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: 0.108s Scan: 0.059sBoom.

In the sky, a ball of fire suddenly appeared from Allens' body, and Allens' body instantly turned into a fire giant, and the raging flames began to burn.

Allens' ability to return to the unity of all things allowed him to gain the ability of a fire giant. Although he had not yet obtained Surtur's immortality, it was only a matter of time. However, Allens knew that Odin would not give him time, because Odin was about to die.

Allens certainly would not take it lightly. Although he knew that Odin was about to die, the father's dying counterattack was the most terrifying, so Allens' eyes were serious.

"The world tree standing in the nine realms, your power is eternal and immortal."

Father Odin's hair and beard are all white, and his face is full of wrinkles. He is like an ordinary New York man who is nearly a hundred years old. He no longer has the majesty and solemnity he once had, but Odin's voice is still solemn and cold.


Odin raised the rainbow scepter in his hand, and the endless cosmic energy turned into a terrifying energy column, which penetrated the entire void in an instant.

Even though the space of unity around Allens was strong enough, it was still defeated by Odin's energy column, and Allens' body was completely exposed to the energy column.


The terrifying energy column rushed down, but it directly restricted Allens to the center of the energy column. A rock flame on the ground was swallowed by the energy column and disappeared instantly.

Surtur on the ground led the fire giants to retreat dozens of kilometers, leaving this battlefield to Odin and Allens. At the same time, Surtur also remembered this Midgardian. A head-on battle brought Father Odin into the eternal sleep of Allens.

"Can't move? It's Odin's magic."

Imprisoned in the center of the energy column, Allens instantly realized that his movements were restricted by Odin's magic, and even the power of the Infinity Gauntlet could not be used.

The space around Allens was stripped away, like Odin's lock. Allens was once again blocked by Odin. All the power in his body disappeared like a stone sinking into the sea.

"In the name of the Father, I deprive Allens of the six super-powered stones on his Infinity Gauntlet.

" Odin's solemn voice sounded, and in his all-seeing eyes, the shadow of the World Tree projected a branch, which turned into a chain and instantly connected to Allens' Infinity Gauntlet on his right hand.

The chain shrank, and it can be said that the six super-powered stones, which were made of Allens' intelligence, wisdom, and endless knowledge, instantly broke away from the Infinity Gauntlet and were dragged by the branches of the World Tree into the dimensional space-time and disappeared into the vast universe.

"In the name of the father, deprive Arens of the power of the Aesir and the body of the Aesir..."

Odin the Father suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed Alans's shoulder with his left hand, and used the power of the World Tree to cast the strongest magic, stripping Alans of his Aesir power and body. The huge power of Odin the Father that Alans had absorbed was instantly sucked into the World Tree. Although he was deprived of his power, Alans showed a smile on his face. He could clearly see that Odin the Father's soul was rapidly consuming and he was about to die.

"In the name of the Father, I, Awang, Odinson III, will sacrifice my life, soul, divine power, and everything I have to the great Nine Realms Foundation, the World Tree."

However, what Allens could not have imagined was that Father Odin actually sacrificed himself directly. Whether it was his soul, vitality, or his divinity, all of them were madly dissipating and being sucked away by the World Tree. Father Odin was heading towards eternal death.

This was not a deep sleep. The eternal sleep of the Aesir would be revived at a certain moment, and sometimes even the soul would enter the dreams of their own people to guide the Aesir in the direction of progress. Eternal death is a direct return to the kingdom of death, one of the gods of creation.

"Ahem, Alans, you have surpassed the gods with your mortal body. I have to say that you have done it and surpassed this sentence."

Father Odin spat out a mouthful of blood. The World Tree was frantically draining away everything from him. The Eye of All-Seeing was gradually dimming. However, Father Odin's eyes did not change at all. He was still the ruler of the Nine Realms.

"I am no longer able to deprive you of all your abilities, but even so, I will deprive you of your most precious ability before I die."

Father Odin became even older, and was rapidly declining, but before he died, he needed to arrange a way out for the Aesir.

"I curse you, Smart Brain Allens. Your amazing wisdom will no longer work."

Father Odin's face became serious and he cursed Allens. Allens' brain suddenly became dark. The wisdom he got from the big boss, which was 1,000 times that of an ordinary person, was blocked by invisible chains under Odin's curse.

"In the name of the Father, Allens, I curse you to lose your most core superpowers and telekinesis."

Father Odin cursed again, and Allens' eyes showed a hint of surprise, because Allens found that his superpowers and telekinesis that allowed him to see through the laws of everything had disappeared.


At the same time, the mechanical watch on Allens' right hand stopped running instantly, and there seemed to be some kind of error in the internal mechanical structure. Allens knew that from this moment on, he had lost the way to cut off the brains of others to gain their abilities, as well as the telekinesis that he had used from the beginning to now.

"I curse you, Allens, for losing time....."

The third curse of Father Odin was not spoken after all. The mechanical watch on Allens' right hand turned into a nano-mechanical dagger, and instantly���Into the heart of Odin

"Odinson, that's it."

Allens's face was cold, and the dagger turned into nanoparticles again, gathering into a mechanical watch, covering Allens' right arm.

"Ahem, I still can't deprive you of your ability to control time."

With his heart pierced, Odin completely lost his last bit of life, and the third curse was interrupted. Odin knew that he would no longer be able to cast another curse.

"Are the Aesir bound to fall into Ragnarok?"

"Space Stone, oh, I also have the Rainbow Scepter and the Space Stone."

At the moment of death, Odin's eyes flashed with unprecedented light, and the Rainbow Scepter in his right hand emitted a ball of space fluctuations. The Aesir who were imprisoned in Asgard were all enveloped by this ball of light. Half of the Aesir appeared on a huge spaceship, and the spaceship disappeared in the space vortex.

"Father Odin, you still failed. Do you think my core ability is brain-cutting?"

Looking at Father Odin who was gradually turning into a shadow and about to dissipate, Allens showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and what he said made Odin's eyes flash with surprise.

"Although I have lost the ability to cut brains, as long as my system exists, I still have many such deprivation-type superpowers."

What Allens said completely surprised Odin, but at this time Odin was powerless and completely dissipated in front of Allens, falling into eternal death.

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