

Everyone looked at Wang Bot in unison, it turned out to be your fault, Wang Bot rolled his eyes, thinking for a long time, all this is because he is too handsome?

The goddess of revenge continued: "You are too cautious, you use yourself as a space gem every time to snap your fingers, otherwise, I would have found you long ago."

"No wonder my gut keeps telling me not to swallow all six Infinity Stones."

Wang Bot smiled and asked, "Nemesis, with your strength, it doesn't need to be so troublesome to descend into a universe?"

"There are rules in the multiverse, and even I have to abide by the basic rules."

The Goddess of Nemesis said: "It's the same with you, as the god of creation, you are still tied up in this future universe.

We have not transcended the multiverse, only the existence beyond the multiverse can do whatever we want in the multiverse, just like the three-dimensional human beings can create the two-dimensional at will. "

"That's true."

Wang Bot nodded, and asked again: "Is Old Tony the pawn you're looking for?"

"Yes, Tony Stark is my pawn."

Nemesis nodded and said: "After he finished watching "Sacred Timeline", I told him some things. For example, as long as there are superheroes, the disaster on Earth will never end."

"So it's all your fault."

Spider-Man shouted angrily, but he always regarded old Tony as his father.

"Spiderman, the protagonist of the second stage, this is not a trick, because what I'm saying is the truth. As long as there are superheroes, the disaster on the earth will never end, even if there is a blood god."

The Nemesis laughed and said, "Blood God, if you keep meddling with the affairs of this universe, you might be thrown into other multiverses."

"That might be a good thing, different scenery, different beauties."

Wang Bot couldn't help but glanced at the goddess of revenge. This goddess knew many things.

"Multiverse scumbag, understandable."

Nemesis smiled, and continued: "Afterwards, I will help Iron Man control the infinite gems and the power of materialism, on the condition that I will be allowed to enter this universe in the future."

Wang Bot asked: "Let you enter the universe? What qualifications does old Tony have to let you enter this universe?"

"Because he is the protagonist, he is full of the blessings of the universe. As long as he agrees, I can come to this universe through him. Before I restored the infinite gems, I also borrowed his authority."

Nemesis said: "Although he is only the protagonist of the first stage, he has never died, and his identity is different from others."

Wang Bot nodded to express his understanding: "So it's the protagonist's luck."

"The protagonist's luck? That's a good word."

The goddess of revenge said: "In short, now I have successfully descended. Although I only have about one-tenth of the power because the self-gem has not returned to its place, it is enough to accomplish what I want to accomplish."

Wang Bot asked, "What do you want to accomplish?"

The Nemesis said with a smile on her face: "Two things, the first is to destroy this universe, and the second is to grab your clone, pass you to the main universe, and then swallow you."

As soon as Nemesis finished speaking, her face changed back to Old Tony's, and Old Tony roared, "You promised me not to destroy this universe."

"I'm lying to you, is there a problem?"

The Goddess of Nemesis easily suppressed old Tony's consciousness. She said, "Anyway, I'm a villain, so I don't have to keep my promise. Speaking of which, you Avengers are related to me, even with similar names."

Everyone was speechless. How could such a high-level existence be so shameless?

"You're quite honest."

Wang Bot shook his head and asked, "Why do you want to destroy the universe? There must be a reason, it can't be because of a bad mood?"

Nemesis said: "Because I am Nemesis, Vengeance, understand?"


Wang Bot narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked again: "Why did you swallow me? Uh, I didn't misunderstand the meaning of the word swallow, did I?"

"Because you are different."

The Nemesis said: "You come from another world, I want to visit that world, and shoot a group of people to death by the way."

Wang Bott was not surprised but pleased when he heard the words, he said: "We can cooperate, I have always wanted to go home and have a look."

"This is impossible, I can only go alone, and it must be at the cost of your death."

The Nemesis said: "So, I must swallow you, Blood God, this is your destiny."

"My destiny is to be swallowed by you? Wanda will have an opinion."

Wang Bot smiled and said, "Okay, Nemesis, I have almost asked all the questions that should be asked, and it is time for us to enter the battle."

"Don't treat me like a trash like Thanos. Although I have only one-tenth of my strength, killing your clone is as easy as blowing my breath."

The Nemesis shook her head. For her, this battle was not difficult at all. After all, Wang Bot wasn't even a clone, he was just a clone of a clone.

Only a waste like Thanos would be defeated by the clone of the blood god, who is the goddess of nemesis, a higher existence than the court of life and the five creation gods.

"Your breath is loud enough, how long has it been since you brushed your teeth?"

Wang Bott complained, and then he waved his hand and said to the superheroes: "Stand back, so as not to be affected by the drama."

"We can help you fight together."

Tony shouted that he didn't work so hard to make the anti-Iron Man suit, but he didn't want to be an audience.

"Don't worry, we have many opportunities to fight side by side, but not now."

Wang Bot said: "I want to see how powerful the Nemesis is. This battle is not a decisive battle, but a vanguard battle. In the near future, my body will have a battle with Him in the heyday at the top of the universe. , the kind that would destroy the universe.”

"Choose wisely, use the avatar to find out my strength, but unfortunately, you can't stop me."

The goddess of nemesis moved, and the power of materialism was released——Wang Burt made many arrangements for the power of materialism, and it would be better not to use it than to be troublesome.

"You'll only know after you've called."

Seeing Tony and the others retreat, Wang Burt didn't talk nonsense, and suddenly appeared in front of the Nemesis, and punched the Nemesis with the belief of victory.

The power of this punch is neither god-level nor ancient god-level, but a real creation god-level. With one punch, time and space are shattered.

"You actually used Thanos as a battery? It's a little creative, but unfortunately, it doesn't work for me."

Nemesis was a little surprised. The power source of the silver battlesuit was Thanos' body, so Wang Bot could have the power of the Creator God.

This is why Wang Bot cared so much about Thanos' body before, he wanted to use Thanos as a battery.

Without unnecessary nonsense, Nemesis raised her right hand that was shining with purple light, and firmly blocked Wang Burt's fist. The aftermath of the collision made the surrounding time and space extremely chaotic.

In the eyes of Tony and others, Wang Burt and the God of Nemesis sometimes fight and sometimes talk, just like the progress bar of a movie going berserk.

Thor and others, who possessed the strength of the ancient gods, hurriedly adjusted the time around them to keep up with the battle between the two. The black panther and other superheroes looked depressed, their strength was not enough, and they were not even qualified to watch.

"The gem of power represents the strongest power in the universe. Let alone you, even if you are swallowing stars, it is impossible to surpass me in strength."

Nemesis squeezed Wang Burt's fist hard, and Wang Bot's fist twisted and deformed. He shouted loudly, and kicked towards Nemesis's waist with his right foot with the belief of destroying everything.

Goddess of Nemesis raised her other hand and slashed towards Wang Bot's calf. Under the action of the time gem, the knife in her hand struck Wang Bot's calf first, and Wang Bot's calf broke instantly and flew away. .

Suddenly, Wang Bot's calf disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already behind the Nemesis, and kicked at the back of his head. Wherever he passed, time and space turned into chaos.

This kick not only used the concept of mind, but also used the power of the titan blessed by the concept of power.

"Playing space ability in front of me? It's ridiculous."

Nemesis smiled dismissively, the space gem was activated, and the space between her and her calf became a small world that kept expanding, and her calf couldn't hit him no matter what.

"Are you sure it's me who's being ridiculous?"

Wang Bot snorted coldly, the small world evolved from the space gem suddenly collapsed, and Wang Bot's calf continued to kick the Nemesis in the back of the head.

With Wang Bot's strength, once kicked, even the head of Nemesis would explode like a watermelon.

The Goddess of Nemesis immediately used the power of the Reality Gem, and her body suddenly turned into nothingness. Wang Bot's calf pierced through his head and flew back to her body, and then grew back under the knee.


The audience was very sorry, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the gap was not as big as Nemesis said, and the Blood God had the power to fight back.

Of course, this is also normal, after all, it is the blood god, it is hard to imagine that he will be completely suppressed.

The Goddess of Nemesis exclaimed: "It seems that I have underestimated you a little bit. Your mastery of the concept of space is already extraordinary, at the same level as mine."

"So many space gems are not swallowed for nothing."

Wang Bot smiled, his hands turned into nothingness and escaped from the right hand of the Nemesis. Then, he took a step back and slammed his fists at the Nemesis. Each punch contained the power to crush a planet, and the surrounding void instantly melted. for chaos.

"As I said, no one can beat me in strength."

The right fist of the Goddess of Nemesis lit up with a dazzling purple light, and with one punch, Wang Bot's fist shadow was completely shattered. Immediately afterwards, the purple fist hit Wang Bot's chest directly.

At this moment, more than a dozen Wang Burt suddenly appeared beside the Nemesis, and they all threw their fists at the Nemesis.

"One is not enough, what about the group?"

Wang Bot stepped back and shouted, this is exactly Thanos' concept of peers.

"A group is also not enough."

An incomparable purple light erupted from the goddess of nemesis, and Burt, the king of the same body, was all blown out, disintegrated and shattered in the air.

Immediately afterwards, the eyes of the Goddess of Nemesis shone with a yellow light. As soon as Wang Burt came into contact with the light, his mind immediately became confused. Fortunately, he was proficient in the concept of the mind and immediately sobered up.

As soon as he woke up, Wang Bot saw the Goddess of Nemesis appearing in front of him. Immediately afterwards, He punched his chest. Before the fist arrived, Wang Bot felt that his consciousness was on the verge of collapse and might collapse at any time.

This punch is not a fist of strength, but a fist of heart. Once Wang Bot is hit, his consciousness attached to this battle suit will completely disappear.

Wang Bot's face remained unchanged, a lot of cold air emerged from his body, and everything around him was frozen, including Nemesis.

This is the mutant ability of the Iceman. Wang Bot copied it with the concept of the mind and the ability of the suit, making it freeze everything, including time, space, and mind.

The Nemesis possessed the Soul Gem, so she woke up instantly. With a loud shout, all the chills were shattered, and Wang Bot took the opportunity to distance herself from the Nemesis.

Then, Wang Bot's eyes became pitch black, and the power of the imitation phoenix exploded crazily, everything around him was disintegrated, including Nemesis.

"The Force of the Phoenix?"

The Nemesis Goddess smiled disdainfully, and used the power of the Reality Gem to restore her body. Then, she pushed forward with both hands, and the purple light shattered the void and hit Wang Bot's body. Wang Bot flew upside down hundreds of meters and stopped in the void, his body almost was bombarded flat.

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