"Move, Move (Action)"

Outside the cave, Captain Rogers of the United States led a team of ten people, advancing towards the entrance of the cave in a trapezoidal shape.

"Who are you?"

A member of the Jihad Organization who was patrolling the cave was the first to discover these unidentified people. He raised his gun and pointed it at Captain Rogers, questioning him in a localized manner.


Captain Rogers' face was cold, and he waved his right hand. A soldier behind him raised his gun, aimed, and fired. His movements were as smooth as flowing water, and he did it in one go.


The silencer on the assault rifle made the gunshot very weak. A bullet pierced the jihadist's forehead directly. The vicious terrorist was shot in the head and fell to the ground with shock on his face.

"Keep going, target, Allens."

Captain Rogers' face was cold and wrinkled, with a solemn look on his face. His leadership temperament made him look like a superhero on a mission.

"Bang, bang, bang."

Three soldiers of the same appearance, height and body shape entered the cave first. As soon as they entered the cave, they ran into several terrorists head-on. These soldiers pulled the trigger directly, and almost all of them shot in the head.

"Safe. No target found."

The soldier standing in the middle tilted his head slightly and put his right hand to his ear. The built-in earphones clearly transmitted the soldier's words to the outside of the cave.

"Fury team, keep moving forward."

Rogers' old face was as firm as ever. Even when facing Thanos, Rogers did not retreat at all, let alone an unknown kid.

""Alens, you are just an error when we traveled through time and space. I will not let you destroy the timeline."

Rogers whispered to himself. After his quantum suit was stolen by Alens, Rogers knew that he must stop Alens. Moreover, Rogers felt that he had an obligation and responsibility to protect the past and the future for his comrades and future Avengers.


In the cave, several jihadist terrorists who were playing cards were frightened out of their wits by the sudden intruders. One of them even cursed.

""Da da da."

The terror of these terrorists did not cause any emotional fluctuations in the team of ten. The guns in their hands sprayed red fireworks, and these jihad members were directly shot into sieves.

Although it was only a team of ten people, each of these people was the world's top special forces soldier, even stronger than the agents of S.






What's more, these ten people were the special operations force carefully trained by Captain America.

Rogers called it the Fury Team.

The Fury Team was a clone soldier trained based on the genetic sample of Nick Fury, the 10th-level agent of S.






, using the cloning technology of Hydra.

Moreover, these clone soldiers did not have much emotion because of the imperfect technology of Hydra, and were like a killing machine.

These clone soldiers were originally a crazy experiment of Hydra in order to obtain endless clone warriors, but Because of the incomplete technology at the time, the plan was shelved. In 2023, Captain America Rogers restarted the project while in seclusion. Yes, Rogers directly restarted Hydra's"Infinite Soldiers" plan. Of course

, even if Rogers has memories of the future, he still can't perfect this technology, and these clone soldiers still have no emotions, but Rogers has something that others don't have, that is, the super soldier serum.

The ten people who entered the cave were injected with a weakened version of the super soldier serum. Although the weakened version of the serum cannot be compared with the super soldier serum injected by Rogers, it still allows the physical fitness of these clone soldiers to surpass ordinary people, second only to Captain America Rogers.

This is also the confidence and confidence that Rogers can complete the task this time. Rogers did not travel back simply to spend his life with his lover.

"Captain America Rogers has come to my house?....The ghosts are still there."

Allens had already seen the Fury team invading the cave through the monitor, and turned his head to look in the direction of Tony Stark. Allens originally wanted to activate the quantum suit and leave, but when Allens noticed the Fury team, a sound appeared in his mind.

"Tick, tick, tick."

It was like the ticking of a watch's second hand, but it was more beautiful than any music, like the sound of explaining the laws of the operation of all things. A trace of greed appeared in Allens' eyes.

Allens knew what the sound in his mind was. This was a side effect that only occurred after obtaining the superpower of seeing through the laws of the operation of all things. That is, when someone different from an ordinary person approaches or even appears near Allens, Allens' superpower will produce a desire to study it and get it.

"This feeling...It's really wonderful."

A hint of intoxication appeared on Allen's face. Although Allen could control this feeling, why should he control it? This feeling really intoxicated Allen, especially when faced with the ability at his fingertips, Allen was even more excited. So, why should he block the voice in his mind?


A cold smile appeared on the corner of Allen's mouth, and he tapped the table heavily with his right index finger. Ripples like water waves appeared on the table and spread wildly.

""Boom, boom, boom."

Captain Rogers heard a familiar roar in his ears. He looked up again and the whole sky became dim. In the sky, a giant space battleship was lying over New York City, and the surrounding area had become a devastated New York City. Beside him, the Avengers lay lifeless at his feet.

"Thanos? No, this is an illusion?"

Looking at the opposite side again, the original cave disappeared, replaced by Thanos in golden armor, holding the Judgment Blade. The domineering aura of Thanos made Captain Rogers frown, but his eyes were not panicked at all.

"How about my illusion technique? Perhaps the final battle in the future should have been like this."

Alens' voice rang in Rogers' ears, and he couldn't tell the direction, as if it came from all directions.

"Captain Rogers, this is our first battle, I hope you won't be defeated by me so quickly"

"Although this may sound like a villain, it doesn't matter. Even if I am a villain, I want to be the most powerful villain, the villain who can dominate the fate of all beings in the universe, just like Thanos."

PS:Please collect, reward, flowers, comments, and all the support from the big guys.

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