New York, Brooklyn, Trident Building, this is the headquarters of SHIELD. Although SHIELD is currently studying the aerospace carrier project, this is still SHIELD's headquarters until the project is completed.

On the top floor of Trident, in the independent office of the SHIELD director, SHIELD Director Nick Fury, known as the"black-brined egg", is reviewing the latest information.

"F***K, all the members of the World Security Council were killed by a mysterious person. Who was it?"

"Wait, why didn't Pierce die?"

Nick Fury just received a message that all the members of the Security Council were killed, and the sender of this message was Pierce.

Nick Fury certainly knew that Pierce was a Hydra hidden in SHIELD, but at the same time, Nick Fury also knew Pierce's style of doing things. Without absolute certainty, Pierce would never do this. As long as Nick Fury was the director of SHIELD, Pierce would always hide.

"Hey, Black Sauce Egg, there's nothing to worry about. Now you know that the revenge boy you are about to form is...Oh, okay, it's the Avengers, they're stillborn, Captain America Rogers is dead, and Tony Stark was killed by the Irons"

"F***K, what a terrible situation, what a terrible past."

Next to Nick Fury, on a sofa, Rocket Raccoon jumped up, cursing and sighing helplessly. Rocket Raccoon began to miss his partner Groot and the days of being a star thief.

Dong, dong, dong.

Just as Nick Fury frowned and thought, there was a knock on the door. Looking at Rocket Raccoon, Rocket Raccoon spread his hands to Nick Fury and hid behind the sofa nimbly.

Nick Fury clicked a button on the table, and the door opened immediately. A group of S.H.I.E.L.D. field agents, fully armed, walked into the room.

""What happened?"

Nick Fury looked at the dozen or so field agents who came in expressionlessly, stood up, and asked casually,

"SIR, SHIELD needs some new vitality."

Closing the door behind him, blocking the view from the outside, the leader, Votel, had a grim smile on his face, his eyes were fanatical and excited. As a member of Hydra, he had been waiting for this day for a long time. With a wave of his hand, more than a dozen Hydra agents took out guns from their clothes and pointed them at Nick Fury.

"I'm very surprised. It should be some time before Hydra's general attack begins....Why do you want to expose yourself now?"

Nick Fury's face remained expressionless, but his one eye showed no fear at all. As the only top 10th-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury was not afraid of these Hydra agents.

"F***K, how do you know we are Hydra?"

When Walter heard Nick Fury's words, his face suddenly changed. He didn't hesitate any more and ordered to beat Nick Fury into a sieve on the spot.

"Hey, guys, don't you think guns are the romance of men? You little chickens, don't embarrass yourself with your broken guns."

A mocking voice made Walter and others stunned for a moment, and they looked in the direction of the voice. Then Walter saw something that destroyed his three views.

A raccoon was holding a huge gun-like technological weapon in his hand, grinning at him and others, but this smile seemed a little creepy.

"Goodbye, little chickens."

Rocket Raccoon didn't care that the enemy was stunned at this time, and pulled the trigger directly. A ball of red energy cannon instantly swept through Votel and others.


A huge explosion suddenly sounded in the director's office, and then Votel and more than a dozen people were all knocked out and fell on a hall.

"A bunch of rubbish."

Looking at Walter and the others who were knocked out, Sitwell, who was hiding in the SHIELD agent, flashed a cold look in his eyes, and then made a veiled gesture.

"Long live Hydra! This era will eventually fall under the rule of Hydra."

"The subversion plan has begun. I'm sorry, I'm Hydra."

"Hi, Hi Claw."

Following Sitwell's order, all Hydra agents began to take action with the hall as the center. SHIELD had been infiltrated by Hydra and even two-thirds of the personnel were Hydra members. Therefore, in less than an hour, some meaningless resistance was gone.

"Sir, SHIELD has been completely controlled by us."

A Hydra agent walked up to Sitwell, looking serious and reporting. In fact, without the agent's report, Sitwell had already seen some SHIELD members being escorted by Hydra agents.

"Have you found Nick Fury and the raccoon?"

Sitwell's face was cold and ruthless. He glanced at the escorted SHIELD members, including Maria Hill, but Nick Fury disappeared.

"I'm very sorry, sir, we didn't find Nick Fury and the weird raccoon."

The agent showed a panic on his face. He knew that the real target of the chief Sitwell in front of him was Nick Fury and the raccoon, but now Nick Fury and the raccoon have disappeared, which means that the mission of these Hydras has not been completed.

"Escaped? You really can't underestimate Nick Fury."

Sitwell showed a sigh on his face. During his time as a SHIELD agent, he had experienced the power of this earthling named Nick Fury. It can be said that Nick Fury always leaves a way out for himself and puts his life and secrets in a place where he can control them.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if Nick Fury and the raccoon escaped, Hydra finally took control of SHIELD."

Sitwell's eyes flickered, he didn't forget his identity, he was just an alien loyal dog under the intelligent brain Aarons, so Sitwell spared no effort to complete all of Aarons' orders, although Nick Fury escaped now, but he finally took control of Hydra.

This also means that Sitwell can continue to implement the next plan made by Aarons, using the power of Hydra to control the world and bring the whole world under the intelligent brain Aarons.

PS:The first update is here. Thanks to Honghua Qilin for his 300-point reward, Yexing for his 100-point reward, and Yixiao Anran for his 100-point reward. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions. Please subscribe and support me. Robbie thanks you again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. I say it three times.

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