"He found me? Interesting, the intelligent computer Allens? We will meet."

In Allens' private laboratory on Earth, the big clock's ability to predict the future was activated. In the room in front of him, the shadow of Thanos was clearly presented. At this time, Thanos seemed to see Allens from the void with his eyes, and just as Thanos said, Allens was also watching Thanos.

"Sure enough, has the plot changed? Originally, it was the evil god Loki who contacted Thanos, but now it has become Thor, Thanos, we will meet."

A smile appeared on the corner of Allen's mouth, and he waved his hand to close the future picture predicted by the big clock. In the future predicted by the big clock, Thor met Thanos, and the fire of revenge in his heart made Thor easily agree to the condition of handing over the space gem to Thanos in the near future.

Moreover, Allens also saw that Thanos lifted the Odin magic on Thor, allowing Thor to regain the power of Thor. Although he lost Thor's hammer, Thor got the Eternal Spear, which made Thor's power several times stronger than before.

At the same time, Thor got an army, an army of Chitauri. Although the Chitauri were only Thanos' vanguard, they still gave Thor the power to attack Asgard.

"Jarvis, calculate the time it takes Thor to arrive on Earth."

Alens's eyes were deep. Jarvis in the laboratory quickly projected a series of data and calculated the time it would take Thor to arrive on Earth.

"Sir, Thor will arrive on Earth in about 2012.

Jarvis' voice rang out, and he quickly calculated the time when Thor would arrive, which made Allens' face clear.

"Wanda, my sweetheart."

Allens turned to look at the Scarlet Witch Wanda. It must be said that Wanda was Allens' most capable subordinate. Chaos magic combined with psychic abilities allowed Wanda to control anyone she wanted to control.

"Mr. Allens, do you have any instructions?"

The Scarlet Witch Wanda walked in front of Allens with a beautiful smile on her face. Her long red hair was casually scattered behind her, but it still set off Wanda's beauty and sexiness.

"The things here are handed over to you. Hydra has taken control of the world, and no one knows that Tony Stark is dead, so I need you to replace Tony Stark and become the hero of this city."

Wanda also knew that Hydra controlled S.H.I.E.L.D., so when Aarons said that he would replace Tony Stark as the hero of this city, Wanda was not surprised.

"Leave it to me, Mr. Allens."

Wanda nodded, her eyes sparkling. It must be said that Wanda has been deeply attracted by Allens, and all her attention is focused on Allens.

"Next, it's time to unlock the real power of controlling time."

Alens' eyes sparkled. He had handed over all the plans to Wanda, so he didn't need to worry about it now.

Ever since Alens gained the ability to control time, he has never really used the real power of controlling time, the power of traveling through time and space. In Heroes, Nakamura Hiroshi can travel to the past and the future at will, and the abilities of time pause and time reversal are just the extension of time.

Alens has never used the ability to control time since he gained it. It's too early now, and even the New York War hasn't happened yet. Alens doesn't plan to wait any longer.

"Time travel."

Alens was wearing a well-fitting suit and a mechanical watch on his right hand. There was a vertical crack on the dial of the mechanical watch. His time ability was activated and the surrounding time and space began to distort.

"Sir, I will record the time travel data this time."

Jarvis' voice sounded, and the detection device in the room was running rapidly. Various data were frantically refreshed on the screen, and Allens just glanced at Wanda, took a step forward, and disappeared directly into the private laboratory.

""Huh, Mr. Allens, we will meet in the future."

Watching Allens disappear in front of her, Scarlet Witch Wanda's eyes were filled with reluctance. At the same time, Wanda stretched out her right index finger and tapped her chest. The nanoparticle tights in her body instantly wrapped Wanda's body, making her body look bumpy.

"Jarvis, activate the transformation module."

Wanda's tone was serious, and Jarvis immediately activated the transformation module on the nano tights, and Wanda's body turned into Tony Stark's.

"Very good, Jarvis, equip the regular Mark Iron suit."

Wanda's voice became like Tony Stark, full of magnetism, and Wanda's every move was indescribably free and easy. Even Pepper, who knew Tony Stark, would not have any doubts.

""Mr. Tony Stark, welcome back."

Jarvis said first, and then mechanical arms stretched out from under Wanda's feet, equipping Wanda with an ordinary Mark 74 Iron Man suit.

"It's too weak, this conventional battle suit."

After moving her body slightly, Wanda frowned slightly, obviously not satisfied with the Mark 74 battle suit on her body, but it didn't matter, in this world, in this era, there was nothing that could threaten Wanda.

"Jarvis, get ready, secretly hand over the authority of the Sentinels to Sitwell, and let the Sentinels slowly control the world."

After taking a deep breath, Wanda's order sounded, and Jarviston Time began to contact Sitwell, who controlled S.H.I.E.L.D., in a special form code, and handed over the authority of the Sentinels to Sitwell.

At the same time, Jarvis began to contact Pierce, who controlled the entire World Security Council, and conveyed Wanda's order. Everything was carried out in secret.

"Kingpin, that guy, should just hide in the dark, and use the power of the underworld to block all the news about Tony Stark's death and the intelligent computer Allens."

After thinking for a moment, Wanda said that according to Allens' plan, from now on, everything will be on the right track, New York will return to peace, and Tony Stark will still be the superhero that people talk about, the playboy, and the richest man in the world.

Asgard was completely blocked by the Sentinels, and lost the ability of the Rainbow Bridge, which reduced the power of Asgard, but these Sentinels were frantically building interstellar battleships in Asgard. As for how to build them, Allens had already written it into the core program of these Sentinels before fighting with Odin.

As time went by, New York City regained peace again, and S.H.I.E.L.D. was still supervising the world. Former S.H.I.E.L.D. Director Nick Fury and Rocket Raccoon were missing, and S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson took a few remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and had a hard time living under the siege of Hydra.

PS:The second update is here. Thank you to Honghua Qilin for the 300-point reward, Yexing for the 100-point reward, and Yixiao Anran for the 100-point reward. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions. Please subscribe more and support me. Robbie thanks you again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times.

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