A giant cruise ship is moored at the port of Casablanca, Morocco. Inside the cruise ship, researchers in white scientific coats are busy in rooms full of science fiction.

In the center of the cruise ship, in a high-tech laboratory, a dozen scientists in white coats are looking at the big screen in front of them with horrified and solemn expressions. On the big screen, a man in a retro suit and gold-rimmed glasses is looking at the entire laboratory with an indifferent face.

""Hi, Hi Claw."

A dozen scientists looked at the figure that appeared on the screen in front of them, raised their right fists and shouted loudly.

This cruise ship is completely Hydra's high-tech weapons laboratory. It develops very sophisticated energy weapons and the most terrifying advanced concept weapon that Howard Stark, the former chief scientist of SHIELD, once sealed, the fission bomb.

The dozen scientists here are the top scientific research talents specially recruited by Hydra from all over the world. Each of them is the top talent in their respective fields, but at this moment, these people are trembling in front of the figure in front of them, and the expressions on their faces are extremely fanatical.

"The action team will arrive in five minutes, open the helipad."

On a Quinjet in the sky, Daniel Whitehall had a cold expression on his face, took off his glasses and wiped them, and gave orders in a steady voice.

"Quick, open the helipad on top of the cruise ship."

After hearing Whitehall's words, a scientist showed a serious expression on his face, picked up a phone in front of him, and gave an order directly.


Following the scientist's order, a group of scientists in the control room of the cruise ship quickly operated, and the helipad at the top of the cruise ship opened. At the same time, Whitehall's Quinjet landed in the sky, and a team of Hydra soldiers quickly walked out of the Quinjet.

Whitehall finally walked out of the Quinjet. Next to Whitehall, a beautiful woman in a white coat and long golden wavy hair followed closely behind. From the beautiful woman's eyes, one could still see a trace of panic and uneasiness.

"Miss Jemma Simmons, I'll leave the task of persuading Donnie Gill to you. As a scientist in the Hydra Research Department, please don't let me down."

Whitehall rolled his glasses and stared at Jemma Simmons like a venomous snake. His tone seemed calm, but to Simmons, it was icy cold.

"Don't worry, Mr. Whitehall, Jill and I were once friends. I believe that if I convince her, Jill will give up her resistance."

Simons was terrified, but he remained calm on the surface. However, Whitehall, who had lived for many years, could still see the stiffness in Simmons' expression.

"You two, protect Miss Simmons."

Pointing at the two Hydra soldiers, Whitehall's eyes were deep and gloomy. Long before, Whitehall suspected that Miss Jemma Simmons might be a spy sent by SHIELD. According to the Hydra's way of doing things, she should have been captured and brainwashed directly. However, because Simmons knew Jill, a person with superpowers was much more useful than a scientist, so Whitehall let Simmons go for the time being.

"Harrington Adonis, track Donnie Gill."

Turning around and looking at a bald man in a suit beside him, Whitehall frowned slightly, paused for a second, and gave the order.

Sunil Bakshi used to be Whitehall's most loyal subordinate, but now he was killed by a mysterious guy.

Whitehall could only use Harrington, who seemed to have no brains at all.

After giving the order, Whitehall walked into the control center of the cruise ship, where rows of data kept appearing.

In the center, a map of Morocco was displayed.

On the map, a red dot appeared and was quickly enlarged.

"Hmm? That guy Donnie Gill is actually planning to fall into a trap?"

Looking at the picture displayed on the screen in front of him, Whitehall frowned slightly. In the picture, Donnie Gill was walking towards the port, and next to Donnie Gill was Rena, who Whitehall had once paid attention to.

At this time, at the port of Casablanca, Allens and Rena, who had transformed into Donnie Gill using illusion, also appeared here. Looking at the huge cruise ship, Allens showed a cold smile on his face.

"Mr. Allens, do we really want to go against Hydra? Their power is now all over the world."

Lena followed Allens with a hint of fear in her eyes. Although Lena recognized Allens' strength, after all, the opponent this time was the notorious and fierce Hydra.

"The Hydra is just a grasshopper in autumn, and it won't be able to jump for long. What's more, I have never thought of going against the Hydra."

Alens' words made Reina's eyes reveal a trace of doubt. Reina found that she couldn't see through Mr. Allens at all.

"What I want is to control the entire Hydra."

Allens walked to the port with a cold face, took a look at the cruise ship in front of him, and grabbed the anchor of the cruise ship with his right hand.

""Crack, crack."

As Allens pressed his right hand on the anchor, the entire anchor was frozen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the freezing speed was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, the entire sea area under the cruise ship was frozen.

"Donnie Gill's freezing ability is really good, and I can feel that this freezing ability is still increasing."

Alens clenched his fist, and a stream of cold air was released from his fist, and the moisture in the surrounding air���All of them began to condense into ice. The ice spread along Allens' right hand and covered his entire arm, making Allens' right arm look like ice crystals, crystal clear.

"SIR, Donnie Gill has frozen the entire cruise ship in the water."

In the cruise ship control room, Agent Harrington walked up to Whitehall. Although his tone was cold, his face showed a look of surprise.

"Very good, the more powerful the superpower is, the more beneficial it will be to Hydra"

"Only by obeying can you get the reward."

Whitehall's face was not surprised, but full of surprise. In Whitehall's eyes, Donnie Gill had long been a slave under the control of Hydra. As long as he approached Donnie Gill, he could activate the control command in Donnie Gill's mind.

""Ms. Simmons, it's time to show me your sincerity."

Whitehall turned his head and looked at Simmons, his eyes narrowed, his tone still seemed calm, but Simmons subconsciously trembled twice.

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