In 2014, two years after the Battle of New York, the Hydra organization was completely exposed. The Hydra organization, led by Dr. Zola, launched the"Insight Project". Since then, SHIELD and Hydra have started a fierce battle, and the entire aerospace carrier has been completely reduced to ruins.

The once notorious Hydra organization has completely turned over. One by one, the Hydra secret bases have begun to surface and appear in the eyes of the public, while SHIELD has quietly lurked and hidden under the world.

After the Insight Project, the whole world has become a battlefield between SHIELD and Hydra. However, compared with the Hydra all over the world, SHIELD is somewhat dwarfed. There are only a few big cats and small cats in total. Under the leadership of the current SHIELD Director Coulson, they formed the SHIELD Agents to secretly maintain world peace.

At this time, in the secret base of SHIELD, a man wearing a well-fitting suit, with a receding hairline and a friendly smile on his face, is standing in front of a high-tech tablet with a three-dimensional image. This man is the role model of SHIELD agents, the new SHIELD director Phil Coulson with a legendary experience.

However, Coulson is now frowning. The recent unusual movements of Hydra have made Coulson alert. Several satellites in the sky have been monitoring these Hydras, but Coulson still cannot find out why these people want to get the 084 item.

"Director Coulson, are you still studying the 084 file?"

When Coulson frowned and studied the intelligence in front of him, a girl with smooth blonde hair was very beautiful, perfectly inheriting the beauty of Eastern and Western women. She was wearing a tight combat suit, which made her look heroic and heroic, and perfectly set off the beauty of this girl. She was really a stunner.

"Skye, haven't you rested yet?"

Turning around, Coulson showed his signature smile, his eyes full of concern for Skye.

"Director Coulson, have you forgotten that Skye is about to go out on a mission?

Behind Skye, a cold-faced female agent named Melinda May came out, looking at Coulson with a trace of scrutiny and concern, and reminded him.

"Sorry, I've been a little busy lately. It's the deal in Alexandria, right?"

Coulson patted his forehead apologetically, his face became serious, and his eyes became deep. These were some tricks Coulson learned from Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. The deep eyes can bring dignity and mystery to people.

"Former SHIELD agent Agent Browning will sell intelligence in three days. The content of the intelligence is No. 084."

Skye's eyes were serious. Now Skye has become a qualified SHIELD agent and can complete the tasks assigned by Coulson very well.

"Very good, let's hurry up and set up defenses in three days."

Coulson nodded and began to formulate a battle plan for three days later. The main plan was to use Agent Browning to attract the attention of Hydra agents.

In an alley in Virginia, the whole space was rippling, and a figure in a white quantum battle suit quickly grew larger and finally landed on the ground.

"Is this the year 2014?"

He turned his head and looked around. Virginia is located on the Atlantic coast of the eastern United States. Compared to New York, Virginia seems to be much less populated. However, compared to the buildings in 2008, 2014 seems to be more prosperous.

Allens walked out of the quantum space and took a quick look at his body.

A three-dimensional console appeared on the left hand of the quantum battle suit.

Allens simply operated the console twice, and the entire quantum battle suit detached from Allens' body and turned into a keychain size, which Allens hung around his neck.

The quantum field is not traversable at will.

The disordered and chaotic state in the quantum space is enough to fundamentally erase anyone who enters it.

Even if you have a quantum battle suit, you cannot traverse it at will.

"Inhumans, here I come."

A deep smile appeared on the corner of Allen's mouth, his eyes flickered, and his sight swept across his left wristwatch and cast his gaze on the street ahead. He walked out of the alley and passed by a clothing store. Looking at the black suits in the window of the clothing store, Allen hooked his right hand, and the black suits in the window immediately broke through the window.

"Not bad."

He put on a black suit to cover up his perfect muscular body. As for the clothing store behind him, Allens had already released an illusion before he started, covering the clothing store. The sound of glass breaking before did not reach the clothing store at all.

"There is no doubt that Rogers must know the time when I traveled through time. In this case, I need to hide for a while."

Alens's eyes flickered, and his whole body changed. The illusion covered his body. At this time, Allens turned into an ordinary Westerner and walked into the crowd calmly.

"Rogers, this time, I will never let you stop my plan."

Alens's face was cold. In 2014, according to Allens' previous memory, the Terrigen crystal reappeared in the world at this time, which was the most active period of the Inhumans. And each Inhuman had a superpower.

""Da, da, da."

While Allens was thinking, a fashionable figure wearing a short skirt and high heels flashed past Allens' sight. The beauty with a devilishly sexy figure walked into a bar.

"Interesting, I seem to have found a suitable agent"

"The Inhumans are in my pocket after all."

Allens's eyes followed the figure of the beauty and stopped at the door of the bar. His eyes were full of amusement. Even in Allens' mind, the mechanical rhythm that saw through the laws of operation of all things sounded again.

"Beautiful music"

"It will also be a wonderful hunting trip."

The suit on Allens' body instantly turned into a pitch-black hooded robe like thick fog. This was the first time Allens used illusion to wrap himself. Allens found that his illusion was much more advanced and convenient than the future Mysterio's three-dimensional projection illusion.

In Alice's bar, the sexy beauty Rena, who once fanatically pursued Clairvoyance, was sitting in a corner, looking at the red wine in the glass with fascination.

Rena once believed that she was different from others. With her own efforts, Rena finally came into contact with a mysterious supernatural figure, Clairvoyance, whom she once fanatically pursued. She thought that Clairvoyance must be an extremely powerful superpower, but in the end she was disappointed. Clairvoyance was just an agent of the Hydra organization named John Garrett. He had no superpowers at all. He just relied on the intelligence of Hydra to control himself.

Now John Garrett is dead, and Rena still believes that she is different from others in her heart. A few days ago, Rena met a madman, a murderer, who told Rena that there is a magical item that can enable Rena to open her hidden talent. This thing is called the Obelisk.

PS:Please collect, reward, flowers, comments, and all the support from the big guys. Allens is about to transform, spread the flowers.

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