In Nepal, there is a hidden place unknown to the world, Kamar-Taj. It is a place where mages practice in seclusion. Everyone who walks out of Kamar-Taj is a powerful mage.

At this time in Kamar-Taj, Baron Mordo, the eldest disciple of the Supreme Master Ancient One, issued a training mission. The mission is to select several people with outstanding qualifications and go to New York's Viking Avenue to start a rescue mission.

"Have you heard? The training mission that Baron Mordo mentioned was said to be personally issued by the Supreme Master Ancient One."

"Hush, keep your voice down, be careful Baron Mordo hears you"

"Well, I don't want to experience Baron Mordo's dimensional confinement magic again.....It's too scary. I would rather fight monsters from other dimensions than be locked up in Baron Mordo's dimensional space."

The mages of Kamar-Taj who were practicing their magic abilities couldn't help but stop at this moment, with a hint of surprise and curiosity in their eyes, and they whispered to each other.

And Master Mordo, who was wearing a monk's robe, walked over with a serious face. When they saw Mordo, everyone stopped talking.

As the first disciple of Master Ancient One, Master Mordo has a prestige in Kamar-Taj second only to that of Ancient One, and Master Mordo is a European noble baron according to his status, so other mages respectfully call Mordo Baron Mordo.

"Time is running out, Casillas, King, you two follow me."

Baron Mordo only glanced at the many mages. He looked down upon the others. No matter their qualifications or strength, they could not meet Baron Mordo's inner requirements. Only the newcomer Casillas and the King who had been serving the Ancient One could enter Baron Mordo's eyes.

"Yes, respected Master Mordo.

Casillas looked handsome, thin, and his eyes radiated confidence. Next to Casillas, a fat Asian mage nodded, and the two of them performed a mage salute to Baron Mordo.


Baron Mordo raised his right hand and drew a circle in the air. The magic power in his body communicated with the ring on his finger, disrupting the space in front of him. A portal shining with fire appeared in front of Baron Mordo.

"Let's go and help those stupid Avengers. Oh, you don't know what the Avengers are yet, but it doesn't matter."

When Baron Mordo talked about the Avengers, his tone was full of disdain, but when he saw the puzzled eyes of Casillas and Wang behind him, he snorted coldly.


The three of them passed through the portal and arrived in New York City in an instant. Baron Mordo glanced at the prosperous New York City and frowned slightly. The noisy environment around him made Baron Mordo, who had been practicing in Kamar-Taj, a little uncomfortable.

"Dimension Tracking Magic."

Baron Mordo raised his right hand, reciting the awkward and difficult language of the other dimension. A golden magic circle appeared in the center of his right hand. The magic circle clearly showed Baron Mordo's target this time, Tony Stark and others.

Dimension Tracking Magic is an ancient magic of Kamar-Taj, inherited from the Vishanti period. By absorbing the energy of the Magic Eye Dimension, it can track any creature that wants to be tracked.


Baron Mordo put away his magic and glanced at Casillas. Casillas immediately crossed his hands, and two magic circles appeared in his palms. He pushed forward with force, and the space in front of him instantly shattered like a mirror.

"The mirror dimension magic is good, but it is still a bit difficult for you to use it now."

Looking at Casillas with appreciation, Baron Mordo was very satisfied with the mirror dimension magic released by Casillas. Although Casillas's magic talent was not as good as his, when he released the mirror dimension magic, he also strictly followed the textbook magic of magic release principles.

""Huh, I will work hard to practice, Master Mordo."

Casillas wiped the sweat from his forehead. At present, Casillas is just a wizard who has just joined Kamar-Taj. He has not yet reached the level of fighting against Doctor Strange, and has not absorbed the power of the dark dimension.

"Let's go, those stupid Avengers are still waiting for us to save them."

Baron Mordo nodded and said nothing more. He went straight into the mirror dimension. When he reappeared, he had already arrived above Viken Avenue.

"Warning, warning, space fluctuations detected, opening quantum space channel..."

"The quantum space channel is opening..."

Above Viken Avenue, the super-energy quantum space sentinel's single eye flashed with a blue light ring, and the quantum bridge module clearly captured a hint of space fluctuations, which made the sentinel immediately start to build a quantum space channel.


In front of the sentinel, a blue quantum space channel was established, and in the channel were Casillas and others in the mirror dimension.

"How is it possible? How could this robot discover my mirror dimension?"

Strictly speaking, the mirror dimension is a different space dimension, almost parallel to the real world, but what shocked Casillas was that a channel was opened in his mirror dimension.

"That's why I said that it's too strenuous for you to release this kind of magic now."

There was no surprise in Baron Mordo's eyes. He drew a circle with his right hand, and a magic whip emerged from the magic circle. He drew a circle with his left hand counterclockwise, and a magic shield appeared. Whoosh.

The magic whip instantly wrapped around the sentinel's right hand. Baron Mordo exerted a little force and directly pulled the sentinel's right hand over. Baron Mordo's power itself was not great, but Kamar-Taj's magic could ignore physical mass to a certain extent.

Bang. The sentinel's body staggered, and at the same time, Master Wang behind Baron Mordo followed closely, releasing magic whips and binding a sentinel in mid-air.

At the same time, Casillas opened the channel to the mirror dimension and pulled Tony Stark and others into the mirror dimension.

""Wow, cool. Every time I see the magic of Kamar-Taj, I feel like it's a magic trick."

Tony Stark felt a flash before his eyes, and the whole world became silent, as if all living things were isolated. This was not the first time Tony had seen mirror dimension magic, but every time he called it unscientific.

""Huh, it's the magician of Kamar-Taj, it looks like we're saved."

Captain America Rogers also breathed a sigh of relief. Speaking of magic, there is one in the Avengers, and he is the Supreme Sorcerer. So when Captain Rogers saw Mordo and the others, although he was surprised, he also knew that his crisis was over.

PS:The second update is here. Thanks to asd234561 for the 1000 points reward, and qqfeilu123 for the 100 points reward. Robbie is very grateful. In the new year, Robbie begs for subscriptions. Please subscribe more and support more. Robbie thanks again. Please subscribe, please subscribe, please subscribe. Important things should be said three times.

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